jemmyFx, How to test FXML applications with two or more scens? - javafx-2

I have FXML application with more than one scene. main method is on one Controller class and within that controller we load loginController. What i need to do is test this loginController UI. But there is no start method. I need to know how to pass scene changes while testing.

I got the issue.. In my case we need to wait some time to load the components. Then it automatically identify the components..
What i did is only check for one test case. But when i skip time using dummy loop and load the second test case. Then Jemmyfx identify my components in fxml file correctly.


How to correctly call ComponentDialog from another ComponentDialog

I've been battling with this over the last day, can't seem to get it to work correctly. I would share code but I feel it might confuse matters.
I've created a few ComponentDialogs that are needed to be included in other ComponentDialogs including the main bot.js.
ComponentDialogA is being imported into the main bot.js which gets called fine when I do a replaceDialog or beginDialog. But when I try can call ComponentDialogB from ComponentDialogA it just returns to the last point of ComponentDialogA and fails to hit ComponentDialogB.
So my sub questions are as follows:
Do I need a custom state accessor for each ComponentDialog in order
to do what I want to achieve or is that just for storing specific
data related to that dialog as opposed to the actual dialog position
Related to the first do I need a new dialogSet per ComponentDialog to
handle child ComponentDialogs, to use this.dialogs.add instead of
Am I just being dimwitted and messed up my code
I'll try and simplify my code and share later.
Many thanks,
First, there is currently a limitation in v4.2.x version of the libraries that prevent ComponentDialogs from accessing dialogs outside of itself in any way. This means that the dialogs inside of a ComponentDialog can only ever begin dialogs that are siblings to them within that ComponentDialog and never access the outside world.
In 4.3.x timeframe it will be possible for a ComponentDialog to begin a dialog "up" its ancestry chain as well. This means that, for your scenario, if both ComponentDialogA and ComponentDialogB were registered in the same parent DialogSet, ComponentDialogA would be able to call beginDialog('ComponentDialogB' ...) and it would find it.
To be clear though, you will still not be able to address individual dialogs within ComponentDialogs from the outside. Meaning, if your ComponentDialogB had a SubDialogX inside of it, something outside, such as ComponentDialogA, cannot start that "inner" dialog explicitly. Make sense?

Browser Window in each method of test case? Using coded ui

I am new to coded UI, is it good practice to initialize Browser Window in each method of test case. For example i have two methods in my test case, I am trying to find control in each method, for that i write browser window in each method, can i write like that.
I don't see an issue with that approach.
Are you trying to reduce code/setup statements?
It really depends, you could have a test class with many test methods. however have a method attributed with ClassInitialize to launch the browser one time (and set the option to not destroy the window after each test) and keep reusing the same window. Then, possibly, have a method to close the window attributed with ClassCleanup.
Then in a test, you should only potentially need to use the NavigateTo method at the start of your tests to be on the right page.
Do you have test requirements dealing with sessions or saved data?
You may need to actively close down a window after a test and programmatically empty caches. Then in this aspect, I would be using BrowserWindow.Launch typically and letting CodedUi automatically destroy the window if i forgot to call close on the window.

How to use webpack to manually test react components?

I know we should use unit tests for our reactjs components. But what I also want, is some way to manually test our components in isolation. Because we are working on small sprints in which we must deliver some finished component before having the page that first uses that component. And I want to see that full component really working (i.e. test integration with css and sub-components).
So to start with, I would like to see that new component rendered in black page that doesn't require that component directly, but to take that component name/path from a query-string parameter. And then I plan to add to that page some generic component configuration (e.g. a textbox with json representing the props to pass to that component).
The first problem I'm facing now is about how to configure webpack, webpack-dev-middleware, or webpack-dev-server to be able to load a component passed by parameter.
Anyone know how to that? Or a better way to handle this?
I would try something like this:
Set up an entry point that uses require.context.
Invoke require within that context based on your querystring. You should have you React component now. Render that through React.
In order to generate the test controls I would include the meta within the component using JSON Schema. The form controls could be then generated using some form generator such as plexus-form or tcomb-form.

Adding UIWebView to second (not first) Storyboard view controller

Getting started with xCode 4.6.3 and I'm running into a hiccup.
I've built a simple app using the UIWebView to display a local HTML file and it's contents. I used that to debug any issues with the HTML and/or image displays and I'm all set.
Now I need to recreate that within a larger project I've built with storyboards for all my navigations between multiple view controllers. My issue comes when I'm trying to control-click drag from the WebView into the ViewController.h code below the #interface like many tutorials show, and that worked fine within my smaller single view controller app. It won't do it. I know I'm missing something obvious here. Am I going to have the set up these screens (I have multiple ones to do this same way) as separate xib files and add them into my main project?
Thanks for any help and clarification.
You can create a class called for example myWebViewController and in Interface builder add a UIWebView to it. The control+drag to the header file will work.
Every time you want a UIViewController that has a browser in it, define its class as myWebViewController in Interface Builder.
Try not to repeat code. If you see UIViewControllers or any other UIView...that do the same thing, you can group them into a class that you use over and over.

developing library controls for xpages

I' working on a library control for Xpages and need some help in creating.
I would create a control which reads a configuration file and creates controls in a table, controls like Editboxes, checkboxgroups and so on.
so and now to my questions:
could I initiate controls from the Exlib or must I implement them all by my self?
if I could use them from the Exlib could anyone explain me how?
I hope its clear what i mean if not please ask me for further informations.
When creating your own components, if you're closely replicating some behavior that is already in an extension library component, I highly recommend you extend that component and just add what's needed to accommodate your different functionality. This makes things much easier and you don't have to code around every little scenario that the component might be placed in.
But, if you are developing a component that is nothing like any of the extension library or core components then just ensure your component extends UIComponent or UIComponentBase. If going this route, you'll also need to create your own renderer which extends Renderer. This is what will build the on-screen representation of your component. Again, if there's already something in the core components or extension library components that closely mimics what you need then make your renderer extend that renderer. Also, don't forget to include the renderer definition in the faces-config file and the component definition in the xsp-config file or your component won't work.
As for initiating controls from the extlib.... I assume you mean can you inject them onto the page at runtime. If so the answer is absolutely yes. To add an input text field to the page where there is a container (i.e. panel, div, span, whatever) with an ID of "someContainer"
XspInputText input = new XspInputText();
UIComponent container = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent("someContainer");
To see the api for all of the core and extension library components take a look at the XPages Controls Documentation. For a more complete tutorial on creating your own components take a look at my blog for creating a custom component inside an nsf, the steps are pretty much the same for putting them into a library:
Part 1,
Part 2 and there is an example database in the Part 2 post.
