Google Cloud DNS not working for me - dns

I did the following steps but my domain was not getting resolved:
I created a zone (file) in Google Cloud -> Networking -> Cloud DNS using the right DNS name for the domain.
I put these NS as shown in Registrar Setup into my domain registrar:
I waited hours until the NS changes kicked in and verified in whois.
My domain was getting resolved.
Did I miss any other steps? I could not figure out so that I abandoned the Google Cloud DNS and went with my registrar's DNS and it is working now.

Make sure everything is spelled correctly.
i had trouble the other day. getting the domain to resolve while using google cloud services dns.
after waiting for about 30 hours, i double checked my work and found out that i had misspelled my domain name when i set up the dns zone.
usually the google dns entries resolve pretty quickly, especially if the domain is purchased from
the trailing . at the end has not been necessary for me. infact, when using, the trailing dot is automatically removed when entered as the custom dns-server.

All the NS you have listed doesn't have trailing . towards the end, as in
Would you be able to try updating the NS with your Registrar?

Have you already add a record (A record) to map the external IP address to your domain?
Your domain should be already working if you have all the records that are needed (and properly copied the NS record to your domain provider). However, for some time, you may need to wait for the propagation to change. See this link:

In Google Cloud Platform, Cloud DNS has two requirements and I think you forgot the "A" record.
domain name from your domain name registrar.
IP address to point the A record of your zone. A valid IP address can be a server you already have running with an IP address you can point to.
To create an "A" record check below link:


Route53 DNS returns proper info in internal tests but not with external ones

I've setup my personal website with github, figured out the DNS configs based on the following page. I used A records because those are used in Route53 configs and when I test my DNS routing for with Route53 tool, I get the proper response.
i.e. the DNS returns me the required GitHub IPs as I configured. However, when I try to run dig I get an empty response.
I'm confident that I've waited long enough for changes to propagate (probably more than two full days now) so what could be the issue here? Any advice on how to further troubleshoot the routing issues?
Looked up my url's who is data.
DNS Hosting works with 2 steps: configuring the dns servers to answer queries, and delegating the domain to them.
The first part you seem to have working: you've set up a Route 53 Zone, configured the records, and have successfully resolved them from one of the nameservers in the NS record Route 53 configurd for you when you created the zone.
The second step is essentially to tell your registrar that when the public attempt to look up the domain, they should be referred to the route 53 servers you configured. By adding these same dns servers from the NS record in the working, public route 53 zone, you will delegate dns on that domain to those servers.
You registered your domain on amazon so it created a route53 zone for you, with matching DNS servers in it. Either you removed this zone or created another one. That's fine to do, but each zone costs 50 cents a month, so get in the habit of removing ones that aren't working. You can create any number of route 53 zones to serve the same domain, but the ones you put in the registrar are the ones the public will use to resolve the domain.
Once whois mydomain.tld ( or a web equivalent, if whois isn't available in your environment, like from your screenshot) shows the same nameservers that you can successfully query against with dig, you're golden. It might take some time for the registrar's setting to propagate; in practice this is typically on the order of minutes.

Sendgrid "Sender Authentication" on Azure

I have an Azure SendGrid account that works great. I can send e-mails no problem with the usual API. I need to setup Sender Authentication (2 reasons, first it will help with receiver finding it in their junk and more importantly it will allow me to setup an Inbound Parse).
I have consulted the Sendgrid Documentation (, which has explicit instructions, which involve DNS Records (more soon), but unfortunately this isn't working. I have also gone through their troubleshooting. I think it may be an issue with my domain actually being a sub-domain, but I can't figure out how to fix the DNS records to make it work.
I have a "DNS Zone" setup for my site, lets call the site "".
Sendgrid instructed me to add the following CNAME records (numbers are scrambled): >
( well as two others)
So I made those records, and waited over 48 hours for DNS refresh, but Sendgrid will still not verify. I get the error: Expected CNAME for "" to match "". I also tried their troubleshooting and wasn't able to get an "answer" using the DIG command. I am not using whitelisting or any of the other features that are known to interfere.
In all the documentation, the records usually take the form: and not, so that could be part of the issue, but I could of course be missing something.
I wanted to copy the answer that I got from Microsoft Tech support. Based on #mdeora comment, I contacted Azure and below was the response. It seems that the SubDomain is the problem, but only specifically for these subdomains, it may work fine for other subdomains if you can setup delegation.
"I suspect a delegation issue.
As I understand it, you have created a DNS zone name ''. This has been assigned name servers in Azure DNS (e.g. etc). You have then created a DNS entry 'em8849' of type CNAME.
The problem is that there is no DNS delegation in place from the parent DNS zone to your DNS zone. In this case, the parent DNS zone is ''. This is owned by Microsoft, and they do not support customers setting up delegations from this domain.
You should:
Purchase your own domain name (e.g. You can do this using the App Service Domains service in Azure (currently in Preview). See
Create a corresponding DNS zone in Azure DNS
Set up DNS delegation for your DNS zone. See
Create your DNS record. For a Web App, use either a CNAME to the '' or an A record directly to the site IP address.
For Web Apps, you will also have to register your domain name as a custom domain for the Web App. See
If you use App Service Domains to complete step 1, then steps 2 and 3 should be completed for you, automatically.
Good luck!
Jonathan ("
Proposed as answer by Jonathan TulianiModerator Friday, June 15, 2018 9:00 AM
For me, the problem was that Azure automatically includes domain name in the records: Sendgrid asks to add a CNAME record ""; You shoudn't include "" in the name because azure automatically includes it. You can check that by editing a record and seeing that it ends up as: "". So the record should be only: "s1.domainkey";
It worked for me, but i have a custom domain acquired from azure; maybe it works for azurewebsites subdomains, i'm not sure.

Firebase Hosting Custom Domain - site not "Go Live" after update DNS records by "CNAME records" method

My domain verification process is completed and i also update my domain's DNS records to point to Firebase using "CNAME records" method (updated before approx 96 hours) but my site was not "Go Live". In Firebase console Hosting menu that give me below message:
Your site will go live when your domain registrar propagates your updated records.
I have already deploy my site default index.html using "Firebase deploy" CLI command and it's already successfully uploaded on ""
My Question: why my custom domain is not redirect to Firebase hosting?
Note: I have set default GoDaddy DNS nameservers in my domain.
I had the same problem and here is how i resolved it :
I put three parameters in the DNS record :
CNAME with www
A with 1st IP
A with 2nd IP
and then i only add two nameservers i.e.: ns1 & ns2 out of the 4 default Nameservers provided by
and now my website is live on firebase.
-extra info:
it was not going live when i was using the 4 default nameservers.
it was not working with only one CNAME or both CNAME, or only both A with IP
I even contacted support on they answered it is essential to have NameServer.
If you're using GoDaddy
Just try changing your host name from '' to '#'
That worked for me
I could never get the "recommended" CNAME record to work. I ended up just using the two IP's for the A record. It took about 5 minutes to propagate enough to get my site in a browser.
If you are customizing your url domian with Godaddy and Firebase, you need to do the following:
Remove your existing A record (domains from Godaddy has one A record by default).
Add the A records from the instructions found in your Firebase Console.
If you want to use, you need to set up the subdomain in Godaddy Domain (Attached image).
Maybe this step is not necesary, but I also added CNAME found in my Firebase Console.
After this changes you need to wait a few hours. If you problem persists Firebase has an excellent support as #FrankvanPuffelen says above. They solved my problems fastly.
For me after adding those 3, that #Orkun Ozen and #SarkawtNoori mentioned:
CNAME with www
A with 1st IP
A with 2nd IP
(without touching the nameservers)
in the domain service site (in my case hostinger).
I added a new domain to Firebase and called it including to and it worked perfectly.... (though I had to wait for it to be secure).
I deleted the custom firebase hosting site and added it again, actually when I did that it automatically was set as "connected". I didn't need to set up verification records or wait for provisioning.

Manage only a subdomain with Google Cloud DNS

I own a domain and I am happy with where its DNS is hosted. I do want to delegate to Google Cloud DNS only a new subdomain
Is this possible?
Could you point me to example code?
What I need to do to the DNS settings of the servers hosting
You should just be able to create NS records in called bar and enter the nameservers (one per entry) they gave you. That's called a "zone cut" and anybody looking up, say, will be told by to check with Cloud DNS (the same way com told them to check with When they ask Cloud DNS, they'll get the answer.
So -
Set up the zone on Google Cloud DNS
Add NS records at listing the Cloud DNS nameservers given
... that's it! Try it out.

Azure CNAME / A record confusion

I've set up my first site on Azure. Let's call it ''. I've uploaded the files to Azure as a shared Azure website. It's accessible at ''. Now I want to test it out by pointing a live subdomain to it, so basically I want it to resolve with the URL ''. I've read the documentation and it says that before I can add an A record to my domain to do this, I need to create a CNAME record. The instructions it gives are:
The DNS record for '' that points to
'' could not be located. If you
want to configure an A record, you must first create a CNAME record
with your DNS provider for
'' that points to
''. First allow the
resource record to propagate, and then create the A record.
Okay, so I've logged into the Plesk control panel of the current host (where the DNS is controlled) and added a CNAME record with 'host': and 'value': I did this more than 24 hours ago so it should have propagated by now, but when I try to add the domain in the Azure portal it still tells me there's no verification CNAME record. Similarly when I ping it doesn't resolve (surely it should if it's set up right, as it's a new record, so it shouldn't rely on DNS propagation time?).
To be on the safe side I've also created a CNAME with host: and value: and that too isn't working. In fact when I add these CNAME records Plesk tells me:
Unable to resolve the canonical name
Anyhow, I'm a little bit stuck. I thought I'd followed the documentation pretty closely but obviously something isn't right.
If anyone has any pointers I'd be most grateful.
It must have been a propagation issue oddly, as 48 hours later it works when I add the domain to Azure.
