Passing pointers to async as arguments generates compiler error - multithreading

I'm trying to get my head around async but have not yet found a way to pass pointers. The aim is to pass a pointer to a pointer so that the thread readTable initialises the pointer to a PostgreSQL connection as shown below.
PGconn *conn = NULL;
future<int> resultFuture;
void init
resultFuture = async(launch::async, readTable(&conn));
However the compiler complains with:
error: no matching function for call to ‘async(std::launch, int)'
Is passing pointers like this not allowed with async?
Thanks for any help.

I guess
void init
resultFuture = async(launch::async, readTable,&conn);
the second parameters is a Callable (which is a function to pointer, or an object with overloaded operator() or a lambda function). all the rest are the argument to pass into the callable.
please read std::async documentation here:
and about perfect forwarding here :
Advantages of using forward


Example of "copy_from_user" in Linux Kernel (just copying a pointer to an int)

I know there are a lot of posts on this, but most are very complex and I'm hoping someone can help me with my simple example.
I'm writing a system call and the function I'm writing has the form:
SYS_CALLDEFINE4(calc, int, param1, int, param2, char, operation, int*, result)
//Do system call stuff here
I know that the pointer to the int will be a problem, because the userspace application could have passed a pointer to vital system space (and we don't want to mess with that). So I need to use the copy_from_user function.
Can someone possibly give an example of how to correctly use those two functions in the context of making sure you can access that pointer correctly?
Replacement for
*result = <value>;
would be
int local_value = <value>;
if (copy_to_user(&local_value, result, sizeof(*result)))
// 'result' points to inaccessible memory.
// assigning 'result' has been successful.
Alternatively, because the size of the result is small (int in your case), you may use put_user, which is simpler and more effective:
if (put_user(<value>, result) < 0)
// 'result' points to inaccessible memory.
// assigning 'result' has been successful.

Can a JS Object's constructor be written in C++ with SpiderMonkey?

I would like to implement a constructor for a Javascript Object in C++, using SpiderMonkey 38's API. But a constructor needs access to this (the JS Object being constructed) and the docs for JS::CallArgs say you mustn't call thisv() from a constructor, without suggesting any alternative. Does that mean it isn't actually possible to write a useful constructor in C++?
In C++ you just have to create the object that should be returned from the constructor yourself. (Nothing creates an initial object that would be accessible from this for your) Depending on what you need you should look into creating a new JSClass for that object.
MyConstructor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, MyJSClass));
if (!obj)
return false;
return true;

Correct use of HandleScope in Asynchronous Addon

I'm writing a asynchronous Node Addon, but I have been struggling to figure out if I need to use a HandleScope in the "After" function that calls the client JavaScript callback. I've seen examples showing with and without new scopes, but never any explanation why. Here is an example:
void asyncWorkAfter(uv_work_t* req) {
HandleScope scope; // <-- Do you need a new scope?
const int argc = 1;
Local<Value> foo = String::New("foo");
Local<Value> argv[] = { foo };
// assume I got my callback function out of req
callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), argc, argv);
// if i use a new HandleScope, what happens to argv when we go out of scope?
// Do i need to do something like a scope.Close() to copy argv to the parent scope?
Do you need/want a HandleScope when you call the callback?
What happens to argv in the example if you do use a new HandleScope?
String::New("foo") will allocate something on heap and return a handle, so you need to free the memory referenced by this handle some how. If you attach them to a HandleScope v8 will do that for you once all references are counted to zero.
Local handles are held on a stack and are deleted when the appropriate
destructor is called. These handles' lifetime is determined by a
handle scope, which is often created at the beginning of a function
call. When the handle scope is deleted, the garbage collector is free
to deallocate those objects previously referenced by handles in the
handle scope, provided they are no longer accessible from JavaScript
or other handles.

program get stuck in getenv()

I am overloading "malloc" by pre-loading a library. In this custom "malloc", i am using environment variable to distinguish my program to use my custom "malloc" from the general "malloc".
The problem is that, after several "mallocs" the program gets stuck inside getenv() call. I am not able to figure out why the program is getting stuck inside it.
The code is the following:
void* PerfTrackMallocInterposition::Malloc(size_t size) {
// Malloc with statistics
char *checkCDBEnd=NULL;
static const char* CDBEndEnv = "checkCDBEnd";
checkCDBEnd = getenv(CDBEndEnv); //program gets stuck here
void *result = Alloc(size); //Call to custom malloc
return result;
void* result = (*fPMalloc)(size); //call to normal malloc
return result;
I also get a bus error at same position while using this library with vim editor.
Please help me.
Thank You
Are you sure the program gets stuck on the getenv() call? I would be more suspicious of the mutexes: pthread_mutex_lock(&fgPTMutex); will block if another thread holds the mutex

How to asynchronously read to std::string using Boost::asio?

I'm learning Boost::asio and all that async stuff. How can I asynchronously read to variable user_ of type std::string? Boost::asio::buffer(user_) works only with async_write(), but not with async_read(). It works with vector, so what is the reason for it not to work with string? Is there another way to do that besides declaring char user_[max_len] and using Boost::asio::buffer(user_, max_len)?
Also, what's the point of inheriting from boost::enable_shared_from_this<Connection> and using shared_from_this() instead of this in async_read() and async_write()? I've seen that a lot in the examples.
Here is a part of my code:
class Connection
Connection(tcp::acceptor &acceptor) :
socket_(acceptor.get_io_service(), tcp::v4())
{ }
void start()
boost::bind(&Connection::start_accept, this));
void start_accept()
boost::bind(&Connection::handle_accept, this,
void handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code& err)
if (err)
async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(user_),
boost::bind(&Connection::handle_user_read, this,
placeholders::error, placeholders::bytes_transferred));
void handle_user_read(const boost::system::error_code& err,
std::size_t bytes_transferred)
if (err)
void disconnect()
tcp::acceptor &acceptor_;
tcp::socket socket_;
std::string user_;
std::string pass_;
The Boost.Asio documentation states:
A buffer object represents a contiguous region of memory as a 2-tuple consisting of a pointer and size in bytes. A tuple of the form {void*, size_t} specifies a mutable (modifiable) region of memory.
This means that in order for a call to async_read to write data to a buffer, it must be (in the underlying buffer object) a contiguous block of memory. Additionally, the buffer object must be able to write to that block of memory.
std::string does not allow arbitrary writes into its buffer, so async_read cannot write chunks of memory into a string's buffer (note that std::string does give the caller read-only access to the underlying buffer via the data() method, which guarantees that the returned pointer will be valid until the next call to a non-const member function. For this reason, Asio can easily create a const_buffer wrapping an std::string, and you can use it with async_write).
The Asio documentation has example code for a simple "chat" program (see that has a good method of overcoming this problem. Basically, you need to have the sending TCP send along the size of a message first, in a "header" of sorts, and your read handler must interpret the header to allocate a buffer of a fixed size suitable for reading the actual data.
As far as the need for using shared_from_this() in async_read and async_write, the reason is that it guarantees that the method wrapped by boost::bind will always refer to a live object. Consider the following situation:
Your handle_accept method calls async_read and sends a handler "into the reactor" - basically you've asked the io_service to invoke Connection::handle_user_read when it finishes reading data from the socket. The io_service stores this functor and continues its loop, waiting for the asynchronous read operation to complete.
After your call to async_read, the Connection object is deallocated for some reason (program termination, an error condition, etc.)
Suppose the io_service now determines that the asynchronous read is complete, after the Connection object has been deallocated but before the io_service is destroyed (this can occur, for example, if io_service::run is running in a separate thread, as is typical). Now, the io_service attempts to invoke the handler, and it has an invalid reference to a Connection object.
The solution is to allocate Connection via a shared_ptr and use shared_from_this() instead of this when sending a handler "into the reactor" - this allows io_service to store a shared reference to the object, and shared_ptr guarantees that it won't be deallocated until the last reference expires.
So, your code should probably look something like:
class Connection : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Connection>
Connection(tcp::acceptor &acceptor) :
socket_(acceptor.get_io_service(), tcp::v4())
{ }
void start()
boost::bind(&Connection::start_accept, shared_from_this()));
void start_accept()
boost::bind(&Connection::handle_accept, shared_from_this(),
void handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code& err)
if (err)
async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(user_),
boost::bind(&Connection::handle_user_read, shared_from_this(),
placeholders::error, placeholders::bytes_transferred));
Note that you now must make sure that each Connection object is allocated via a shared_ptr, e.g.:
boost::shared_ptr<Connection> new_conn(new Connection(...));
Hope this helps!
This isn't intended to be an answer per se, but just a lengthy comment: a very simple way to convert from an ASIO buffer to a string is to stream from it:
asio::streambuf buff;
asio::read_until(source, buff, '\r'); // for example
istream is(&buff);
is >> targetstring;
This is a data copy, of course, but that's what you need to do if you want it in a string.
You can use a std:string with async\_read() like this:
async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(&user_[0], user_.size()),
boost::bind(&Connection::handle_user_read, this,
placeholders::error, placeholders::bytes_transferred));
However, you'd better make sure that the std::string is big enough to accept the packet that you're expecting and padded with zeros before calling async\_read().
And as for why you should NEVER bind a member function callback to a this pointer if the object can be deleted, a more complete description and a more robust method can be found here: Boost async_* functions and shared_ptr's.
Boost Asio has two styles of buffers. There's boost::asio::buffer(your_data_structure), which cannot grow, and is therefore generally useless for unknown input, and there's boost::asio::streambuf which can grow.
Given a boost::asio::streambuf buf, you turn it into a string with std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(&buf), {});.
This is not efficient as you end up copying data once more, but that would require making boost::asio::buffer aware of growable containers, i.e. containers that have a .resize(N) method. You can't make it efficient without touching Boost code.
