bizspark azure credit card details - azure

Okay, I'm a BizSpark subscriber using my Azure credits and having a ball.
I've just tried to set up a web app on azure with a MySQL back end. WHen I tried to add MySQL to my subscription, it says I'm not allowed because it is a third-party product requiring that a credit card be registered on the Azure account as third-party products are not covered by the free Azure credit provided by Microsoft.
No Problem.
Except .... I Cannot find anywhere in my Azure portal where I can enter credit card details !
You normally have a link in your subscription settings (on a normal Azure account) but that link is missing on a BizSpark subscription.
Any ideas ?

You don’t usually need to provide your credit card credentials when you own a BizSpark Subscription, however, as you stated yourself; MySQL is a third-party product requiring that a credit card to be registered. This is not the case for students using DreamSpark for instance, which restricts the students to a couple of resources. As a BizSpark however, you get those credits which you are free to use on resources except third party ones. In order to use these services, I imagine you put in your credit card on the BizSpark Subscription (not sure about this) or a “Pay-as-you-go”-subscription (definitely sure about this). In order to do so, I suggest you use the “old” portal called When you sign in to your account, follow these steps to put in your credit card: Click your account name in the top right corner => View my bill => Here you can see the different subscription details and usage info. Select one subscription => Change payment method.
If you don’t want to use MySQL, you could simply use MSSQL by simply following this guide:
Hope this solved your problem and answered your question.
Please put this topic as resolved.


Unable to access Docusign Admin

Recently we have purchased a production account. I have logged into the account as Account Administrator but I am unable to see Docusign Admin. This was not the case for the developer account where it was already present from beforehand.
I need it as I have to add an organisation.
Below I have added a picture of how it looks in dev account.
So, most likely you have someone else in your company who is the admin. You will to find out who that is.
Every account has to have one admin at all times. You don't see to have administrative rights, but someone else may have.
If not, or if you don't know who that is - you will need to contact customer support to get this restored and take over as admin.
Another option is that you have multiple accounts in production. Meaning, when you log in, your user is a member of more than one account. You need to switch accounts. That switcher is an option on the right-top menu.
If you had "Admin" in Demo, then someone had to add that as it is not provided by default. Admin tools (Org Management and Access Management w/ SSO) are only included in the Enterprise Pro plan. For Business Pro or Standard plans, it is a paid add-on. Check to see if your account is an Enterprise Pro plan.
Also, if your company already has Org Mgmt, a "DocuSign Admin" (org, not account admin) needs to link this new account to the Org.

How to create new Microsoft organization?

I'm completely new to ms world and trying to access API under my personal account
However this API says that it can only be accessed using Delegated (work or school account).
Can anyone explain how to setup new organization account (taking into account that we have no organization yet), which ms service to use and which plan to subscribe for, if needed. They have so many services and it looks so confusing to assemble all this together, so please help.
As I said in the comments, first you need to have a tenant. If you have not buy an Azure subscription yet, you can also use a free account.
Then you can create a new work account or invite guest users in the tenant.

PowerBI - Service Principal access

Trying to publish report in PowerBI using Service account. These are steps I did. I'm starting to learn this, so please correct me if I did anything wrong.
Created Microsoft 365 account, as Power BI wont take personal email to sign up.
Signed up for Power BI, activated pro account.
Need to invoke REST method, so I signed in using same Microsoft 365 account to Azure. With this account, when I try to add subscription, its taking me to page to select offers for subscription.
I have another Azure subscription, but I'm not able to change directory of Azure account I created with Microsoft 365, as I need subscription to do that.
So I thought fine, will do a subscription for Microsoft 365, but it has payment information with country defaulting to United States. It wont take my credit card info.
Is this wrong way of doing this automation? How to change directory without subscription, or should I dont even have to do this part?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
If you want to solve the payment info defaulting to USA, you can change your geo location. Use this list to find your Geographical location identifier (Hex)
then use this command to change it
Set-WinHomeLocation -GeoId $hex
Now try inputting your CC info, and it should show your country instead of USA.

Confusion between work account & Microsoft account

I am using my work email address to set up multiple Azure IaaS environments. When I log into Azure, I get asked if I want to use the "Work or School Account" or "Personal Account" - both referring to the same email address.
I don't recall setting up anything in terms of personal accounts, or linking my work email as a Microsoft account.
Access to the subscription has been applied to my Personal account, not the work one.
When granting access, there's no way to pick which one you're giving access to.
Couple of questions
I've created some VMs but want them to be linked to my work account. Can I change this?
How do I unlink my work email from Personal. I want to use work just for work, and not have any confusion between the two.
See this screengrab for more information:
There are few problem with your account so lets go over them one by one.
First means that now you have 2 different accounts one it is your work account another one it is your microsoft account. You can create both of them with the same email since they are from 2 different tenants.
This is a concept important or you to understand there is something on Azure that it is over the subscription that is the tenant
|- Subscription
|- Resource Group
|- Resource
All subscription under the same tenant have the same Authentication method, this Authentication method can be linked to an Azure Active Directory ( Office 365 subscriptions are Azure Active Directory ) So you can open a request to microsoft to transfer your subscription to your company tenant. if you do this all the resources under it will be transferred to your other authentication. You can open this ticket on the portal.
If you don't want your personal account anymore you can close it on
Thanks to those who edited the question for me, my line-breaks didn't work by default, I'll ensure that I get it write next time. I was only allowed to post the image as an attachment being first-time poster, someone fixed that for me.
The answer from Gabriel Monteiro Nepomuceno was correct and touched on the root cause, but there's one element I didn't include in my question.
Regarding the tenant: the tenant is created under the company account of "". I am a sub-contractor and was granted access to my own account at "". Azure support have advised that its only possible to grant access to different account via the personal account.

Enable Windows Azure Subscription

My windows azure subscription has been cancelled. I want to update my credit card details and enable it.So please provide steps.
Please follow the link below to create an incident with Windows Azure Commerce Team, and they will provide necessary assistance to get your Subscription enabled and get going:
once your account has been cancelled the only way to revive it is by going to sign in, make sure you select subscription from the drop down near to your name on the top right side (to check if its the correct, select subscriptions and there should be the subscription that is cancelled) once u r under the correct one, go to payment options and add or change ur credit card... this then will update the service and resume the service... after this is done and everything is cocher, you can go to the account portal of azure and manage payment options from there.
Go to the Windows Azure Account Subscriptions page and change the payment method on your chosen subscription.
