How can I connect to a running node program with my repl - node.js

I am using Bodil Stokkes node repl Starting it is very easy. Just as described in the docs.
Now I'd like to connect my running node program to the repl. However I can't figure out how to do that. Can anybody give me a step by step instruction.
What I want to do is
node out/main.js => starts my node process
lein trampoline noderepl => this should somehow connect to the process in main.js
Optionally I'd be happy if I could start/access my main program from within the node-repl.

Check out Vantage.js. It let's you connect into live Node apps on the fly. This looks like what you're trying to do.
Disclaimer: I made it.


Running an oracle (written in node.js) after compile/migrate contracts

I'm trying to write some tests for truffle, but I've realized that when running truffle test, before the test file is executed, truffle performs the compilation and migration of the contracts. For this reason, I need my oracle to be launched just after the migration because when launched it is waiting for events coming from a specific contract address.
Is there any way of launching the oracle programmatically and keeping it alive during the test? The command to launch it is simple, just something like node oracle.js --network=test
I guess my code is not needed for the question, but anyway, if you need to know any approach I'm following on the project feel free to ask about.
Thanks in advance.
You should be able to launch the oracle from any .js test file that requires the oracle to be running. You could likely accomplish this using a npm package such as forever.

How are most Node applications started?

I know to start my Node app I type in the Win shell, node app.js.
But this is obviously not how a webhost would maintain a Node webserver (ie what happens if there is a power outage, a Node exception, etc).
I see things like Forever and running Node as a Windows service, but I feel like the creator of Node must have had a different idea? Something like Apache is installed as a Windows Service so that it runs even if the server reboots - what is the correct method of doing this for Node? I don't like the idea of introducing another piece of software just to keep the server going.
The problem is that many systems do not do that. For instance MongoDB doesn't even run like that on windows.
The best solution I have found is this
Also you have to consider even on Linux you need to run something like upstart to keep node programs running when you close the console.

Way to connect Clojurescript Repl to running node process

I was wondering if there is a way to connect a cljs repl to a nodejs process that I already have running, that is say in debug mode and stopped at a breakpoint.
So I know there is, and I have this running fine, but it starts up a 'sandboxed environment' as it says in the documentation. I'd like it to connect to a node process of my choosing (e.g. node debug my_project.js).
I can use the normal node debugger, but that's plain old JS, not CLJS.
I also looked into nRepl, but that doesn't seem to be the solution.
Is what I'm asking for possible at the moment, or can I only do this type of repl in a browser environment?
I know it's a bit late, but I don't think node has a way to communicate with a running enviroment. nREPL actually is a step there as it will listen in a nodejs app and let clients send it code, but I haven't seen a nREPL server for node.js clojurescript.
The best I've gotten is

How can I daemonize node?

Is there a universally accepted means of deamonizing (and of course, later communicating through signals or some abstraction thereon) a node script?
That is, is there a Node equivalent of:
if (fork())
// parent process, die
// we're a daemon
The following is a list of ways to run Node as a background daemon on
different platforms:
nodejs-autorestart manages a Node instance on Linux which uses Upstart (Ubuntu, Debian, and so on).
fugue watches a Node server, restarting it if it crashes.
forever is a small commandline Node script which ensures a script will run "forever".
node-init is a Node script which turns your Node application into a LSB-compliant init script. LSB being a specification of Linux
There is not a built-in way to do this in Node. Take a look at Writing Daemon's in JavaScript with Node.js for one implementation (warning: this is relatively old and Node moves fast--I haven't tested it. :)
Upstart works well for me, though I'm having an issue when I serve over https. Here's the tutorial I used:
You can use node's process object to send/handle signals.
As others have pointed out there really isn't a way to do this in Node directly. You really need to run it using foreverjs. The reason you need to run it using a monitor like forever, is because error thrown by your code will often result in the entire Node process to quit and exit. A monitor will look for this occurring and restart the process immediately.
It is also important to note that while the process is restarting, your server will not respond to request so plan ahead if you expect this to be a problem and make sure that you have a few servers processes running under a load-balancer.

How to set up a node.js development environment/server (Ubuntu 11.04)

I am trying to set up a development environment for node.js. I assumed at first that it requires something similar to the traditional, "localhost" server approach. But I found myself at a loss. I managed to start a node.js hello world app from the terminal. Which doesn't looked like a big deal - having to start an app from the console isn't that hard. But, after some tweaking, I found out that the changes aren't shown in the browser immediately - you need to "node [appName here]" it again to run.
So, my question is:
Is there a software or a tutorial on how to create a more "traditional" development server on your local machine? Along with port listening setup, various configurations, root directories etc (things that are regular in stacks like XAMMP, BitNami or even the prepackaged Ubuntu LAMP). Since I'm new at node.js, I can't really be sure I'm even searching for the right things on google.
Take a look at :
it'll allow you to do - nodemon app.js
and the server will restart automatically in case of failure.
To do this I built a relatively small tool in NodeJS that allows me to start/stop/restart a NodeJS child process (which contains the actual server) and see/change configuration option and builds/versions of the application, with admin options available on a different tcp port. It also monitors said child process to automatically respawn it if there was a error (and after x failed attempts stops trying and contacts me).
While I'm prohibited from sharing source code, this requires the (built-in) child_process module, which has a spawn method that returns a child process I guess, which contains a pid (process id) which you can use with the kill method to kill said child process. Instead of killing it you could also work with SIGINT an catch it within your child application to first clean up some stuff and then exit. It's relatively easy to do.
Some nice reading material regarding this.
