Android studio configuration with Gradle - android-studio

I am having an issue to configure Android studio after importing gradle project. My project structures is as following:
Root Project
|_ etc.
Please note, that for several reasons I am not able to move settings.gradle and build.gradle files to project root . Also, the files mentioned above are configured correctly, so there is no problem with the build.
So the problem is that once the project in imported, the all gradle related file and folders are are generated inside .config folder, which doesn't disturd me.
Also the .idea folder and all relevant sub-folders are generated in this very folder.
So this is the problem. For some reason, the studio doesn't recognize all sub-modules are under source control. I.e. it's vcs.xml is empty and contains only project root. Actually the problem is resolved by adding the modules via settings--> subversion menu, but I'd really like out-of-the-box solution. I've tried to put .idea folder under source-control - doesn't help. Upon project creation, the vcs.xml is re-written and empty again.
So, the main question is:
Is there a possibility to
Force studio to generate .idea folder and the root project folder without changing location of .gradle files OR
Make studio NOT to re-write it's settings files upon project import (e.g. keep predefined vcs.xml)
PS. I'm aware the putting all generated files (including gradle folder, gradlew, etc.) will probably solve the issue, but I wouldn't like to go so far.
Thank all in advance

It should be a comment, but it is too long.
Android Studio works with a project.
Inside this project you can configure more modules but it need this structure:
Root Project
|_ etc.
Inside the settings.gradle you have to define all modules:
include ':config' , ':app_module' , ':lib1_module', ':lib2_module'
Under the root folder, Android Studio when builds the project with gradle, makes same folders, like the .idea.
I read that your are not able to move the settings.gradle file.
In this case Android Studio recognizes the config folder as the root of a project and build the .idea folder inside.
|_.config (root)
Force studio to generate .idea folder and the root project folder without changing location of .gradle files OR
As I know you can't avoid this.
Also ,
Make studio NOT to re-write it's settings files upon project import
The .idea, the .gradle folder, the .iml files are built locally by the IDE when the project is built. The IDE re-writes these resources, also these files contain local paths and usually they are not commited in VCS for this reason.


Why Android Studio (3.4) created .gitignore doesn't exclude all `/.idea`?

Whenever a new Android Studio project is created (I'm using Android Studio 3.4), the .gitignore content is as below.
Why isn't entire /.idea to be ignore but only the selective few? Are the remaining of any special use?
There are some that you generally want to check into version control (anything project-specific but not user-specific). See What to gitignore from the .idea folder? for more information. If you don't want to version control them, you can exclude the whole directory.
Excluding all .idea-data would also exclude gradle.xml
I guess this is important for building.
But I am just guessing.

Android Studio cannot open Android project with Kotlin DSL

I have converted one of our Android projects from the old Groovy settings.gradle and build.gradle files to the new Kotlin DSL, i. e. settings.gradle.kts and build.gradle.kts.
While "it works on my machine" - in particular: the original project I converted from Groovy to Kotlin works fine in its original directory - all my co-workers are unable to open the project when they clone the repo. Importantly, neither can I open the project myself (with the same AS installation on the same machine) when I clone the repo to some other directory. So, I suspect there is some additional detail missing in some configuration file but I cannot seem to figure out which...
When I just use File > Open... and then select the project folder, I only get the error message "The project 'xxx' is not a Gradle-based project"
When I instead go through Import Project (Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc.) and then select Import project from external model and Android Gradle Android Studio will create an empty build.gradle file and fail with the error message "ERROR: Plugin with id '' not found." Deleting the build.gradle just goes back to the error message I described in the first bullet point.
I am aware of this Github issue, which seems to describe the same problem, but it's been very quiet and I thought someone around here must have figured out a solution to this...
Oh, command line builds work everywhere - this is purely an Android Studio problem.
UPDATE: When I copy the whole project to a new folder (instead of cloning the repository) I can open it without any problems. So, am I correct in assuming that there must be something inside the folder - but not in Git - that makes it work?
I was able to 'fix' it by deleting the .idea directory and reopening the project. The .idea directory is usually not committed in git but I guess copying the directory invalidates the directory structures in the files within the .idea directory.
The whole bug is easily reproducible when you click on File > Re-import Gradle project.
#Boni2k answer does not work for me.
I have to rename the root build.gradle.kts back to build.gradle, fix the syntax error, sync the project (which works fine immediately), and rename the file back to build.gradle.kts. Then the error is gone and I can sync the project successfully.
What I did to raise the error was that I moved the project to a different folder, and rename the project.

Where to put gitIgnore file in Android Studio?

I am developing an app and I must take that project to GitHub. Now, I must make gitIgnore file. I know that file is used to ignore some specified files from my project. I used service and I received generated file. This is my gitIgnore file:
# Created by
### Android ###
# Built application files
# Files for the ART/Dalvik VM
# Java class files
# Generated files
# Gradle files
# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
# Proguard folder generated by Eclipse
# Log Files
# Android Studio Navigation editor temp files
# Android Studio captures folder
# Intellij
# Keystore files
### Android Patch ###
But I don't know were to copy this, and where to put that in my Android project.
Could someone help me?
I copied this file into my gitIgnore file in Android Studio, but when I have pushed that project on gitHub my gitnigore file looks like this:
So, that files that I copied into Android Studio are not here. What is the problem?
Normally when creating a new project the gitignore file is generated for you.
Here is the correct .gitignore file.
This is were you have to put it.
.gitignore file must be in the root directory of the project not just in android projects but in any project types
I hope my answer would be useful
The file should always be placed in the root directory of the project.
Check out this handy page on Github with template gitignore files for Android and other languages - they represent best practice and are regularly updated.

Which files can I ignore when I backup a Android studio project by myself?

I create a Android Studio project which is located in the folder E:\Android_Studio_Project\MessageCleanup
I hope to backup the project by myself.
I think that all files located in the folder E:\Android_Studio_Project\MessageCleanup\app\build\outputs\apk can be ignore, is it right?
And more, are there other files which can be ignored? Thanks!
you can ignore:
you could ignore
.gitignore (if you don't use git or dont want to exclude files from git)
The rest I would try to keep.

Renaming root directory for Android Studio project breaks code

In Android Studio, I wanted to rename the root directory. There was no way to do this within Android Studio, so I exited AS and renamed the folder and then opened the project again. But when I went to run the app, it indicates:
AndroidManifest.xm does not exist or has incorrect root tag
The manifest does exist, but apparently something breaks by renaming the file. I tried invalidating the cache but that didn't help.
Closing the project and then removing it from the list and then reimporting the project as a non-Android project corrected the problem. Still, this seems to be a hack. It should be possible to rename the root folder without having to take this approach.
