Docker fails at first run after install. Error Post http://..... permission denied. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS? - linux

I'm following step one of this docker tutorial.
I have installed ubuntu version 14.04 on a virtual box vm.
I intentionally downgraded by docker version so that when I type "docker version" I get Client version: 1.5.0. This is because the server I intend to communicate with is on 1.5.0.
When trying the command "docker run hello-world" I get the response:
"Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.17/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: permission denied. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?"
When running "sudo docker run hello-world" I get the response:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?
Can someone please explain to me what's happening and how can fix it?
Edit: I tried to follow the solution for Linux here
I had tried to follow El Mesa's instructions in that post. However, when I got to running sudo docker -d I got an Error running DeviceCreate (createPool) dm_task_run failed. I don't think I need to start up a anything since I was just following the tutorial and the tutorial just did docker run hello-world immediately after installing docker

Pay attention to the text that immediately preceeds Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS in the error message. In the question asked here it is permission denied, but it could also be no such file or directory (or possibly something else). The former is more likely to mean that the current user is lacking permissions to access docker, and the latter is more likely to mean that there is a problem with the docker service itself, including the possibility that it is not running at all.
So depending on what your situation is look for the answers on this and the
linked question page that focus on the respective problem area.
In my case (CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core), docker-1.7.1-108.el7.centos.x86_64) it was permission denied. I have added user to the docker group (sudo usermod -a -G docker user) but docker command still didn't work when I ran it under user, while it ran fine under sudo. What I forgot to do is log the user out and back in after adding it to the docker group, which is a step necessary for the group membership to take effect.
Restarting the machine will also solve this issue but it is a more drastic step and will work because it will imply log out / log in step. I would recommend trying to log out and back in before restarting because if it works it will give you more confidence that the group membership was the actual issue. And if it doesn't work you can always try restarting, though if it works after that it will probably work because restarting took care of some other underlying issue.
And one more thing in case you come across it and find yourself in doubt - when you first install docker and wish to add user to the docker group, you may notice (as I did in my case) that the "dockerroot" group exists but not "docker" group. Do not add user to the dockerroot group assuming that is the one you need. Instead create new docker group and add the user to it.

It may be that your docker daemon is not running.
I have ubuntu/docker on a desktop with wireless LAN.
It acts a bit finicky compared to the wired computers from which docker works OK, and duplicates the error message you reported:
$ docker run -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
FATA[0000] Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.17/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
However, after running:
sudo service docker start
It behaves correctly (at least until the host is rebooted):
$ docker run -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
If the system is not starting the docker daemon on boot, as was the case here, then the docker daemon can be automatically started on boot by editing /etc/rc.local to do so. Add the line below immediately before the exit line. This will fork a new bash shell, wait 30 sec for the network setup, etc., to settle, and start the docker daemon. sudo is unnecessary here because /etc/rc.local runs as root.
( sleep 30; /usr/sbin/service docker start ) &


Podman-docker container has not started while executing the run command in linux ( Rhel 8 ) server

While trying to run the podman docker container in Linux server (Rhel 8) facing below issue.
WARN[0000] error mounting subscriptions, skipping entry in /usr/share/containers/mounts.conf: getting host subscription data: failed to read subscriptions from "/usr/share/rhel/secrets": open /usr/share/rhel/secrets/redhat.repo: permission denied
Execution command: podman run -d --name redis_server -p 6377:6377 redis
I have followed these steps to run the container
Could you please suggest a solution to this issue?
giving reference as this solved my issue quoting answer:
I solved my specific problem. The original user account I was using had an empty mounts.conf file (copy the one in usr/share/containers).
use touch ~/.config/containers/mounts.conf
1874621 – Rootless Podman Unable to Use Host Subscriptions

Error response from daemon: join session keyring: create session key: disk quota exceeded

I tried installing docker on a server of mine using this tutorial.
I want to run docker images remotely and use the portainer web-interface to administrate everything.
However, when I get to the point where I need to test my installation and I enter the command $ sudo docker run hello-world, I only get the following error:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:424: container init caused \"join session keyring: create session key: disk quota exceeded\"": unknown. ERRO[0000] error waiting for container: context canceled
I tried the following methods:
"Install Docker CE / Install using the convenience script"
"Install Docker CE / Install using the repository"
This also happens when I try to run other images (eg. portainer).
I hope this is enough information.
I am new to docker, so I don't know how I should debug it efficiently.
Try to increase maxkeys kernel parameter:
echo 50000 > /proc/sys/kernel/keys/maxkeys
So, as it turns out, I connected to the wrong vServer.
The one I was connected to is using LXD (as you might have seen in my previous comment), which doesn't support Docker (at least not the way this guide advises).
When I ran the same setup on a vServer using a bare-metal(type 1) hypervisor, it worked without a problem.
I think this has to do with automatic storage allocation under LXD, but this is just a guess.

Docker: Error starting userland proxy: Bind for unexpected error Permission denied on Azure VM

I'm new to Docker so please be kind but I am testing it out on a Windows 10 image on Azure (I know I could run it directly but I wanted to try it in a VM first).
I have a fresh Windows 10 image that I have installed Docker for Windows 2.0.0 on.
Note: I did not tick the option to use Windows containers instead of linux containers.
Once it installed (and rebooted) I was prompted to install Hyper-V and Containers features (causing restarts).
Once it was all installed I open an Administrative PowerShell window to download Jenkins:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts
This gave me the error:
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint goofy_lederberg (deaba2deeea0486c92ba8a1a32740295f03859b1b5829d39e39eff0b24613ebf): Error starting userland proxy: Bind for unexpected error Permission denied.
I thought this was strange as 50000 wasn't a port that I expected to be in use, changing this to different ports (50001) produced the same error.
netstat -a -n -o
Showed that the port was not in use.
If I remove -p 50000:50000 from the command it can bind and start Jenkins but I assume it needs this port mapping to work correctly.
Previous posts have suggested stopping the World Wide Web Publishing service but that isn't installed.
There are no other running Docker containers.
I assume the port is in use or something is stopping the port mapping.
Assuming a user has permission to create a port binding from their terminal are there any other techniques beside netstat to determine if something is bound to a port - either something internal to docker's own checking process or something at the host OS level?
Rather embarrassingly this worked this morning with no changes other than the VM was shutdown over the weekend.
Maybe all it needed was a reboot?

Docker client freeze

the architecture is simple,
I have a small bash script that orchestrate
two types of containers:
1 member of type "1" talks to another member of type "2". about 15 containers of each type.
When I detect that a member of type "2" (or "1") died, i kill the other one and raise them again.
the environment is Amazon ec2, 8 core, ubuntu 14.04.
After some period of time, when trying to do 'docker ps', i get no response.
I think that the problem is the amount of times i issue 'docker stop' command.
when i did 'docker kill' instead, the problem occurs faster.
Reading the documentation i see that 'docker stop' command coincide with what i see in the docker.log - which is a lot of docker kill (this is what happens when a container does not respond to a 'docker stop' command).
Is there a problem with the docker stop/kill - and the docker memory management?
That could be linked to issue 15101, where daemon containers have trouble to be killed.
I still have this issue on docker 1.8.1.
Removing /etc/apparmor.d/docker and running sudo service apparmor reload appears to fix it
This look like a problem in the docker infrastructure, there is a pretty big thread on the subject that looks like what i asked here, i will post an answer when this issue resolve there.
Docker Daemon Hangs under load

"Is your docker daemon up and running?" Problems with docker hello world tutorial on Linux

I am running the installation tutorial for Docker on Linux - Ubuntu 14.04
Going step by step through the tutorial, I get the following error message:
docker run hello-world
Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.20/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory.
* Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
* Is your docker daemon up and running?
The similar question docker error: /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory refers to boot2docker which I am not using
Had the same issue, solved:
docker-machine start default
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
I got the same problem today. you just have to start the service.
sudo service docker start
It works on linux. I don't know if it works on mac
I had the same problem running docker on ubuntu 14.04.
Trying running Docker as root:
sudo docker run hello-world
Type in password when prompted.
Check the ownership of the file /var/run/docker.sock:
ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
srw-rw----. 1 root root 0 Nov 18 16:17 /var/run/docker.sock
Change the group settings to dockerroot:
sudo chown root:dockerroot /var/run/docker.sock
ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
srw-rw----. 1 root dockerroot 0 Nov 18 16:17 /var/run/docker.sock
Then it should work.
Both the solution here are tried and tested on linux only
Solution 1:
I was Having the same issue, Login with root privilege solved my problem
Solution 2:
The solution here works only with root user because root user has full access to linux socket similarly docker group has full access to linux socket.
if you want to run this with non root user you need to add user to docker group, you can do this with following command -
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
Now logout and login you should be able to work with non-root user :)
After getting stuck I turned off the computer and went on a road trip. One Monday I turned the computer on and docker run hello-world runs just as the tutorial indicated.
Had exactly the same problem on Windows 8.1
Answer was to open the Oracle VM Virtual Box, right click on the default instance and then click on "Show" icon. Then saw BootLocker logo.
Then back to the Docker Quickstarter "> whale" icon, double click and ascii docker appears.
In linux, after installation, though docker version was giving a proper output, docker run hello-world was not working because the service was not up.
I tried service docker restart in SLES 12 SP3 Linux machine. It worked. So probably your docker daemon needs a restart.
Try the same command service docker restart and it should work.
So, is the Docker daemon running? What troubleshooting did you already do?
The tutorial doesn't mention starting Docker or adding yourself to the docker group so that you can run Docker command without sudo (although, this should have been mentioned when you installed Docker). You need to do both of these things first.
