Setting up Redis on Azure cloud service worker role - azure

I'm creating a cloud service where I have a worker role running some heavy processing in the background, for which i would like a Redis instance to be running locally on the worker.
What i want to do is set up the worker role project in a way that the Redis instance is installed/configured when the worker is deployed.
The redis database would be cleared on every job startup.
I've looked at the MSOpenTech redis for windows with nuget installation, but i'm unsure how i would get this working on the worker role instance. Is there a smart way to set it up, or would it be by command-line calls?

I'm not expecting to get this marked as an answer, but just wanted to add the add that this is a really bad approach for a real-world deployment.
I can understand why you might want to do this from a learning perspective, however in a production environment its a really bad idea, for several reasons:
You cannot guarantee when a Worker Role will be restarted by the Azure Service Fabric (and you're not guaranteed to get the underlying VM in the same state before it went down) - you could potentially be re-populating the cache simply because the role was re-started.
In a real-world implementation of Redis, you would run multiple nodes within a cluster so you benefit from a) the ability to automatically split your dataset among multiple nodes and b) continue operations when a subset of the nodes are experiencing failures - running within a Worker Role doesn't give you any of this. You also run the risk of multiple Redis instances (unaware of each other) every time you scale-out your Worker Role.
You will need to manage your Redis installation within the Worker Role and they simply aren't designed for this. PaaS Worker Roles are designed to run the Worker Role Package that is deployed and nothing else. If you really want to run Redis yourself, you should probably look at IaaS VM's.
I would recommend that you take a look at the Azure Redis Cache SaaS offering (see which offers a fully managed, highly-available, implementation of the Redis Cache. I use it on several projects and can highly recommend it.

To install any software on a worker role instance, you'd need to set this up to happen as a startup task.
You'll reference startup tasks in your ServiceDefinition.csdef file, in the <Startup> element, with a reference to your command file which installs whatever software you want (such as Redis).
I haven't tried installing Redis in a worker role instance, so I can't comment about whether this will succeed. And you'll also need to worry about opening the right ports (whether external- or internal-facing), and scaling (e.g. what happens when you scale to two worker role instances, both running redis?). My answer is specific to how you install software on a role instance.
More info on startup task setup is here.


Recommended Azure service to replace Azure functions

We have a service running as an Azure function (Event and Service bus triggers) that we feel would be better served by a different model because it takes a few minutes to run and loads a lot of objects in memory and it feels like it loads it every time it gets called instead of keeping in memory and thus performing better.
What is the best Azure service to move to with the following goals in mind.
Easy to move and doesn't need too many code changes.
We have long term goals of being able to run this on-prem (kubernetes might help us here)
Appreciate your help.
To achieve first goal:
Move your Azure function code inside a continuous running Webjob. It has no max execution time and it can run continuously caching objects in its context.
To achieve second goal (On-premise):
You need to explain this better, but a webjob can be run as a console program on-premise, also you can wrap it into a docker container to move it from on-premise to any cloud but if you need to consume messages from an Azure Service Bus you will need an On-Premise-Azure approach connecting your local server to the cloud with a VPN or expressroute.
There are a couple of ways to solve the said issue, each with slightly higher amount of change from where you are.
If you are just trying to separate out the heavy initial load, then you can do it once in a Redis Cache instance and then reference it from there.
If you are concerned about how long your worker can run, then Webjobs (as explained above) can work, however, that is something I'd suggest avoiding since its not where Microsoft is putting its resources. Rather look at durable functions. Here an orchestrator function can drive a worker function. (Even here be careful, that since durable functions retain history after running for very very very long times, the history tables might get too large - so probably program in something like, restart the orchestrator after say 50,000 runs (obviously the number will vary based on your case)). Also see this.
If you want to add to this, the constrain of portability then you can run this function in a docker image that can be run in an AKS cluster in Azure. This might not work well for durable functions (try it out, who knows :) ), but will surely work for the worker functions (which would cost you the most compute anyways)
If you want to bring the workloads completely on-prem then Azure functions might not be a good choice. You can create an HTTP server using the platform of your choice (Node, Python, C#...) and have that invoke the worker routine. Then you can run this whole setup inside an image on an AKS cluster on prem and to the user it looks just like a load balanced web-server :) - You can decide if you want to keep the data on Azure or bring it down on prem as well, but beware of egress costs if you decide to move it out once you've moved it up.
It appears that the functions are affected by cold starts:
Serverless cold starts within Azure
Upgrading to the Premium plan would move your functions to pre-warmed instances, which should counter the problem you are experiencing:
Pre-warmed instances for Azure Functions
However, if you potentially want to deploy your function/triggers to on-prem, you should spin them out as microservices and deploy them with containers.
Currently, the fastest way would probably be to deploy the containerized triggers via Azure Container Instances if you don't already have a Kubernetes Cluster running. With some tweaking, you can deploy them on-prem later on.
There are few options:
Move your function app on to premium. But it will not help u a lot at the time of heavy load and scale out.
Issue: In that case u will start facing cold startup issues and problem will be persist in heavy load.
Redis Cache, it will resolve your most of the issues as the main concern is heavy loading.
Issue: If your system is multitenant system then your Cache become heavy during the time.
Create small micro durable functions. It will be not the answer of your Q as u don't want lots of changes but it will resolve your most of the issues.

Running a Windows Service as a statefull service in Service Fabric

I have three .net programs currently running as windows services. We are migrating to Service Fabric and I have a few questions. Our intent is to migrate the services to StateFul service since we need to keep track of locations of files, batch size, etc. that are currently stored in an app.config file. So we can "lift and shift" the code from the onTimer event to the RunAsync as discussed in this stackoverflow question:
How to Migrate Windows Service in Azure Service Fabric
However there are some questions I have about these services. Of course part of using SF is to have the applications in a reliable environment to keep these applications available as much as possible, so the first question is:
Should we only deploy the service to one node and use the reliable
collection to maintain the state of the process should the node go down and
have to be brought back up?
Or, should we deploy the application to say 3 nodes and just have each
application on their node check the reliable collection to see if another
application is processing files and to wait?
The application will "awake" at a determined interval and look at a folder, if there are any files in the folder, it will process them. This could take from a couple of seconds to many minutes. So if the application on was on three nodes, it is entirely possible that the other two applications on their nodes would wake up to process files. If they could check a reliable dictionary to see if one of the other instances of the application is running the file processing, they would just wait until the next time they are needed.
I know this is vague, I am looking for input on whether to launch the application on multiple nodes or a single node?
In short: statefull services have partitioned data. So you will have at least one, and probably more than one, partition. For each partition a primary instance will be up and running serving requests or doing work. Then for each primary instance there will be some secundary instances that will take over when the primairy fails. More info here.
In the configuration of the service you specify the number of partitions and the replica count:
<Service Name="Processing">
<StatefulService ServiceTypeName="ProcessingType" TargetReplicaSetSize="[Processing_TargetReplicaSetSize]" MinReplicaSetSize="[Processing_MinReplicaSetSize]">
<UniformInt64Partition PartitionCount="[Processing_PartitionCount]" LowKey="0" HighKey="25" />
The primairy and secundairy instances (replica's) will be distributed over the cluster nodes so for example, when the node running the primairy instance goes down a replica on another node will take over.
There is more to it than what I have described but this is the basic idea behind it all.
So to answer your question: you should specify enough replica's on other nodes to gurantuee high availabilty.

Azure Worker Role data volatility

I would like to create an application that holds large amount of volatile data in memory. Only small part of this data needs to be persisted when host machine shuts down, or in case of maintenance. Outages should be rare, this in memory data needs to be accessible for most of the time, but rare restrats of service is bearable.
If I have been developing for a server, I would create a WindowsService, which runs reliably while the machine is up, and I would persist a fraction of the data in the OnStop() method.
I'm thinking of moving this whole thing to the cloud. The question is that if a Worker Role is similiar to a Windows Service from this point of view? Does it run most of the time with rare outages, or is it recycled / restarted from time to time or when it is idle?
Like Windows Service, Worker role is meant for processing background tasks. However one thing you would need to keep in mind that your worker role can go down any time. It may be because of hardware failure or software updates. Thus you can't always assume this to be highly available. That's why Windows Azure recommends deploying multiple instances of your application.
What you could do is have multiple instances of your worker role running and all of them sharing a common cache where you would put volatile data. Do take a look at Windows Azure Caching ( where you could either dedicate some memory of a VM (i.e. an instance) for caching purpose or have a full VM dedicated for caching. That way you'll have your volatile data somewhere outside of your worker roles and thus making it available to all instances.

Long running (or forever) task on Windows Azure

I need to write some data to database every 50 seconds or so. It's similar to a Windows service that's running on background and silently doing its job. Starting and stopping is not an option in my case as I need a small amount of previously inserted data to be stored in memory. What's the best solution for this when using Windows Azure or AWS?
Thank you.
With Windows Azure, you can choose either a Web or Worker role (both basically Windows 2008 Server R2 or SP2) and have some type of timed event, as #Lucifure suggested. You could also run a scheduler, like, or take advantage of windows Azure queues or service bus queues to have messages show up at a certain time. However: You cannot have a "forever" task in a given role instance, in that periodically your VM instances will be rebooted (e.g. for host OS maintenance every month). With role shutdowns, you'll get notice, which you can handle these shutdown notices in Stopping() or OnStop(). If you have multiple instances, you can use a scheduler or queue to ensure your events still trigger every 50 seconds or so, and get handled across multiple instances (but only by one instance at any given time).
To preserve your in-memory information, one idea is to store that information in a cache. You have 2 choices:
Distributed (shared) cache service, which has been around for some time now. It runs independently of your role instances.
In-memory cache, just introduced in June 2012. Assuming you have more than one instance, the cache is spread across those instances. You can even run the cache inside of memory of your existing roles.
More information on caching is here.
There are a few StackOverflow answers regarding and Windows Azure, such as this one.
On Windows Azure, you can use a Worker Role, which can do this. It can be simple as a while loop.
Try this article for an introduction.
You could setup a System.Threading.Timer to fire every 50 seconds or so, and do your work whenever the event occurs.

Using Windows Azure to use as a TCP Server

I'm looking into Windows Azure now and wondering if one can implement a TCP/IP server using Worker Roles - i.e, when a request comes in on a socket - a worker role (and not a web role) will accept it, treat it well and then return an answer on that same socket request.
Another question is - should I do it, or maybe just implement my own non-blocking server using .NET and put it in one worker role or a VM?
There's a full worked example of a telnet server on Maaten Balliauw's blog - see
On your second question, most answers seem to recommend using worker roles for code instead of using VMs - worker roles in general are "architecturally preferred" for Azure, and VMs are there mainly for when you need to support existing (legacy) code.
Adding to Stuart's answer: A Worker Role will give you nearly everything a VM role is going to offer you, without you having to worry about maintaining the OS. VM roles are needed for a few specific scenarios. I enumerated them in this other StackOverflow answer, but just for completeness, here are those scenarios which require a VM role:
Startup / setup takes a really long time. This is a bit subjective, but a good rule-of-thumb is around 5 minutes. Remember that, every time your role instances boot up, they need to re-run any tasks in your startup, including software installs, so role instance availability is delayed until all startup tasks are run.
Startup / setup tasks are unreliable and don't always work the first time you run them. Software setups need to run in unattended mode, and must reliably succeed.
Human interaction is required. If the software install can't be completely automated, there's no way to script it.
When it comes to hosting a TCP service, you can choose to host something either publically available or only internal to your other role instances. For public hosts, you have up to 25 endpoints to work with across your deployment, and for internal hosts, you have up to 5 endpoints per role. See my blog post here for more details around this.
