How Do I write an IBM (Lotus) Notes Client? - lotus-notes

I'm looking to write a unified email and messaging program. Supporting IMAP, POP, and SMTP are all pretty easy - the protocols are well documented and easy to come by.
Exchange has a SOAP API documented here, whereby you can write an Exchange client which talks with Exchange servers.
I'm looking to find out what protocol IBM (Lotus) Notes uses and how I can go about writing a standalone application which can send and receive mail. (Standalone is a key part of this - I've seen various things about automating the existing client, but I'm looking to write a new client, so I need to know what protocols it uses.)
Language is unimportant to me at this time. I'm leaning towards Python for the project, but I'm still at an exploratory stage where I'm trying to determine what frameworks exist in any language to help me write this.

That's a pretty interesting topic! There are two ways I can think of that provide mail-oriented abstractions, and two that allow you to access mail files as databases directly.
To start out with, and this is very likely the expedient route to take, Domino supports IMAP. It's far from perfect and it's not likely to improve, but it does more or less work for mail access. Not every server has it enabled by default, but it's not terribly difficult or unusual for an administrator to do so.
Recently, the Extension Library has added a JSON-based mail service that purports to provide a pretty friendly API for many operations, but is not complete - for example, it doesn't seem to cover a user's custom views or folders.
Depending on the depth of the project, then there are the routes for accessing the server using Domino's database API, which would be the most flexible but would involve far more hurdles.
The core protocol is NRPC, which, to my knowledge, is only implemented in the core Notes library. As Stan said, it's heavily tied to the presence of an ID file (server or user) and uses that for its encryption. With some setup, you could have that library and ID present and then use the C functions and structs on a platform it supports. This route would give you the most functionality (there are a number of C-level functions to assist with converting between Notes's document representation and MIME).
Alternatively, there is a remote-access protocol called DIIOP that can be used to access a remote Domino server using UN/password credentials via Java objects. This is not enabled for every server, but it's not terribly uncommon, and isn't that hard to enable. You wouldn't have access to all of the C API's functionality for edge cases, but this would cover a lot of ground.

If you want to work in Python, and you are willing to limit yourself to just the most recent versions of the Lotus Domino server, then I think that you should consider using the REST API that is known as the Donmino Data Service. Here's some on-line documentation.


How should I build this app over communcation apps?

These days I am finding myself in the position of having to implement for one of my college courses a system that should act as a giant wrapper over many communications apps like Gmail , Facebook Messenger maybe even WhatsApp .To put it simply you should have a giant web interface where you can authorize Gmail , Messenger and use them at once when required. I am thinking of going with an REST API to manage the user's services authorized by OAuth2.Also I am thinking of using Node.JS and Express.js in the backend and React.js in the frontend. I found some sweet libraries in npm that should take care of interacting with the involved APIs( this one for instance), but I am also doubtful about this approach , for example I have no idea how to keep the use notified about its incoming mails or messages for example . I am in dire need of some expertise since I forgot to mention but I am quite the newbie in this field. To sum it up for once my question is how would you implement such an infrastructure ? Is it my approach viable or I am bound to hit some really hard to overcome obstacles?
As a college exercise, it would be a really fun experiment, so it definitely worth the time you want to put into it. However, once you want to add more features, the complexity will go up pretty fast.
Here are a couple of ideas you can think of:
It's pretty clear that your system can't do more things than the capabilities exposed by the APIs of communication apps (e.g. you can't have notifications in gmail if the API doesn't have this capability).
For that reason, you should carefully study the APIs and what functionalities they expose. They have public docs that you can check out: (Gmail API, Facebook Messanger API)
Some of the apps you want to communicate with may not have an official API (e.g. WhatsApp) - those kinds of details you definitely want to know from the start.
Based on the analysis of those APIs, you should lay out a list of requirements for your system, which can be extracted from all the APIs, for example: message notifications, file transfers, user profiles, etc.
In this way, you know exactly what capabilities your system should have, and you don't end up implementing a feature that is available only in 1 API out of 4.
Also, it would be a bit challenging to design your system from a user perspective, because the apps have different usage patterns - chat apps, where messages are coming in real-time, vs email, which is not real-time communication. That's just a detail anyway, the gist of your project is to play with those APIs.
Also, it may worth checking out the Gateway Aggergation Pattern, which is related to this project - you may want the user to send a message to multiple apps, by using a single request to your service.

need to develop utility independent of technology used for website development

I need a utility to be given to my customer having site name where he can decry-pt messages passed from my own site (i.e., which is build in Java technology.
Utility should be independent of technologies used by customer web site for their development.
Question: What technology should be used for developing such a Utility ?
Note: I have read that JavaScript is not good for cryptography.
The best option would be to use an existing, tried-and-tested protocol. TLS is a good choice for securing communication between two parties.
If, for some reason, you cannot use an existing protocol, you'll have to design your own, and describe it in such detail that others can implement it on their platforms. But this is very far from ideal for several reasons. Designing cryptographic protocols is hard, and even experts regularly get it wrong. Implementing cryptographic protocols is hard too, and experts often also get this wrong. There is simply no way a non-cryptographer could design or implement a secure protocol.

Tradeoffs of browser-based development vs. Smart Client

I've got an app that's been started on the Microsoft stack as a smart client (notionally WCF/WS enabled) with a small client app that gets deployed and the rest of the app running in our private cloud. It's only real dependency is internet connectivity, .net 4 and a windows operating system.
I am under pressure to convert over to a browser based architecture for all future development. Based on other web apps I've worked on, I'm concerned that the way that client IT organizations can control the browser, it will cause more problems down the line than what I really want to deal with.
Do you have experience making this kind of decision? What technical factors did you consider when deciding to go smart-client vs. browser? What resources were helpful in making this decision?
My app is a healthcare app targeted at healthcare providers (eg. hospitals), so everywhere I go, I have to worry about the Healthcare CIO looking over my shoulder.
Interesting. Originally I'm from C# winform and WPF Desktop programmer, and later being assigned to do web development. Haven't touch Smart Client yet but I think it should almost be the same with Native app. Based on experience, the technical things to consider are:
Multi browser support
Especially for reporting and graphic processing, without some library / plugins / framework for your component, it will be insanely hard to keep your app multibrowser. Especially in css style and less in javascript.
Client programming(javascript)
You will lose the ability to create controls and animation using C# controls. Instead you must using javascript (jquery or other library) in exchange. Javascript is not fully OOP, and intepret language (no compile error), making it harder (maybe there is some framework like coffeeScript which I haven't yet explore). In addition, it is harder to make since it will need server request / response activity in between the process, which I will describe later.
Request / Response Client-Server Architecture
This means that most process in client will need to request for the server (request for data to display, request to modify the data, etc). It also means that you lose the ability of control event, even if you use webform (it still need some tweaks for the event to work). However I assume you already used the WCF so this kind of architecture must be that hard.
Don't keep important information such as password, etc in client (hidden field, javascript variable, etc). The concept should be the same with multitenant client, however in browser, user has free access to debug your webpage.
Concurrent and Multithreading
In browser, it is easier for multitab page and concurrent process will be very highly to occur. Your code must able to handle the multi threading for client side. For server side, you can still use your WCF to handle concurrencies.
My 2 cents.
Obviously the web application has its own challenges. I hope this link can help you in some aspects:
Along with those you need to focus on non-function requirements like extensibility and scalability etc. too.

SaaS - How to prove users/client that they are using the same code always in the server?

Let's suppose we have an open source project running in a server.
Is there a common way to prove users that we're using the same code as the one published?
There is never an implicit guarantee that the remote service is what's described in its manifest, though generally the reputation of the service is what's directly considered.
What's more, SaaS itself is just a delivery model, and doesn't necessarily define a set of protocols or contracts between a client and a service. It merely defines an approach to building and serving a public platform. It's a term more relevant for describing the building process of a service and it's intended market than it is for describing the nitty-gritty operational details.
If such a thing needed to be implemented as part of the contract between the client and server, one could look at implementing a native hashing solution using HMACs. An identity mechanism could be implemented using salted access tokens similar to OAuth, but using the files of the codebase to generate the checksum. This would guarantee that if the code executed properly once, it would be the same code running so long as the hash generated did not change (though there's once again no guarantee that the hash being publicly exposed was properly generated)
Such a thing would sound redundant however, on top of the SSL security most services generally tend to use.
The long and short of it is that if you have concerns about the service being offered over a public API, then there is probably a pretty good reason its reputation precedes it.

Creating a simple mobile agent system

I am looking to create a simple mobile agent system which will deal with 4 tasks, i.e 4 different mobile agents jobs: Database update, meeting scheduling, network services discovery and kernel update.
I have done my research and have seen different frameworks such as Aglet, Jade, agent builder etc. My question is which one should i use? Also i need to setup the base code for it to work, can someone point me to a site or help me to setup the basic functions of the mobile agent?
I've read about tahiti server for the Aglet model. I'm quite confused about how to set up the mobile agent system. Any help would be much appreciated.
I have also tried to it using RMI. I had created a method of type agent, but i couldn't pass it through remote method implementation. I was reading about tcp and udp socket programming. I was thinking may be it would be more fair to do it using socket programming. In this case, would this be called an agent? I was thinking about the server sending datagram packets to multiple clients.
You need to ask yourself why you want to use mobile agents at all. The notion of a mobile agent was popular in the agent research community in the early 90's, but fell out of favour because (i) it wasn't clear what problem it was solving, (ii) the capability to allow arbitrary code to migrate to a particular computer and execute with enough privileges to access local data and services is very open to abuse, and (iii) all of the claimed benefits of mobile agents can actually be achieved though web services (REST or otherwise) and open data formats such as RDF. Consequently, few, if any, mobile agent platforms have been properly maintained since the early experiments.
It also sounds as though you need to be clear which end-user problem you want to solve. Scheduling a meeting and updating my kernel are very different tasks - I'd be very uncomfortable with a program that claims do both. If your interest is in the automation of system maintenance tasks, such as DB tuning and kernel patching, on large networks you might want to look at the SmartFrog project, or read up on autonomic computing.
I use JADE and I agree with the first guy, agent systems usually take alot of overhead to going so if you can avoid it, please do. If however you choose to proceed choose a platform with alot of support and a big user group.
Jade has some neat features like a directory facilitator DF, which works like a yellow pages so other agents don't have to know what agents are running and what services are supplied they can simply inquire by the DF.
Also JADE ContractNetBehaviours help simplify communication.
