Is it possible in any language to kill a thread while it is sleeping/waiting?
My scenario:
I have two threads, one is constantly looking for a rising edge in a data stream, lets call it EdgeThread, and one is setting variables based off the difference between rising edges, lets call it DifThread. The main program is plotting this data.
If EdgeThread detects another rising edge before DifThread finishes setting its variables (sleeping .5 seconds between each variable change), DifThread needs to immediately stop and relaunch, even if it is sleeping.
Languages like Java or any of the languages in the .NET platform support some form of thread wait/notify mechanism.
The idea is that instead of simply having the thread sleep for a period of time, you have the thread wait on an object to be signaled while specifying a timeout period on the waiting time, effectively behaving similarly to a sleep.
Here is a very contrived example inspired by your requirement description that illustrates how the mechanism works using .NET/C# (you can try out this little example yourself):
private static readonly object objLock = new object();
private static volatile bool shouldIRelaunch = false;
static void Main(string[] args)
Thread difThread = new Thread(() =>
while (!shouldIRelaunch)
Console.WriteLine("difThread - doing some work...");
// Now, instead of sleeping, perform a wait which a pulse can interrupt.
lock (objLock)
Monitor.Wait(objLock, 500);
Console.WriteLine("difThread - Exiting thread...");
Thread edgeThread = new Thread(() =>
Console.WriteLine("edgeThread - sleeping for a few seconds...");
lock (objLock)
shouldIRelaunch = true;
Console.WriteLine("edgeThread - Notiying difThread thread to interrupt the wait");
The above code snippet produces the following output:
difThread - doing some work...
edgeThread - sleeping for a few seconds...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
difThread - doing some work...
edgeThread - Notiying difThread thread to interrupt the wait
difThread - Exiting thread...
Relevant documentation for .NET languages: Monitor.Wait(), Monitor.Pulse().
For Java: Guarded Blocks
Java also has the notion of interrupting a sleep that may be of interest to you. See here for more information: Interrupts
Consider this code :
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> tasks.parallelStream().forEach(Runnable::run));
tasks are a list of Runnables that should be executed in parallel.
When we start this thread, and it begins its execution, then depending on some calculations we need to interrupt (cancel) all those tasks.
Interrupting the Thread will only stop one of exections. How do we handle others? or maybe Streams should not be used that way? or you know a better solution?
You can use a ForkJoinPool to interrupt the threads:
public void testInterruptParallelStream() throws Exception {
final AtomicReference<InterruptedException> exc = new AtomicReference<>();
final ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(4);
// use the pool with a parallel stream to execute some tasks
forkJoinPool.submit(() -> {
Stream.generate(Object::new).parallel().forEach(obj -> {
synchronized (obj) {
try {
// task that is blocking
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
// wait until the stream got started
// now we want to interrupt the task execution
// wait for the interrupt to occur
// check that we really got an interruption in the parallel stream threads
assertTrue(exc.get() instanceof InterruptedException);
The worker threads do really get interrupted, terminating a blocking operation. You can also call shutdown() within the Consumer.
Note that those sleeps might not be tweaked for a proper unit test, you might have better ideas to just wait as necessary. But it is enough to show that it is working.
You aren't actually running the Runnables on the Thread you are creating. You are running a thread which will submit to a pool, so:
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> tasks.parallelStream().forEach(Runnable::run));
In this example you are in lesser terms doing
List<Runnable> tasks = ...;
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
for(Runnable r : tasks){
This is because you are using a parallelStream that delegates to a common pool when handling parallel executions.
As far as I know, you cannot get a handle of the Threads that are executing your tasks with a parallelStream so may be out of luck. You can always do tricky stuff to get the thread but probably isn't the best idea to do so.
Something like the following should work for you:
AtomicBoolean shouldCancel = new AtomicBoolean();
return !shouldCancel.get();
The documentation for the method allMatch specifically says that it "may not evaluate the predicate on all elements if not necessary for determining the result." So if the predicate doesn't match when you want to cancel, then it doesn't need to evaluate any more. Additionally, you can check the return result to see if the loop was cancelled or not.
In Qt, what is the easiest way to execute a function with a particular timeout.(preferably in a different thread)
If the function is not returned within a specific time, error should be returned.
Create a one-shot timer with QTimer and when it triggers, send a signal to a receiving object on the other thread by connecting the timeout() signal to the other thread object's slot.
Then, connect the same timer's timeout to a slot in the current thread to start a timeout error timer. If the other thread returns, stop the error timer.
The static method QTimer::singleShot can do it without creating a QTimer:
void MyClass::start() {
int timeout = 500; // msecs
QTimer::singleShot( timeout, this, SLOT(mySlot());
void MyClass::mySlot() {
/* Start your thread or whatever */
I have a main thread which creates another thread to perform some job.
main thread has a reference to that thread. How do I kill that thread forcefully some time later, even if thread is still operating. I cant find a proper function call that does that.
any help would be appreciable.
The original problem that I want to solve is I created a thread a thread to perform a CPU bound operation that may take 1 second to complete or may be 10 hours. I cant predict how much time it is going to take. If it is taking too much time, I want it to gracefully abandon the job when/ if I want. can I somehow communicate this message to that thread??
Assuming you're talking about a GLib.Thread, you can't. Even if you could, you probably wouldn't want to, since you would likely end up leaking a significant amount of memory.
What you're supposed to do is request that the thread kill itself. Generally this is done by using a variable to indicate whether or not it has been requested that the operation stop at the earliest opportunity. GLib.Cancellable is designed for this purpose, and it integrates with the I/O operations in GIO.
private static int main (string[] args) {
GLib.Cancellable cancellable = new GLib.Cancellable ();
new GLib.Thread<int> (null, () => {
try {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ ) {
cancellable.set_error_if_cancelled ();
GLib.debug ("%d", i);
GLib.Thread.usleep ((ulong) GLib.TimeSpan.MILLISECOND * 100);
return 0;
} catch ( GLib.Error e ) {
GLib.warning (e.message);
return -1;
GLib.Thread.usleep ((ulong) GLib.TimeSpan.SECOND);
cancellable.cancel ();
/* Make sure the thread has some time to cancel. In an application
* with a UI you probably wouldn't need to do this artificially,
* since the entire application probably wouldn't exit immediately
* after cancelling the thread (otherwise why bother cancelling the
* thread? Just exit the program) */
GLib.Thread.usleep ((ulong) GLib.TimeSpan.MILLISECOND * 150);
return 0;
In a linux kernel driver, I would like to repeat indefinitely the following sequence:
at time T, a hardware IRQ is enabled
between time T and T + "around" 15ms, the IRQ callback can be reached if the IRQ is triggered. I say around because I'm not using an RT kernel and if it's 14 or 16ms, it's fine. In the IRQ callback, I need to write down get cpu_clock(0) and call wake_up_interruptible. The timeout needs to be killed. The whole process needs to be started again within 5ms.
if by T + "around" 15ms, the IRQ has not been triggered, I need to execute some other code. The IRQ should be disabled then. The whole process needs to be started again within 5ms.
Therefore, by T + "around" 20ms, in worst case, the whole process needs to be started again.
Note that if the IRQ is physically triggered at 18ms, too bad, "I missed the train". I will catch another hardware trigger at the next sequence.
While testing, I was doing something along the following pseudo-code:
INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&priv->work, driver_work);
INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&priv->timeout, driver_timeout);
request_irq(priv->irq, driver_interrupt, IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, "my_irq", priv);
queue_delayed_work(priv->workq, &priv->work, 0ms);
static void driver_work(struct work_struct *work) {
queue_delayed_work(priv->workq, &priv->timeout, 15ms);
priv->interruptCalled = 0;
static irqreturn_t driver_interrupt(int irq, void *_priv) {
priv->interruptCalled = 1;
priv->stamp = cpu_clock(0);
queue_delayed_work(priv->workq, &priv->work, 5ms);
static void driver_timeout(struct work_struct *work) {
if (priv->interruptCalled == 0) {
//Do other small cleanup
queue_delayed_work(priv->workq, &priv->work, 5ms);
I'm trying to write a robust but simple driver. Is this a proper implementation? How can I improve this implementation?
Answering my own question: the problem is that queue_delayed_work is based on jiffies. Or 5ms is not possible as HZ=100 (1 jiffy = 10ms). HR timer brought a good solution.
I am learning about threading and i just created a small application in which i will update
the progressbar and a static text using threading.I vl get two inputs from the user, start and end values
for how long the loop should rotate.I have 2threads in my application.
Thread1- to update the progressbar(according to the loop) the static text which will show the count(loop count).
Thread2 - to update the another static text which will just diplay a name
Basically if the user clicks start, the progressbar steps up and at the same time filecount and the name are displayed parallely.
There's is another operation where if the user clicks pause it(thread) has to suspend until the user clicks resume.
The problem is,the above will not work(will not suspend and resume) for both thread..but works for a singlw thread.
Please check the code to get an idea and reply me what can done!
on button click start
void CThreadingEx3Dlg::OnBnClickedStart()
myThread1 = AfxBeginThread((AFX_THREADPROC)MyThreadFunction1,this);
myThread2 = AfxBeginThread((AFX_THREADPROC)MyThreadFunction2,this);
UINT MyThreadFunction1(LPARAM lparam)
CThreadingEx3Dlg* pthis = (CThreadingEx3Dlg*)lparam;
for(int intvalue =pthis->start;intvalue<=pthis->end; ++intvalue)
return 0;
thread1 function
LRESULT CThreadingEx3Dlg::OnThreadMessage1(WPARAM wparam,LPARAM lparam)
int nProgress= (int)wparam;
CString strStatus;
strStatus.Format(L"Thread1:Processing item: %d", nProgress);
return 0;
UINT MyThreadFunction2(LPARAM lparam)
CThreadingEx3Dlg* pthis = (CThreadingEx3Dlg*)lparam;
for(int i =pthis->start;i<=pthis->end;i++)
return 0;
thread2 function
LRESULT CThreadingEx3Dlg::OnThreadMessage2(WPARAM wparam,LPARAM lparam)
m_Static1.SetWindowTextW(L"Thread2 Running");
return TRUE;
void CThreadingEx3Dlg::OnBnClickedPause()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_Track = TRUE;
m_Track = FALSE;
I thought I should summarize some of the discussion in the comments into an answer.
In Windows programming, you should never try to manipulate a GUI control from a background thread, as doing so can cause your program to deadlock . This means only the main thread should ever touch elements of the GUI. (Technically, what matters is which thread created the control, but it's not common to create controls in background threads).
This requirement is detailed in Joe Newcomer's article on worker threads (see "Worker Threads and the GUI II: Don't Touch the GUI").
You are using SendMessage in your thread procedures. This causes the appropriate message handler for the target control to be invoked, but in the thread that called SendMessage. In your case, that means the background threads run the message handlers and therefore update the progress bar and label.
The alternative is to use PostMessage. This causes the message to be added to a queue to be processed by the main thread's message loop. When the main thread gets to run, it processes the messages in the order they were added to the queue, calling the message handlers itself. Since the main thread owns the windows, it is safe for it to update the controls.
You should also beware that SuspendThread and ResumeThread are tricky to get right. You might want to read this section of Joe Newcomer's article, which describes some of the dangers.
Tasks like this are often better achieved by using a timer. This is a mechanism for having the operating system notify your program when a particular amount of time has passed. You could implement this with a timer as below:
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CThreadingEx3Dlg, CDialog)
void CThreadingEx3Dlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nTimerID)
static int progress = 0;
if (nTimerID == 1)
CString strStatus;
strStatus.Format(_T("Processing item: %d"), progress);
if (progress > end) // If we've reached the end of the updates.
BOOL CThreadingEx3Dlg::OnInitDialog()
// ... initialize controls, etc, as necessary.
SetTimer(1, 100, 0);
void CThreadingEx3Dlg::OnDestroy()
If you want both updates handled at the same time, they can use the same timer. If they need to happen at different times (such as one at a 100 ms interval and another at a 150 ms interval) then you can call SetTimer twice with different IDs. To pause the action, call KillTimer. To resume it, call SetTimer again.
Multi-threading and message queuing is quite a complex game. When you SendMessage from ThreadA to the same thread then it just calls the message handler. If you do it from ThreadA to another thread (ThreadB) then it gets more complicated. ThreadA then posts a message to the ThreadB's message queue and waits on a signal to say that ThreadB has finished processing the message and sent the return value. This raises an instant problem. If ThreadB is not pumping messages then you have a deadlock as the message in ThreadB's will never get "dispatched". This also raises an EVEN bigger problem. If ThreadB's message needs to send a message to a control created in ThreadA then you have a massive architectural problem. As ThreadA is currently suspended waiting for ThreadB to return and ThreadB is suspended waiting for ThreadA to return. Nothing will happen ... They will both sit suspended.
Thats about it really. Its pretty easy as long as you bear these issues in mind. ie It absoloutely IS possible despite what the others have said.
In general though your threading is pretty pointless because you straight away send a message to the main thread to do some processing. Why bother starting the threads in the first place. You may as well not bother because the threads will just sit there waiting for the main thread to return.
Why do you "WaitForSingleObject" anyway when you suspend the first thread? Why not just suspend them both.
All round, though, you aren't giving enough information about what you are doing to say exactly whats going on. What happens when you click pause, for example?
Windows will not operate properly when more than one thread interacts with the GUI. You'll need to reorganize your program so that does not happen.