How to do a manual install of Node js package dependencies - node.js

I am rather new to Node but am working on a project behind a very restrictive firewall so I cannot use npm to install packages (no proxy either). I am trying to use express and have been able to include it by just storing the files locally and requiring the local file path but I do not know how to structure the project so that node can find and include all of the dependencies for express (which I also have manually downloaded from github and stored locally within the project). Does anyone know how to do a completely manual global or local install of individual node dependency packages?

Simply download the files and place them in a 'node_modules' folder in the root of your app. Then use 'npm init' to create a package.json. Add your dependencies in the dependencies list in that file.
Then run simply 'npm install'.


Is it possible to install global node packages offline?

I need to be able to install the carto module on an offline server. Is there a way that I could package up carto with all of its dependencies, and install it on a server that has no connection to the internet.
The server won't have an initial connection, and will have npm and node installed from a .deb archive.
I've tried using npm-offline, as well as npm-offline-packer. These both require that I have an npm registry or a node project.
I'm hoping to have a start script that can run the required commands and get all packages installed. So far, I'm able to install all ubuntu software, just stuck on node.
An alternative would be installing it in another machine and copying the package(s) you want inside npm's global node_modules.
npm config get prefix
Gets the path to where it is installed. node_modules are usually under lib/ folder. Module executables could be located under bin/. Having both should be enough to use your global module in another machine.
Since you're looking for a start script the steps you need are:
Getting npm prefix via npm config get prefix
Go to that path
Copy executables you want under bin/ i.e. carto#
Copy content you want from lib/node_modules i.e. lib/node_modules/carto
Apply to the machine you want using the same steps described here

Is it possible to avoid local node_modules in js projects?

I am exploring nodejs and js frameworks. I noticed that when I create a project, for example with vue
vue init webpack my-project
I get a HUGE directory named node_modules containing a lot of things not related to my project. Newbie in this field my only wish is to gitignore this folder or better, put it somewhere else.
Is it common to have local modules to a project? Is there a way to install all these dependencies globally or in a dedicated environment (e.g Python virtualenv)?
The directory does contain libraries that are required by your project - and their dependencies. From my experience, the dependencies of the libraries I'm using are about 3/4 of the folder size.
You can install a library globally using the -g switch of npm, I'm not sure if vue has similar option. But this is not recommended - the point of installing libraries with your project is that the project will remember which libraries belong to it, those are saved in package.json.
You could copy the node_modules directory to the root of your hard-drive and merge it with other node_modules directories, but you're risking that you'll mix different library versions that way, so this is not recommended.
Unless you're running low on free space, just leave it be. Remember to add the node_modules to .gitignore if you're using git.
In short, node_modules is a place where all your project dependencies are stored. And allows you to use these dependencies in the code if you want to and allows for the modules itself to have it own dependencies if any.
And it is very common or rather always the case when a local node_modules folder is created.
You can install dependencies globally by doing npm install -g module_name command via your CLI. But these may cause the issue if the global paths are not configured properly.Also, it is not advisable to keep all the required dependencies by an application in global context.
If you do not want some dependencies to be part of your production environment you can install them as dev dependencies via npm install--save-dev module_name command. These(normal & dev dependencies) will be installed when a developer clones your project and run npm install locally to run the project and run tests. But to ignore these from being installed on production you can execute npm install --production command, this will make sure that only dependencies required for your code to run will be installed in the node_modules folder.

Can/Should gulp livereload be installed globablly

I am new to Node and I don't fully understand yet what installing locally means exactly. I know I need to install gulp both globally as well as locally but in my case I have a number of projects in separate folders under a development folder and I wonder if I really need to install the livereload extension locally in each separate project folder (which is what the documentation seems to suggest) would it not be easier to install it globally; or locally in the main development folder. Can someone explain how this works and what options I'd have.
Similarly I wonder whether if I install gulp locally in the development folder will this be available to each of it's children or whether I'd again need/want to install it in each project folder locally.
Here is an, albiet old, article on the node js blog that goes over locally vs globally.
The basics are that if you want to require require('gulp-livereload') inside of your code it should be a local (dev) dependency. If you wish to interact with the module via the cli then install globally. For example you might have both gulp and nodemon installed globally.
The point of local install is that someone can bring down your project, type 'npm install' and get all of the dependencies local to that app.
So to answer your question install gulp-livereload locally. But other modules such as gulp, nodemon, etc you would have both global and local.
As an extra help if you want to install gulp as a project dependency but have it globally as well you can run 'npm link gulp' in order to keep them in sync.
Also, you can have just one global version while, using the local one, you can use for a specific project the specific version used while developing it.

Skip local installation of Gulp

Can I somehow skip local installation of Gulp to the project?
I installed Gulp globally, added it to package.json as a dependency. But still Gulp wants to be installed locally also with the Local gulp not found in ... message. If I do local install, Gulp is copied into my project by node.
Is there a way to skip local installation of Gulp? I want to be able to run it across the whole server from command line and manage it installation globally.
One clean way to do this is without have it locally is to install gulp globally like as you did and then run in your directory the command :
npm link gulp
It will create a symbolic link in your node_modules folder to your global gulp install. You need to be careful on the versions since all your symlinks and therefore your local project(s) will use the global one, no matter of the defined version in the package.json, which could cause errors on a deployed environment.
This is also applicable for every node package, and allow you to update the local install you've created that way of multiple projects at once.

Build and deploy framework for NodeJS

I've been looking around for a Java maven equivalency for NodeJS but can't really seem to find one so I'm posting this question to see whether there're a combination of tools/framework I can use to build and deploy Node. The specific tasks I'm looking for is:
Being able to grab dependent modules for a checked out code NodeJS project (for ex. Express or stuff like that)
Set up a private repository for NodeJS modules for in-house projects
Package with dependencies and make releases of Node projects to a repository (sorta like war)
Deploy a release to a remote box and fire up Node
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Npm does most of that for you.
Dependency handling:
Create a package.json for your project (see required contents or use npm init)
Commit it along your project files, this will be your dependency tracking
npm install will sort out and download all dependencies
Upload/push your files to the server
Either send the node_modules folder along or run npm install on the server
To use your private libraries you'll need to either upload the modules folder or publish them (see below)
Private/local libraries:
Create the library anywhere you want (e.g. ~/Projects/mylib)
go to the mylib folder and run npm link
go to the project's folder and run npm install mylib
Now your local library is symlinked into your project's node_modules
To set up a private repository for your modules, follow these instructions
