Is there a Glimpse plugin for OpenRasta? - glimpse

Pretty much what it says on the tin - I'd love to use Glimpse as it covers the majority of our stack (knockout, nHibernate, signalR) but we use OpenRasta for our web framework.
I've searched around and can find little - does anyone know of any plugin?
As a sidenote - would writing one be very involved?

I don't know of an OpenRasta plugin for Glimpse.
The Glimpse side of plugin writing is very easy, so any difficulty would stem from OpenRasta's extensibility and hosting story. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about OpenRasta to speak to that.


How to create a website that can be extended through plugins

I'm curious if there are any best practices, libraries, or good ideas for structuring a Node.JS application so that its functionality can be extended through plugins. The plugins would act much like they do in a common CMS like Wordpress were the user somehow gets the files to a plugin directory and then enables them without having to restart the server.
Thanks for any direction you can give me. I'm not afraid to reinvent the wheel (it's a lot of fun), but I am quite lazy and would love to find something that does the hard work for me. : )

Web Design Management programs/resources?

I originally got into programming by learning some javascript while trying to set up a website. I took to programming better than html and CSS and have since been learning more of it. Part of the problem was that I just wanted to do everything myself, all the javascript, CSS, HTML, everything. No external libraries or help. I wanted to understand and do all of it. The general hostility towards WYSIWYG programs from the development community didn't help either.
The amount of work required to do everything completely on my own is what deterred me, though I didn't want to have everything handed to me. A bit down the line from learning programming I decided I wanted to make some simple programs like I kept seeing everyone else make in Visual Studio. With programs, I knew it wouldn't only be difficult, but near impossible for me to do anything but use Visual Studio. As amateur as it feels dragging and dropping buttons and controls and having all the code generated, it's allowed me to work on the more personal aspects of the program and not the nitty gritty and has been a lot more fun.
I've decided that I want to give web development another shot, but this time with a little less ego. Is there any way I can have something like Visual C# for websites?
edit: As of yet, I can't fund my website experiments, so I'm using freehosting. The x10 hosting I use doesn't support, so I can't use VS for it :(.
You won't be using Visual C# for website design, but you'll use Visual Web Developer. You can download VWD here.
Edit: As per your edit, I would be a bit more concerned with using a technology that you find passion in and feel comfortable with (or at least the foresight to know it's something you want to pursue and dedicate yourself to learning and mastering). Just because you can't host a website application on the internet doesn't mean you should throw the towel in on ASP.NET. Some of the most fun applications are intranet applications. Just get IIS Express up and running and you'll have a blast.
You'd also be surprised at how cheap a webhosting "rental" can be that supports ASP.NET.

Is JSF2 usable in concert with the "Snaps" web UI framework based on Eclipse Virgo?

Snaps is a (rather new) web framework growing out of the Eclipse Virgo community that (will) allow dynamic, componentized web UIs by exploiting the OSGi infrastructure. Apparently it is the heir of "Slices", the previous attempt at this.
What I am wondering is whether there is any work ongoing in looking at how JSF (2) can be combined with such an approach? Is this at all possible? If so, is there any concrete work ongoing?
There is no work going on looking at JSF specifically or any other Web framework for that matter. Snaps aims to give you the dynamic runtime ability to compose your web app without restricting your choice of web framework in any way. It definitely doesn't aim to be another web framework.
I know some people have had JSF running on Virgo so I don't see any reason that you can't use it with snaps although I haven't tried it so I can't say for certain. If you do find a problem raise a bug on the Virgo project :)
In case you're still interested:
At the Virgo formus I know there is some guy who does have it running with FancyFaces.
If you might have found another solution, would be glad to hear.

Does anyone know of a feature filled forum package for Umbraco 4.03?

I was wondering if anyone has built or know of a decent forum package for Umbraco 4.03??
I've had a little play with this but its a bit basic
I've found this article on how to integrate YAF forum but would rather have one which fits a bit better..
Of course I know one answer, write or extend one of the above :) Any help would be gratefully received.
uForum is used to power the Our Umbraco community - so that's the current recommended forum package.
YAF is a fully-featured forum/bulletin-board web-application, which can be integrated with Umbraco (using an ASP.NET Membership Provider). Aside from that YAF is standalone.
Update: There is a new package called nForum.
I guess it depends on your requirements.
What features are lacking, clearly you know what you want so any guidance on what the forum should include will help.
Pretty much any based forum software would work with Umbraco. I guess the main thing would be the integration with the Membership provider in Umbraco. In this case Any forum software that could use a custom ASP.NET membership provider would integrate pretty much seamlessly.
There are plenty of opensource and commercial forum packages available for ASP.NET, just find one that matches your requirements and look at integrating it or running it alongside Umbraco.

Tips and Tricks in Dreamweaver

I want to gather Dreamweaver Tips and Tricks making development easy.
Mine, I recently discovered that I could asign a keyboard key in inserting code from 'code snippet'. for me it's really a time and effort saver. Since I would just press the special key and code is generated.
How about yours? What are your techniques?
I wouldn't touch Dreamweaver with a ten-foot pole. What exactly drives you to use Dreamweaver over a tool such as Notepad++? Most developers nowadays are comfortable with simple syntax highlighting, which Notepad++ supports right out of the box, with the addition of a built-in FTP client. You get a lot more, minus the $400 you need to pay to attain features that are available in every other IDE for free.
I have used Dreamweaver since 1.0. Whilst it used to be a great web development tool it seems to have declined and become almost irrelevant, see Dreamweaver is dying.
The real problem for Dreamweaver and for its users is that the nature of the web is changing dramatically. Dynamically-generated web applications, from Amazon right down to the humble blog, all offer much more – in-built commenting, voting, RSS feeds, etc – than the best sites built on static HTML can ever hope to provide.
I actually find that Dreamweaver now makes web development harder.
I don't have enough rep to comment or I would reply to yours, Pennf0lio. When I did web development a few years ago, I used DreamWeaver solely for the Site Manager tool. I loved knowing how easily I could move a file and not break anything that referenced it.
That said, I still used Vim to actually develop the sites.
