Unable to use Eclipse on Linux Unity - linux

I'm new to Linux. I'm trying to install Eclipse, but it won't let me extract the files.
I have eclipse-jee-mars-R-linux-gtk.tar.gz open under "Network". Inside that I have an eclipse folder. I click on that and I'm unable to click eclipse, the icon is paper with binary on it(so is a bunch of other files.
Im on a chromebook and I've installed Linux Unity.
EDIT: Ive now been able to unzip the file. But now when I click the Eclipse.exe, nothing happens.

Unpack it with
tar xvzf eclipse-jee-mars-R-linux-gtk.tar.gz
Then go to the eclipse-folder and start it with
from the shell. That should give you some information, if it's not successful.
Maybe you have to make it executable before. To do so type
chmod +x eclipse
If you have downloaded a linux version, there should be nothing like "eclipse.exe".


Eclipse command not found in linux while in the eclipse folder

I downloaded the correct version of eclipse that will work on my linux machine from the website. The structure looks like this: eclipse/eclipse. I was in the eclipse folder, and I typed in eclipse in linux to start the IDE. It showed the error: eclipse command not found.
This is normal. For safety, the current directory is not part of the path used to find executables. Use ./eclipse to refer to the binary explicitly.

installing eclipse-mars error linux ubuntu Error

I've downloaded Eclipse with c/c++ through ubuntu, virtual machine running on windows 8 with yoga-2 pro computer. this is the folder I have right now in my downloads folder, with a zip and an extracted folder.
Now I navigate to that folder and run command:
tar -zxvf eclipse-cpp-mars-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
I see some kind of weird Eclipse, something like "an eclipse astronomical event.." and I don't understand how to open it.

Installing a .bundle file in Fedora linux

So I am using Ozone OS which is basically just fedora with a cool theme, and a lot less crap installed. I tried installing VMWare Horizon view client from here: https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/details?downloadGroup=VIEWCLIENTS_LINUX_32&productId=421&rPId=7320
and then i renamed the file to vmware.bundle, when i make it runnable with:
chmod +x vmware.bundle
i ran the file using:
this is what happens in my terminal
VMWare Horizon Client is an x86 application but you are trying to install it to an x64 Linux.
To run this installation, you may need to install 32-bit runtime libraries. Do you want to proceed? (yes/no)yes
Extracting VMware Installer...done.
but when i try going to the application menu, I can find VMware anywhere
There is really no such thing as ".bundle" files on Fedora. The only format for installable software on Fedora are RPM files.
All that this ".bundle" file appears to be, is the vendor's custom installation script, that's all. It's not any kind of a standard packaging format, of any kind.
You will be able to find a newly-installed application on your application menu only if the application correctly installed a .desktop file in the right location. If this installation script did not do so, you won't get anything in the application menu.
It is the application script's responsibility to install a .desktop file in order for the application to appear in the application menu.
try running /bin/vmware
that is the default install location

Installing web2py on windows xp

How does one install web2py on Windows XP using cygwin? I've just installed cygwin and downloaded web2py in cygwin using
curl -O http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/web2py_src.zip
but when I try to unzip it using
unzip web2py_src.zip
it doesn't work (returns the error: -bash: unzip: command not found)
What do I do?
I was actually trying to open web2py from cygwin command prompt. Instead I used Windows CMD (after a day's crash course on it) and have been able to open web2py from the WCMD. I simply cd'd to the directory web2py was (I moved it from Downloads to drive C), then ran the -S projectname command, and voila, my project has been created and I'm able to work from the WCMD.Please I may be asking more questions as my journey progresses. Thanks to Regexident for your swift attempt to help!

Ubuntu Eclipse Icon Creation

I was tring to install eclipse on ubuntu. What I did:
I unzipped the tar archive of eclipse.
I tried to start eclipse from the command line - like this - ./eclipse. It works.
But then I tried to create a desktop icon with:
gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop --create-new.
In a new icon I showed the path to the eclipse executable which I could launch from the command line. But then eclipse does not start stating:
A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)
must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine
was found after searching the following locations:
java in your current PATH
And also I get a message in the terminal (at some stage it appeared):
(gnome-desktop-item-edit:8998): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.DSV8LW': No such file or directory
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 x32 and eclipse Juno.
PS. PATH variable points at jdk/bin and JAVA_HOME - to the jdk folder
You can make launch "icon" by using symlink:
You can do it just with Graphic interface
Right click on eclipse. Choose "Make link". You will get a short cut in the folder. Copy the shortcut to the Desktop. Done :)
By the way, if you don't like default icon of the shortcut. They look all the same and ugly. Just right click on the shortcut and click on the small icon on the left, then choose an image icon which you like (E.g: Eclipse icon).
