Trigger CURL Request after boot using systemd - linux

I'm trying to create a service that will trigger every time a raspberry pi boots. Currently the service runs a really simple script that sends a POST request to a web service endpoint I control. I can trigger said script manually and that part all works perfectly.
I'm struggling with the next step which is to get that script to run after the pi has finished booting. I also need to be able to get it to run without a user logging in.
CURL Script (algiers-startup.local)
#! /bin/bash
echo "Attempting CURL Request"
curl --data "param1=value1&param2=value2"
Systemd Service
Description=Algiers RaspberryPi Startup
I see no errors or outputs in the console, no hint that anything has happened at all.

I’ll assume your machine is already set up with Systemd. It’s controlled primarily through the systemctl command. I alias it as such since it’s awful to type all the time:
alias sc=systemctl
alias ssc='sudo systemctl'
You just need to “enable” your service to have it run at boot:
sc enable algiers-startup
I’m not sure what distro you’re using, but on Arch and CentOS, you’ll want algiers-startup to live down in /usr/lib/systemd/system/.
You can test your service with sc start algiers-start. journalctl can show you what’s happening.


Nitrogen through systemd services doesn't work

I am writing a tool (zxcV32/OpenRWC) that fetches wallpapers from Reddit and sets them to the monitor(s) using nitrogen.
To make it easy to install and run automatically, I have created a deb package and a systemd service.
When the service is started using
sudo systemctl start openrwc#$USER.service
nitrogen errors out with exit status 1. (No other error message). And yes, the exec installed by the deb package works fine when manually run from the terminal.
I have compared that the command run by the tool is precisely the same when run through the systemd service or terminal run.
Sample command
nitrogen --set-scaled /home/zxcv32/.config/OpenRWC/fz41kmzk1wj91.jpg --head=0
Description=Reddit Wallpaper Changer for GNU/Linux
What may be wrong with the service? I want the service to be the user's choice, if they want to run it or not.
BTW I found this question that claims that nitrogen works through a service. (maybe there is a difference between running nitrogen directly through system service and through a go funciton)
System: Debian 11 5.10.0-17-amd64
Found the issue.
Systemd does not have access to certain environment variables.
DISPLAY environment variable needs to be set in the openrwc#.service.

bottle error "critical error while processing request:" when launched from systemd

I have a server built on bottle that works great when launched from userland. The server appears on port 8088 and appears to be communicating to the outside world, but when I contact the app all I get is the very informative "Critical error while processing request:schema" which is the url of the app.
My systemd file is below:
Description=Survey Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/survey/
I've found several articles related to the informative error message, but none related with systemd. As I said, the app runs perfectly when launched as user ubuntu in the project directory with the very simple command "python3" but seems to be missing... something when systemd tries to launch it.
Systemd reports the process is running and, as I said, I'm able to connect to the app... it just fails in an orderly fashion with this message, and I'm lost as to why. I suspect a permissions problem, but doesn't "user" and "Working-directory" take care of that? All files used by the app are in that directory or directories below it.
Apparently doing it the old fashion way works: set systemd to run a bash script as such:
cat /home/ubuntu/survey/
cd /home/ubuntu/survey/
Works just great. So my question now becomes one about systemd: what is the point of "Working-directory" if it does not actually set to that working directory?

Make ExecStartPost command to run in background

I have a systemd service for my spring boot application connected to consul server, behind haproxy. consul provides consul-template to automatically update the service location in haproxy configuration file via consul-template command.
consul-template takes a template file and writes to the final haproxy configuration file and then reload the haproxy.
Now, consul-template process needs to run in background always along with my application, so that as the application comes up, it can detect new application startup and update its location in the configuration file.
Here is my systemd service file for this.
ExecStart=/home/dragon/myservice/bin/myservice-script start
ExecReload=/home/dragon/myservice/bin/myservice-script reload
ExecStop=/home/dragon/myservice/bin/myservice-script stop
ExecStartPost=consul-template -template '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.template:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:sudo systemctl reload haproxy'
Now, when I start systemctl start myservice, my application starts and the call to consul-template also works, but consul-template process doesn't go in background. I have to press Ctl+C and then systemctl comes back and I have both my application and consul-template process running.
Is there way to run the consul-template process in background specified in ExecStartPost?
I was trying to add & at the end of the ExecStartPost command, but then consul-template complains that it is an additional invalid argument and it fails.
I was also trying to make the command as /bin/sh -c "consul-template command here...", but then this also doesn't work. Even nohup in this command wasn't working.
Any help is really appreciated.
A workaround would be to have a bash file as your entrypoint, add all you need in there, then it will all magically work
I was trying to accomplish the same task. I wanted to fire off some HTTP requests to Tomcat once the service had started, so that I could warmup our servers ahead of the first user request.
I went through a lot of trial and error with using trying to use ExecStartPost to fire off an async process, but actually worked. By calling a shell script, I could trigger off background processes, but from my testing Systemd appears to kill the process thread when ExecStartPost finishes, so any child processes end up getting killed too. I tried various combinations of using &, setsid, nohup, etc, even some Perl to try and trigger off the an executable in it's own thread, but as soon as the shell script exite from ExecStartPost any processes running where killed. It's possible there's some solution that would work using ExecStartPost, but I couldn't find it.
However, what did work is creating a new service (like #divinedragon mentions) which piggy backs off the service I wanted to monitor (in this case Tomcat).
Since it took me a little research to get something working the way I wanted, I wanted to share my solution in case it helps someone.
The first step is to create a new service (e.g. /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat-service-listener.service):
Description=Tomcat start/stop event listener
# make sure to stop the service when Tomcat stops
# waits for both Nginx & Tomcat to be started before this service is started
After=nginx.service tomcat.service
ExecStart=/path/to/your/ start
ExecStop=/path/to/your/ stop
# When the service is enabled, forces this service to start when Tomcat is started
Some notes on what is happening here:
The BindsTo make sure the service gets stopped when Tomcat is stopped. This triggers the ExecStop command.
The After make sure that on server reboot, this service does not start until both Nginx & Tomcat have started.
The WantedBy will create the wants symlink for Tomcat (when the service is enabled), which will force Tomcat to start this service any time it's restarted.
The RemainAfterExit=yes is necessary for the ExecStop to work. If you only care about triggering something when you're service is started and don't care about when the service is stopped, you can set this to no and remove the ExecStop line.
Make the TimeoutStartSec long enough for whatever task you plan on running.
To get this service working, you then need to do the following:
# make the service executable
chmod 664 /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat-service-listener.service
# make Systemd aware of the new service
systemctl daemon-reload
# register the service so it's started/stopped with Tomcat
systemctl enable tomcat-service-listener.service
Now all you need script to trigger off the logic you want. In my case, I wanted to warmup some servers once Tomcat started so my /path/to/your/ looks something like:
log_message() {
local MESSAGE="$1"
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $MESSAGE" >> "$LOGFILE"
return 0
warmup_server() {
log_message "Warming up $SERVER_DESCRIPTION..."
# we want to track the time it took to warm up the server
local START_TIME=$(date +%s)
# server restarts can take a while for all services to start, so we must retry long enough for all relevant services to start
HTTP_STATUS=$(curl --insecure --location --silent --show-error --fail --retry 60 --retry-delay 2 --retry-max-time 240 --output /dev/null --write-out "%{http_code}" '$SERVER_ADDRESS')
# we want to track the time it took to warm up the server
local TOTAL_STARTUP_TIME=$(($(date +%s)-$START_TIME))
log_message "$SERVER_DESCRIPTION started in $TOTAL_STARTUP_TIME seconds... (Status: $HTTP_STATUS)"
return 0
# monitor when Tomcat has stopped
if [ "$SCRIPT_MODE" == "stop" ]; then
log_message "Tomcat listener shutting down..."
exit 0
elif [ "$SCRIPT_MODE" == "start" ]; then
log_message "Tomcat listener started..."
# servers to warm up
warmup_server '' 'Localhost #1'
warmup_server '' 'Localhost #2'
This seems to be working exactly as I want. The service starts up when the server is reboot and starting/stopping/restarting Tomcat fires off the expected events. Since it's independent of the Tomcat service, I can restart this warmup script if needed. It also doesn't delay the Tomcat startup time, since it is its own service, therefore running asynchronously like I wanted.

Systemd service failing on startup

I'm trying to get a nodejs server to run on startup, so I created the following systemd unit file:
Description=TI SensorTag Communicator
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/pi/sensortag-comm/sensortag.js
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. It seems to fail before the nodejs script even starts, as no logging occurs. My script is dependent on mysql 5.5 (I think this is where I'm running into an issue). Any insight, or even a different solution would be appreciated.
Also, it runs fine once I'm logged into the system.
The service is enabled, and is logging through journalctl. I'll update with the results on 7/11/16.
Not sure why it didn't work the first time, but upon checking journalctl the issue was 100% that MySQL hadn't started. I once again changed it to After=MySQL.service and it worked perfectly!
If there is no mention of the service at all in the output of journalctl that could indicate that the service was not enabled to start at boot.
Make you run systemctl enable my-unit-name before your next boot test.
Also, since you depend on MySQL being up and running, you should declare that with something like: After=mysql.service. The exact service name may depend on your Linux distribution, which you didn't state.
Adding User=root adds nothing, as system units would be run by root by default anyway.
When you said "it fails", you didn't specify whether it was failing at boot time, or with a test run by systemctl start my-unit-name.
After attempting to start a service, there should be logging if you run journalctl -u
You might also consider adding StandardOutput=journal to your unit file to make sure you capture output from the service you are running as well.

How do I get my Golang web server to run in the background?

I have recently completed the Wiki web development tutorial ( I had tons of fun and I would like to experiment more with the net/http package.
However, I noticed that when I run the wiki from a console, the wiki takes over the console. If I close the console terminal or stop the process with CTRL+Z then the server stops.
How can I get the server to run in the background? I think the term for that is running in a daemon.
I'm running this on Ubuntu 12.04. Thanks for any help.
Simple / Usable things first
If you want a start script without much effort (i.e. dealing with the process, just having it managed by the system), you could create a systemd service. See Greg's answer for a detailled description on how to do that.
Afterwards you can start the service with
systemctl start myserver
Previously I would have recommended trying xinetd or something similar for finer granuarlity regarding resource and permission management but systemd already covers that.
Using the shell
You could start your process like this:
nohup ./myexecutable &
The & tells the shell to start the command in the background, keeping it in the job list.
On some shells, the job is killed if the parent shell exits using the HANGUP signal.
To prevent this, you can launch your command using the nohup command, which discards the HANGUP signal.
However, this does not work, if the called process reconnects the HANGUP signal.
To be really sure, you need to remove the process from the shell's joblist.
For two well known shells this can be achieved as follows:
./myexecutable &
disown <pid>
./myexecutable &!
Killing your background job
Normally, the shell prints the PID of the process, which then can be killed using the kill command, to stop the server. If your shell does not print the PID, you can get it using
echo $!
directly after execution. This prints the PID of the forked process.
You could use Supervisord to manage your process.
Ubuntu? Use upstart.
Create a file in /etc/init for your job, named your-service-name.conf
start on net-device-up
exec /path/to/file --option
You can use start your-service-name, as well as: stop, restart, status
This will configure your service using systemd, not a comprehensive tutorial but rather a quick jump-start of how this can be set up.
Content of your app.service file
Description=deploy-webhook service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/go webhook.go
Starting the Service
sudo systemctl start deploy-webhook.service
Service Status
sudo systemctl status deploy-webhook.service
journalctl -u deploy-webhook -e
After you press ctrl+z (putting the current task to sleep) you can run the command bg in the terminal (stands for background) to let the latest task continue running in the background.
When you need to, run fg to get back to the task.
To get the same result, you can add to your command & at the end to start it in the background.
To add to Greg's answer:
To run the Go App as a service you need to create a new service unit file.
However, the App needs to know where Go is installed. The easiest way to lookup that location is by running this command:
which go
which gives you an output like this:
With this piece of information, you can create the systemd service file. Create a file named providus-app.service in the /etc/systemd/system/ using the command below:
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service
Next open the newly created file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service
Paste the following configuration into your service file:
Description=Providus App Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/go/bin/go run main.go
When you are finished, save and close the file.
Next, reload the systemd daemon so that it knows about our service file:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start the Providus App service by typing:
sudo systemctl restart providus-app
Double-check that it started without errors by typing:
sudo systemctl status providus-app
And then enable the Providus App service file so that Providus App automatically starts at boot, that is, it can start on its own whenever the server restarts:
sudo systemctl enable providus-app
This creates a symlink in /etc/systemd/system/ for the /etc/systemd/system/providus-app.service file that you created.
To check logs:
sudo journalctl -u providus-app
