I'm making a multi-player game.
my game allow player to get into same lobby and same room.
also it does instantiate playerObj.
but the problem is RPC or OnPhotonSerializeView is not calling
I putted 'Debug.Log()' function to check if it does calling these two functions by any chance... and it turn out to be it is not calling at all.
I don't know what i did wrong, or what is wrong with photon.
because my code is working fine with other simpler proj.
so it is not spelling error or something.
any help will be helpful thank you
I hoped that potentially there is something that will help me do it with just one step, however there might be other steps for it.
The problem is, that there is a game I follow, however all the major informations (devblogs and streams) is passed over mostly in french. Today there is one stream on Twitch that I would love to understand, however French has never crossed my path outside of the game. I was hoping there would be a way for me to launch the stream, capture the text spoken during it and translate it to English.
So far, the best idea that came to my mind would be to open up google translate, turn the volume up and let it speak to itself, however I hoped there would be something that listens to an application/window inside the system without the use of the actual microphone and speaker.
Enjoy your day, all!
need some help here please...over the last 1-2 weeks, I've been getting regular delays in my translations. (It's been working correctly for months, without timeouts) I'm getting:
FetchError: network timeout at: https://translation.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/detect
I'm using node.js framework, and I see several of these per day now, each day.
(please note, I am not seeing any errors on "translate", but just on the "detect")
any help possible?
ok so after looking long and hard, and nobody answering...I decided that I would try something else. I went to the v3 interface, which allows for detection and translation in the same call, and I avoided the detect interface of v2. This looks like it is working, as the delays I faced from detect call ( and not translate ) are gone now. Hope someone else can benefit.
I have a player, and I want to be able to detect when they are near a ball so they can press 'E' to kick it.
I'm new to godot and I'm probably just dumb but I can't figure out how to get the position of another object.
I have 3 separate scenes: MainScene(Node2D), Player(KinematicBody2D), and Ball(RigidBody2D). I want to attach a script to one of the scenes that detects how close the Player is to the Ball so they can kick it.
I'm not sure if I should attach the script to the MainScene, the Player scene, or the Ball scene and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure how the code should look. I'm not very familiar with the functions and the node/scene hierarchy is a little confusing.
I am familiar with Python, I just think I'm overwhelmed with this engine (its my first time using a game engine) and I'm having a bit of a tough time grasping it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Side-quest: If you are feeling extra helpful I also need to figure out how to stop a RigidBody2D object from moving until the player hits 'E' on it to kick it!
For this you want an Area2D, which is purpose-built for "detecting nearby objects" without interacting with them physics-wise. Have an Area2D as a child of the Player node and connect the Player node to that Area2D's body_entered signal. Here's a tutorial on using Area2D for further info; this tutorial also links to various other tutorials that could be helpful.
i think you maybe use function
(of Area2D node) for detect another areas or body
The code for this question is already here:
Does writing to S3(aws-sdk nodeJS) conflict with listing objects in a bucket?
Please be sympathetic, I've been on this problem for days and I'm a complete rookie. I am trying to poll for a list of objects(haveFilesBeenWrittenToBucket method) and then read the file when there are objects (readFile method). If I place a breakpont on the callback(items) in the haveFilesBeenWrittenToBucket, everything works fine. If I don't, I always get 'number of items 0' written out to the console. It is not predictable exactly when the stuff will be written to S3, but it should be within a minute. There appears to be a race condition, and I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out here. I'm desperate for ideas. Thanks so much.
P.S. I was advised to make this a separate question to the one asked in the link.
In the end, I was barking up the wrong tree- my error had nothing to do with node.
The ALSA documentation seems to be very lacking... Basically, I need to play sounds asynchronously, be able to stop (all) sounds, and get a callback when one has finished playing successfully.
I can mostly do the first 2, its just the latter I'm having trouble with.
Does anyone know any snippets that may enlighten me?
Further Details:
Basically the user will be browsing a collection of sounds, when they hover over one, it should play it, and when they go onto the next one, that one should stop very quickly, and the next should play etc.... This will happen fast. The last one they heard in its entirety should be selected (hence why I need the callback if a whole sound plays successfully, as atm the one selected isn't necessarily the one they least heard, due to threading)
I don't really want to use any libraries other than libasound.