Power BI Data Source with Refresh ability - excel

I am trying to setup a data set in Power BI which can be refreshed on a need basis or scheduled to refresh.
I am uploading an excel workbook which has a power query.
the power query is connecting to Replicon Service to get data via service. the query looks as below:
Source = Web.Contents(
#"Authorization"="Bearer *ValidToken*",
the request is a POST operation and hence Content field is used in Web.Contents Options argument. Authentication is via Bearer token.
Data source setting is Anonymous Credentials with privacy Level set to None.
This works fine and I am able to retrieve the results and even refresh form within workbook.
Once I upload this to PowerBI and attempt to refresh the newly created Dataset it says:
You cannot refresh yet because you need to provide valid credentials for your data sources in the dataset.
So I go to Manage Data sources. Click Edit Credentials. Select "Anonymous" Authentication method and click on Sign In and it says "Login Failed".
Why is that so? It appears that the Headers are lost when I upload the Excel workbook. How can I accomplish this? Is there any alternate ways of being able to set up a Data Set which can be refreshed - the source being a web service?

this is what i ended up doing finally.
my scenario first:
my requests are POST
Authentication is via bearer token which needed to be passed via Request Header. this was the requirement of the replicon service i am trying to invoke which i couldn't change
the dataset that is created in PowerBI needed to be refreshable.
Since i couldn't get it to work directly from inside PowerBI i introduced an intermediate layer. this would interpret GET requests from PowerBI. process the token from query string. accept the service and operation also as query string parameters. it would then create POST request to the Real Service (replicon services in my case). the service name and operation names were also picked up from request URL. the token was pushed as part of request header
so the request from PowerBI would look as PowerBI needed i.e.
not an ideal solution but works.

Manage Data Sources is validating the Anonymous credentials with a GET request to the URL without the hardcoded headers, like you suggest. It's basically running
which fails with "(405): Method Not Allowed", and so Manage Data Sources thinks the credentials are wrong.
Short of making the service reply with a success response for the above M, I don't see any way to set up refresh on this mashup.


Docusign Redirect URL Not Registered Properly Error

I am using Power Automate for all my API calls to Docusign. I want to be able to capture the authorization code when a user logs into Docusign and then run a flow to get access and refresh tokens.
My flows work when I manually copy the authorization code from a localhost redirection browser session and get the user tokens. I want to be able to redirect to a power automate webhook URL so that when the user logs in, the authorization code is redirected to the power automate webhook trigger where I can grab the authorization code and process it to get user tokens. As an example, I have set up a power automate HTTP webhook trigger and have a URL provided by MS to point to.
I registered this in Docusign as a redirect URL. No configuration or format error was indicated when registering this URL.
When I attempt to log in via a browser session, after entering my credentials, I get a redirection URL not properly registered error.
Are there format or length or other parameters that prohibit the use of this type of URL as a redirection in Docusign?
I'm 90% certain that the URL you are using is dynamic
The sig=_3pQLhhEORjAAe3V_IjCPNgBYnHnw2nrdP-oEoIPvyA
Represent something that will not be the same next time and therefore, my hunch is that it won't do no good to add this type of URL to the list of redirectURI.
You can check to make sure I'm right by looking at the URL you get when you get the error.
If I'm right, then you would have to change your approach to this.
If I'm wrong, then maybe there's some issue with some special character or some other inconsistency and I can ask our engineers to look into this.
It looks to me like you should use the Custom Connector Authorization section of your connector instead of your current approach.
See this doc

How to use Power BI REST API's in Azure Data Factory

I am trying to create a list of all the workspaces and the reports contained in each one of them for a documentation project.
I found online that we can use this to get the workspaces, I wanna use it with a "web" activity:
And then I want to use the IDs we get in the output with a foreach and another web activity inside of it and use this to get the reports in each workspace, then copy it somewhere (datalake or DB) :
But I don't know how to configure the activity and the authentication.
If there is a better way like connecting directly to Power BI I'm all ears, I tried to do a get data from web source but I don't have any "key" for API and organization authentication doesn't work.
When I run the code here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/groups/getgroups it works perfectly.
Thanks in advance
'But I don't know how to configure the activity and the authentication.' For this question, I'm not sure if you don't know how to use access token to call an API.
Register an azure ad application with the api permission of 'https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api/Workspace.ReadWrite.All'
so that you can generate an access token by this application with
this scope. Add api permission.
Use ropc flow to generate an access token. This flow contains user information so that your api could know who you are to return correct groups.
Add 'Authorization' in request head with value of 'Bearer accessToken' to call the api.
ropc flow 1.0:

How to Dynamically adding HTTP endpoint to load data into azure data lake by using Azure Data Factory and the REST api is cookie autheticated

I am trying to dynamically add/update linked service REST based on certain trigger/events to consume a RESP API to be authenticated using cookie which provides telemetry data. This telemetry data will be stored in Data Lake Gen2 and then will use Data Bricks to move to secondary data storage/SQL Server.
Have someone tried this? I am not able to find the cookie based Auth option while adding the linked service REST.
Also how to create data pipes dynamically or to have the parameters of the rest api to be dynamic ?
Currently, unfortunately this is not possible using Azure data factory native components/activities. For now at least, you cannot get access to the response cookies from a web request in data factory. Someone has put a feature request for this or something that might help, see here
It might be possible to do this via an Azure function to get/save the cookie and then send it as part of a following request. I had a similar problem but resorted to using Azure functions for all of it, but I guess you could just do the authentication part with a function! ;-)
EDIT: update
Actually, after I wrote this I went back to check if this was still the case and looks like things have changed. There now appears (never seen this before) in the web response output, a property called "ADFWebActivityResponseHeaders" and as you can see there is property for the "Set-Cookie"
See example below:-

Enter a valid URI error in Azure Logic Apps

I am currently trying out Azure Logic Apps and am now trying to create
a first simple flow that acquires data from an external REST API.
I'm using FRED, a hosted Node-Red instance, to create an REST API end-point.
In FRED you use https://x_y.fred.sensetecnic.com/api/hello to access my mock API (where x_y is my user name).
Accessing "https://x_y.fred.sensetecnic.com/api/hello" in a browser returns the intended data as specified in the Node-Red flow. Same thing goes when accessing
"https://x_y.fred.sensetecnic.com/api/hello" using GET in Postman (then adding two required Headers, required by FRED).
The strange thing is that in my Azure Logic App, I am not able to even save the flow with my URI stated as "https://x_y.fred.sensetecnic.com/api/hello". It states "Enter a valid URI". I enter the headers as was required.
So I can get to the REST API directly from a browser or using Postman, but are not able to access it from within an Azure Logic App.
I test the problem is there is a special characters _ in your URI. You could have a try if you delete _ then it won't state error.
So you coudl Initialize a variable to store your name x_y, then insert the variable in the URI. The flow would be like this. If you don't find the name in Dynamic content, you could use variables('name') this expression to insert it.
With this way the GET method will run correctly.

Power Query Facebook Access Token

I am trying to query the feed of a Facebook group page using Microsoft Power Query.
This particular query requires an access token. I have tried it out successfully in Facebook's Graph API Explorer, however it seems that Power Query does not include the access token when querying the Facebook Graph API. Thus Power Query is returning the "[DataSource.Error] The returned value has no columns." message. Any ideas on how to include\refresh the access token within Excel?
Power Query absolutely does include the access token when using the Facebook Graph API. However, the set of queries that Facebook allows us to run is considerably smaller than what you can do via the API explorer. This is probably why you don't get any data.
I find that the best way to explore or troubleshoot this kind of issue is to use a tool like Fiddler to see the network traffic as the requests are made.
