riak won't start after changing nodename - linux

I've just installed riak on my virtual machine (Ubuntu 14.04).
The problem is that when I've edited /etc/riak/riak.conf from:
nodename = riak#
nodename = riak#
which is ip of my virtual machine, service won't start. I got following error.
root#ubuntu-amd64:/home/ubuntu# riak console
config is OK
-config /var/lib/riak/generated.configs/app.2015. -args_file /var/lib/riak/generated.configs/vm.2015. -vm_args /var/lib/riak/generated.configs/vm.2015.
Exec: /usr/lib/riak/erts-5.10.3/bin/erlexec -boot /usr/lib/riak/releases/2.1.0/riak -config /var/lib/riak/generated.configs/app.2015. -args_file /var/lib/riak/generated.configs/vm.2015. -vm_args /var/lib/riak/generated.configs/vm.2015. -pa /usr/lib/riak/lib/basho-patches -- console
Root: /usr/lib/riak
Erlang R16B02_basho8 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:1:1] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true] [frame-pointer]
[os_mon] memory supervisor port (memsup): Erlang has closed
[os_mon] cpu supervisor port (cpu_sup): Erlang has closed
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,riak_core,{bad_return,{{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{function_clause,[{orddict,fetch,[riak#localhost,[]],[{file,\"orddict.erl\"},{line,72}]},{riak_core_capability,renegotiate_capabilities,1,[{file,\"src/riak_core_capability.erl\"},{line,441}]},{riak_core_capability,handle_call,3,[{file,\"src/riak_core_capability.erl\"},{line,213}]},{gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,585}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,\"proc_lib.erl\"},{line,239}]}]},{gen_server,call,[riak_core_capability,{register,{riak_core,vnode_routing},{capability,[proxy,legacy],legacy,{riak_core,legacy_vnode_routing,[{true,legacy},{false,proxy}]}}},infinity]}}}}}}"}
Crash dump was written to: /var/log/riak/erl_crash.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,riak_core,{bad_return,{{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{function_clause,[{orddict,fetch,[riak#localhost,[]],[{fi
I've noticed that nodename variable is very sensitive, it won't work even with such configuration:
nodename = riak#localhost
Of course I've changed
listener.http.internal =
listener.protobuf.internal =
as well.

I found solution in this post.
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/riak/ring/* # delete the riak ring


RIAK Node does not Start after changing IP

I am in the process of setting up a Riak Cluster on Raspberry Pis.
Unfortunately I get the following error message after changing the IP address.
Versions I used:
Debian Jessie (Raspberry PI)
riak (Github Clone Mar2017)
Using this guide I tried to change the IP addresses in the various .conf files.
Works on
$ ~/riak/rel/riak/bin/riak-admin test
Successfully completed 1 read/write cycle to 'riak#'
Error Message (after changing IP:
sudo ./riak console
config is OK
-config /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/app.2020. -args_file /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020. -vm_args /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020.
Exec: /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/../erts-5.10.3/bin/erlexec -boot /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/../releases/2.2.3/riak -config /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/app.2020. -args_file /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020. -vm_args /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/data/generated.configs/vm.2020. -pa /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/../lib/basho-patches -- console
Root: /home/pi/neu/riak/rel/riak/bin/..
Erlang R16B02_basho10 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true] [frame-pointer]
[os_mon] memory supervisor port (memsup): Erlang has closed
[os_mon] cpu supervisor port (cpu_sup): Erlang has closed
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,riak_core,{bad_return,{{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{function_clause,[{orddict,fetch,['riak#',[]],[{file,\"orddict.erl\"},{line,72}]},{riak_core_capability,renegotiate_capabilities,1,[{file,\"src/riak_core_capability.erl\"},{line,441}]},{riak_core_capability,handle_call,3,[{file,\"src/riak_core_capability.erl\"},{line,213}]},{gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,585}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,\"proc_lib.erl\"},{line,239}]}]},{gen_server,call,[riak_core_capability,{register,{riak_core,vnode_routing},{capability,[proxy,legacy],legacy,{riak_core,legacy_vnode_routing,[{true,legacy},{false,proxy}]}}},infinity]}}}}}}"}
Crash dump was written to: ./log/erl_crash.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,riak_core,{bad_return,{{riak_core_app,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{function_clause,[{orddict,fetch,['riak#',[
martinsumner commented 3 days ago:
I might expect to see this if you hadn't done the step of either renaming (or deleting the contents of) the ring directory. Did you do this?
Also can you confirm if you're in the single-node or multi-node renaming scenario?
Ei3rb0mb3r commented 1 minute ago:
Many thanks for the quick feedback!
The error has been solved after I deleted the ring directory files.
../riak/rel/riak/data/ring/ rm -rf *

Error in VACaMobil for INET

I am starting to use VACaMobil, a module for OMNET++ which allows, while evaluating
ITS solutions, to have a constant number of cars during a simulation period.
After making some changes to the code, I tried to run VACaMobil, with the configuration
flows 2. The simulation aborted and I got the following messages from sumo-launchd.py:
jcmh#juanca-freya:~$ python Proyectos-OMNeT++/inet/etc/sumo-launchd.py -vv -c sumo-gui
Logging to /tmp/sumo-launchd.log
Listening on port 9999
Connection from on port 49847
Handling connection from on port 49847
Got TraCI message of length 2
Got TraCI command of length 1
Got TraCI command 0x0
Got TraCI message of length 248
Got TraCI command of length 247
Got TraCI command 0x75
Got CMD_FILE_SEND for "sumo-launchd.launch.xml"
Got CMD_FILE_SEND with data "<launch>
<copy file="downtown.mapa.xml"/>
<copy file="downtown.routes.xml"/>
<copy file="downtown.sumo.cfg" type="config"/>
<basedir path="../examples/VACaMobil/flows/Milan/"/>
<seed value="2"/>
Creating temporary directory...
Temporary dir is /tmp/sumo-launchd-tmp-dsJ7kR
Base dir is ../examples/VACaMobil/flows/Milan/
Seed is 2
Finding free port number...
Claiming lock on port
...found port 56172
Releasing lock on port
Cleaning up
Result: "None"
Aborting on error: file "../examples/VACaMobil/flows/Milan/downtown.mapa.xml" does not exist
Closing connection from on port 49847
A user posted a message in the blog of Sergio Tornell, one of the VACaMobil developers, asking to help,
because he had a problem similar to mine. The answer was: "It seems like you are using windows. You
have to modify all the routes, in windows you use "\" instead of "/"". He certainly was using Windows,
but I am in GNU/Linux.
What could be the problem? I don't think to be because backslashes, since I am in GNU/Linux.
I am using Elementary OS 3 (based in Ubuntu 14.04), OMNeT++ 4.6, VACaMobil for INET framework and SUMO 0.18.0.
Thanks in advance.
The way to solve this problem was simply:
To go to folder where was sumo-launchd.py:
jcmh#juanca-freya:~$ cd Proyectos-OMNeT++/inet/etc
Run sumo-launchd.py directly:
jcmh#juanca-freya:~/Proyectos-OMNeT++/inet/etc$ python sumo-launchd.py -vv -c sumo-gui

How to restart an erlang node?

A sample I have git push github
It is an example of application from the book Programming Erlang
you can do follow README.md
My question is when the application sellaprime started, and I
./bin/sp restart
this will make the node down and not restart?
Erlang Doc say
The system is restarted inside the running Erlang node, which means that the emulator is not restarted. All applications are taken down smoothly, all code is unloaded, and all ports are closed before the system is booted again in the same way as initially started. The same BootArgs are used again.
What does "emulator is not restarted" mean?
If I want to restart a node, what is the right way to do?
By the way, is there any API to know the current release version, like
It looks like your sb init script, that is using the nodetool script should call init:restart() for you. If this is done, but your node is instead shut down, check your logs for any possible errors (perhaps one of your applications cannot handle a restart?).
Using init:restart() is the way to do it though. Here's an example: start an Erlang node with a name (in this case, test):
$ erl -sname test
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V7.0 (abort with ^G)
(test#host)1> hello.
Temporary start another node that will make an RPC call to the first node:
$ erl -sname other -noinput -noshell -eval "rpc:call('test#host', init, restart, [])" -s init stop
Observer the original node being restarted:
(test#host)2> Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V7.0 (abort with ^G)

Dataxtax Agent error

While adding existing cluster in OpsCenter I receive an error:
ERROR: Agent for XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX was unable to complete operation (http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:61621/snapshots/pit/properties?): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :make-reader of protocol: #'clojure.java.io/IOFactory found for class: nil
On agent there is an error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :make-reader of protocol: #'clojure.java.io/IOFactory found for class: nil
at clojure.core$_cache_protocol_fn.invoke(core_deftype.clj:541)
at clojure.java.io$fn__8551$G__8546__8558.invoke(io.clj:73)
at clojure.java.io$reader.doInvoke(io.clj:106)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:410)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(AFn.java:161)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(RestFn.java:132)
at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:619)
at clojure.core$slurp.doInvoke(core.clj:6278)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:410)
at opsagent.backups.pit$read_properties.invoke(pit.clj:68)
at opsagent.backups.pit$enabled_QMARK_.invoke(pit.clj:106)
at clojure.core$eval37.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:107)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(Compiler.java:6619)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(Compiler.java:6609)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(Compiler.java:6582)
at clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2852)
at opsagent.opsagent$post_interface_startup.doInvoke(opsagent.clj:102)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:421)
at opsagent.conf$handle_new_conf.invoke(conf.clj:198)
at opsagent.messaging$message_callback$fn__12316.invoke(messaging.clj:52)
at opsagent.messaging.proxy$java.lang.Object$StompConnection$Listener$7f16bc72.onMessage(Unknown Source)
at org.jgroups.client.StompConnection.notifyListeners(StompConnection.java:324)
at org.jgroups.client.StompConnection.run(StompConnection.java:274)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
And cluster creation failed. Also i get this error during startup. I tried reinstall agent but in won't help
DataStax Agent version: 5.1.0
OpsCenter version 5.1.0
root#node1:~# java -version
java version "1.7.0_75"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.4) (7u75-2.5.4-1~deb7u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)
Content of address.yaml
stomp_interface: "YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY"
Content of opscenterd.conf
port = 8888
interface =
use_ssl = false
level = INFO
<cluster name>.conf is absent, because cluster not added
The problem the agent is having is finding your installation of DSE on that node. When it can't find DSE it can't get the archiving properties file to update and errors out.
This error message is unfortunately terribly unhelpful. I've created a ticket to fix the error message (it's unfortunately private, but you can use this ticket number when discussing the issue with DataStax: OPSC-4826)
For a work around, try setting cassandra_install_location in your address.yaml file on that node. After adjusting address.yaml please bounce the agent and you can retry that operation.
You can find a document listing this and more address.yaml config items here: http://www.datastax.com/documentation/opscenter/5.1/opsc/configure/agentAddressConfiguration.html
I think the issue will be with your Java installation. I believe you'll need Oracle Java, not OpenJDK.
This worked for me:
ubuntu:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer oracle-java7-set-default

Centos cgconfig fails to start

I need docker installed on one of my servers, and whenever I try to start the docker service, it fails because of cgconfig. Cgconfig throws the following error:
Starting cgconfig service: Error: cannot mount cpu to /cgroup/cpu: No such file or directory
/sbin/cgconfigparser; error loading /etc/cgconfig.conf: Cgroup mounting failed
Failed to parse /etc/cgconfig.conf or /etc/cgconfig.d [FAILED]
I'm running CentOS 6.5 Final with the following /etc/cgconfig.conf file:
mount {
cpuset = /cgroup/cpuset;
cpu = /cgroup/cpu;
cpuacct = /cgroup/cpuacct;
memory = /cgroup/memory;
devices = /cgroup/devices;
freezer = /cgroup/freezer;
net_cls = /cgroup/net_cls;
blkio = /cgroup/blkio;
I appreciate any responses
To use cgroups on newer versions of CentOS you need to install libcgroup as well as libcgroup-tools:
$ sudo yum install libcgroup
$ sudo yum install libcgroup-tools
To create group use cgcreate, e.g.:
$ sudo cgcreate -g memory,cpu,blkio,cpuset:userlimited
To verify that /etc/cgconfig.conf is correct use cgconfigparser
$ cgconfigparser -l /etc/cgconfig.conf
For details check: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/cgroups
Note: In CentOS 6 and earlier versions one only needed to install libcgroup
This error may be due to kernel you are using is booted with cgroup_disable=memory and/or /etc/cgconfig.conf
contains "memory=/cgroup/memory", in your case you may solve this by commenting out "memory = /cgroup/memory" from cgconfig.conf.
You can also refer 1 or 2 for more information.
