Multiple domains and web app in Business Catalyst - dns

I have set up a secondary domain on my BC hosting successfully and have already set it up to point to a homepage and the url stays the way I wish, for example www.[secondary domain].com
I now want to setup a web app to use my secondary domain rather than my default, does anyone know how I would achieve this?
Fore example at present it looks like this www.[default domain].com/[webapp name]/ I would really want it to read www.[secondary domain].com/[webapp name]
I am going to have to use redirects when promoting the page and just accept that the proper url is going to be www.[default domain].com/[webapp name]/

BC serves all content the same, no matter which domain it is accessed from.
Proper server-side 301 redirects are unavailable, since BC gives us no method to discriminate by domain. You can perform a client-side 'redirect' though, after comparing the hostname in Javascript (with something like
There is also Liquid Markup, which you can use to detect the domain and vary the served content accordingly.
You'll need to ensure all links to the app are fully qualified, including the preferred domain.
I'd also add canonical links (<link rel="canonical" href="...">) to each page of the app. This will indicate the preferred domain to search engines.
Note the inverse is also a problem; content on your primary domain will also be accessible through the secondary domain, causing rank dilution / duplicate content issues.


Reverse proxy passthrough for multiple websites

I'm building a website where there will be user generated content, for example under the url Each user might have a page (of their own content) somewhere like,, etc. This number of users (as well as their names) are dynamic and can be added any time. I already have working and deployed.
I'd like to be able for users who have their own domain name, e.g., to be able to use that domain name but effectively have it act and behave as By this, I mean the following: is has the same DNS records as serves exactly the same content as This also goes for any/all (nested) subpaths, i.e. ->
A user browsing will have NOT be directed to To them it should feel like browsing directly.
I've tried playing around with Node's http-proxy package, where I would check what is then map it to a corresponding /user/jack path. However, I still couldn't get it to work as it would cause to redirect to
Also note that I'm fully using SSG/SSR on my app, so no need to worry about client-site routing or anything.
Thanks a lot.

custom domain name per customer single page application

I want to give my customer the ability to create their own todos list app/web.
So, I thought they could register to my application, for instance: and provide all preferences such as theme, title, name...
Now i could use the url/router ability to get some unique identifier from the url and use the same app, but fetch data for each customer.
1) is it sounds ok? or are there better strategies for this scenario?
2) if it's ok, If I want to give them the ability to configure their own domain (like in shopify you get some dynamic domain
So, what is the most popular/professional way to do it? I want it to be easy to the customer. any suggestions?
Other than the "cool factor", there is no benefit to using actual customized sub-domains.
You can synthesize the behavior by:
In DNS, set up a wildcard CNAME entry for * to point to, be sure to buy a matching wildcard ssl/tls certificate.
Configure the web server to respond to all hostnames.
After user registration. SANITIZE the username(or whatever identifier) value.
Set an authorization cookie with the option to force it not to
be a host cookie.
Redirect to Same server different name.
Check the cookie in the route to serve the correct pages. Just like
you would with any login.
If there is no cookie, use the host information to populate the
username portion of the login page, or display public todos?
Make sure any Javascript scripts hosted on the site and all internal links are loaded by relative addressing.
The technique is much safer than actually creating real subdomains.

Combine variations of the same domain in Google Analytics

Is there a way of forcing Google Analytics to combine variations of the same domain so it treats all subsequent visits from one user to any of these URLs as the same user? Here's an example:
What I hope to achieve is a setup where if a single user clicked each of these links, the results would appear in Analytics as: - Pageviews: 4 Users: 1
This question expands on this one from earlier
As I understand it, if I were to add a global 301 redirect to my .htaccess file, the user would be automatically redirected to whatever domain I specify. Is this the best solution?
The answer you linked to is outdated (if it was ever right). If you use Universal Analytics and set the cookie domain parameer to auto (which is the default) the cookie will be set for the domain and all subdomains:
Automatic Cookie Domain Configuration simplifies cross domain tracking
implementations by automatically writing cookies to the highest level
domain possible when the auto parameter is used. When used on the
domain, it will try to write cookies in the
following order:
(see documentation). So you will have a cookie for on both domain and www subdomain which is valid for both.
Having said that, you should still use the 301 for SEO reasons (to avoid duplicate content, plus Google announced last year that ssl is a ranking factor now so you might want to use your https pages only).

Website A 'redirect' to subdomain of website B, with content of website A

There has been a question made towards me recently to do the following:
We have a website with Drupal running in IIS.
On that site is an URL Redirect to a website hosted externally, obviously with a name completely irrelevant to the name of our company.
The question now is the following;
They want to change to URL to a subdomain of our website. Example: from "" to "" (while still showing content of the external website)
They want the current page of that website to be reflected in the URL bar. So it wouldn't say "", but it would say "" (instead of "")
It's possible that I forgot another 'condition' but have mentioned before this.
So, if someone visits through our URL Redirect to External-website, it needs to show our subdomain instead of their domain in the URL, AND it needs to show the current page when people start browsing while still using our subdomain in the URL.
Now, I checked the external-website, and it seems that most of the links available are relative links (if this would be any useful information).
Currently, the external website is hosted externally, and will remain to be so for next few years. (I believe we bought the company)
I have been asking around and looking up, and the best possible thing seems to use domain forwarding, but even then it still doesn't seem to comply with the entirety that they asked of me.
I am but a 'simple' .NET programmer, held responsible to do support for anything involving the websites, and I can't say I have extended knowledge about infrastructure. (But I can ask people to do this for me)
Is there anything that could solve this?
Thanks so much!
IIS's URL rewite and Application Request Routing (ARR) combo can help you what you want to achive. Here are few links which may guide you to configure ARR. Please note that these links dont exibit exact solution to your problem however you can take clue from it and fabricate your solution accordingly.
It sounds like you'll want to use a full-page iframe: do not redirect but show a page with an "inner page" instead: that inner page is the external web site. That way, users do not see the external site in their URL bar.
You need to configure the equivalent of Apache Virtual Host with Reverse Proxy on IIS.
See this answers:

Use htaccess mod_rewrite to hide domain name

I've read lots about what can be done with mod_rewrite but I haven't found one to solve my problem. Maybe it can't be done?
I have a sub-domain on my primary domain that I have a customer direct user to to use one of my programs. The customer doesn't want his customers to see that that are on my domain and he doesn't want to use an iframe.
So, is it possible for the user to only see www.subdomain/program.php instead of
If you want the browser to show www.subdomain/program.php in its location bar, you need to register the www.subdomain domain name. There is no way to remove bits of the domain name using anything in the htaccess file. For example, if you've registered and you have a server at, and you want to be able to go to http://foo/some/path/index.html, you're out of luck because the browser is going to attempt to do a DNS lookup of foo and it will most likely fail unless there happens to be a "foo" server under the DNS search domain. Browsers put a great deal of effort to prevent spoofing of the domain name, since it would be really bad if I was able to spoof my website to show the domain of a bank in a browser's location bar while actually visiting an entirely different website.
