Url not showing expected content - iis

I have a webserver using IIS 7 that hosts multiple sites. We've added a few subdomains recently and the one I'm working on WAS working. It's only partially in production so I'm not sure when this problem came up.
The problem is the subdomain (vendor.domain.com) is pointing to another site on IIS (Mobile).
Advanced settings of Manage Web Site show the bindings to be correct:
ftp:<ipaddr>:21:vendor.domain.com,http:<ipaddr>:80:vendor.domain.com,https:*:443:. The physical path is Vendors and has the files that I would expect it to be showing. But...it's not.
I've gone to the "Mobile" site that it is being redirected to and edited the files there and the changes I've made there have NOT been reflected on the vendor.domain.com as I would expect. It's like I have a cached version of the "Mobile" site.
Is there a way for me to find out where these files are coming from or a way to figure out why it's not showing the expected content?


How can I make my website (from custom template) visible? Only default demo site is shown in prod server

I have a new installation of OpenCMS (JDK11, tomcat8, MySQL). I followed the documentation to add my own template and modified it accordingly (Creating a template JSP). I also created a new site but I'm unable to find the correct URL to display it. For now I only have one web page and I published it.
The site's server URL is IPaddress:8081 as suggested by the documentation, but going to IPaddress:8081/opencms gives me a 404.
Tried deleting the demo site from the sites section but it still shows by default when going to IPaddress:8080/opencms (even after changing my site's port to :8080 and restarting tomcat).
Anyone with experience in setting up new sites from templates that can guide me?
Thank you very much.
it's not easy to guess what's wrong with your setup.
I ask some questions. Maybe they guide you in the right direction.
Did you create content in your site? If so and 3. is set correctly, you should be able to see your content by calling the server URI of your site, which you set in opencms-system.xml plus "opencms", plus the folder you created within the workplace. Don't add sites/yoursite. Example: IPaddress:8081/opencms/yourfolderinworkplace/. Be aware, that this only works, if your Tomcat listens to port 8081. If you are on your local machine, you can use 12, for your different sites. So you can use port 8080 for all your sites.
Can you open (not edit) a page by clicking on it from within the workplace?
Did you set the template property correctly? It should contain the path to your master template jsp of your module. This is usually stored in the templates folder of your module.
When deleting the demo content, did you also publish it? If not, the pages are still visible in the so called Online project.
On your production server you should use Apache to differ between your sites.
Hope this helps.
Best regards

Adding website to IIS

So, I did something and my localhost website gave me a 500 error. Couldn't figure it out so I figured I'll delete the website in IIS and then re-add it. Apparently that was a mistake. I can't see the added website locally anymore. I seem to recall having to add a permission or something to be able to view it in localhost but for the life of me I don't remember what setting that was and I can't find it online. Any ideas? My other local website still displays fine ... Using Windows 8 IIS 8.5
I'm simply going to Add Website > putting in the site name and changing the port number. I've left the IP address alone to All Unassigned (I just want to view in as localhost:24)
Adding website in IIS:
1. Right Click the Sites Folder image.
2. Add website.
3. Enter Site name.
4. On physical path textbo, Locate where do you want to store your website.
5.Assign a port.
then done.
After creating.
1. Select website created.
2. Open Directory Browsing.
3. On the right side click disable.
Make sure in application pool that your website has same framework set up.

why does the index page of my website bring me to the Lucee start page?

I have a Windows 2012 web server running IIS. I've installed Lucee on it and everything seems to be working fine. I created a web site and set the default document to index.cfm. When I go to this site, I see the index.cfm file.
I created another web site, with basically identical settings as the first web site except with a different host name. However, when I go to the index.cfm page for this site, it brings me to the Lucee start page.
Additionally, I set the directory of the web site to be C:\sitename\www
However when I try to access any other page other than the index.cfm page, it gives me an error saying the page at C:\inetpub\www cannot be found. Its like it is looking in the wrong place. I have verified that the location of the directory for the site is C:\sitename\www
Why does this site not work, but the other one does. It seems to be a configuration issue, but both site are configured exactly the same with the exception of the host name.
My Lucee configuration file at :
had the wrong information in the section. Once I corrected it, it started working again.

Datasources only found on 1 site in IIS 7

The title is not quite correct, but here is the problem situation:
Setup multiple sites on the same IIS 7 server
Installed CF10 and it works fine on all sites
CFIDE Datasources can only be found for 1 site, not all of them, even though they still work on all sites
To see CF datasources (using RDS), the URL is sitename/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm. Each site in IIS 7 has the CFIDE directory mapped to it as far as I know. It appears in the site folder structure for all my sites as a virtual directory. I used the Web Server Configuration Tool to remove and re-add ColdFusion to all my sites.
The problem is that applications using RDS can only find datasources for one of my sites. It uses the URL given above sitename/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm to find the datasources of the site. RDS is not picking up the datasources for any of the other sites.
I tried manually going to sitename2/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm (sitename2 being the name of a different site in IIS to the one that's working) and I just get this error:
"The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
Can anyone suggest how to fix this so the URL will resolve for each site? Otherwise my RDS feature has broken which is not good. If I test the sites themselves, they all work fine and can access my datasources just fine. So something is up with the RDS feature
I've sorted it. Looks like it was a password thing. I had to remove the require password authentication and re-apply it again.

How to compare settings of two websites on one IIS7.5 server

I have two websites running on one server in IIS7.5 and would like to find a way to compare the settings each one has. (I see the question has already been asked for IIS6.)
I want to do this so I can see why one website is handling HTTP 404 errors differently to the other. I am sure I've set all the options in IIS to be the same on each site. I've checked the web.config files have the same values in the <httpErrors> and <customErrors> nodes. I cannot see anything in applicationHost.config either.
Doh! After going back into IIS and comparing the two websites again, I realised I had ASP errors set to "Custom" (instead of "Detailed") on the site that was the problem. The ASP.NET error settings matched, but not the ASP ones. The page that handled 404s was a classic ASP page copied from another site to save time.
I'm still interested to hear whether web.config and applicationHost.config are the only places where website-specific settings are stored?
