Using res.location with res.render - node.js

I have the user submit a file using POST to /upload, then I want the browser to render index.mustache and tell the browser that the location is /. I attempted to do this with the following code (in multer's onFileUploadComplete):
res.render('index', {options: 'whatever'});
It renders index, but the browser displays the location as /upload, not / as I desire. What am I doing wrong?

(Answering my own question)
I was able to solve my situation by using res.redirect('/') and placing my {options: 'whatever'} logic elsewhere.


Render view with parameter in url - NodeJS/Express

Could be having a total mind blank here but why when I have the following route will my JS and CSS tried to be rendered with the prefix /reset
app.get('/reset/:token', (req, res) => {
So as an example my css tries to pull from localhost:4000/reset/css as opposed to localhost:4000/css
I have not issues with any other of my views (without the parameter option :token)
Check your html/ejs files for the static file links, maybe you forgot to add "/" at be beginning of the relative urls.

How to send a file into an iframe with node-express?

I want to load a html file into an iframe, with express. A have a < a > tag, and when I click on it, the iframe appears. The frame loads, but I obviously get a "CANNOT GET" message in it, because I don't have the appropriate routing. I have the following code snippets.
<a id="ASZF">Adatvédelmi Szabályzat</a>
<iframe id="ASZFframe" src="ASZF.html"></iframe>
app.get("/ASZ",function(request, response){
Should I use < a href="?" >, or something else?
Your express is not made aware of that route. Your route should be:
app.get("/ASZF.html", function(req, res) {...});
But you probably want to look into serve-static instead of creating a controller just for this.

Injecting inline svg with ajax and reloading browser issue

I'm using the following script to inject a svg in my html body:
Meteor.startup(function() {
$('body').prepend('<div id="svg"></div>');
This works as intended but things go wrong when I manually reload the page in my browser. But only when there's a parameter in my route. When there's no paramater in my route I can refresh all I want without any problems.
Router.route('/test') // all OK!
Router.route('/test/:_id') // current template gets rendered multiple times and app finally crashes
I can't seem to wrap my head around this. Why is this happening? And how to fix this?
The load path needs to be absolute.

Point all URLs to a single web page with node.js + express + jQuery

I just started experimenting with node & express, and am trying to load the content of various HTML files into a single web page with Ajax.
I want the URL shown in the address bar to reflect the actual file structure on my server; so for instance when a user clicks a link with href="posts/thePost.html", instead of actually going to that page, I use click(), preventDefault(), and Ajax to load the content in a div, then pushState() and window.onpopstate to make the address bar show the relative path of the file. I do not want to use the hash (#) symbol or queries (?=) or anything like that, I want normal URLs.
This works fine, but when I refresh the page, the file located at the URL (i.e. posts/thePost.html) is displayed instead of index.html with the loaded content. Is there a way to use node to fix this, maybe by intercepting the request and displaying the content of index.html instead? I've tried to search this but haven't been having any luck.
Sorry if this sounds confusing. In short, the behavior that I'm looking for is that no matter what URL the address bar shows when the page is refreshed, index.html should be served up instead.
That's rather easy to do:
function serveIndex(req, res) {
return res.sendfile('index.html');
app.get('*', serveIndex);
app.head('*', serveIndex);
You'll likely want to put this after your other routes so you don't end up clobbering them.
var routes = require('./routes/index');
function serveIndex(req, res) {
app.get('*', serveIndex);

node.js Express - How to get partial views asynchronously

I've got a layout - navigation menu. In express tutorials theres only old-school pages loading. whole old page is thrown away and a new one is downloaded with all layouts,views and partial views. And i want navigation menu to stay. So how can i do that?
If i'm maybe getting smth wrong with this web pages architecture please guide me.
As #drachenstern said, you want to render only partial HTML fragments, not whole documents including the layout. You can tell express to skip the layout using:
res.render('sometemplate', {layout: false});
If you want to look for Ajax requests as distinct from full-page browser loads, use the req.xhr flag as documented here
Thus you might even be able to do
res.render('sometemplate', {layout: !req.xhr});
You can also use res.partial() which is specifically for rendering partials.
Here is a sample of its usage, where 'browse.jade' is name of the template:
exports.browse = function(req, res){
var Contact = mongoose.model('Contact');
Contact.where({}).asc('surname', 'given_name', 'org').run(function(err, results) {
res.partial('browse', {
locals: { data: results }
