Azure AD Sign In - azure

I have a web application that is secured by Azure AD. I would like to be able to allow some people to access this application. I have created an account in my directory for these users and I would like to log them in without doing a redirect to Azure AD.
Is there any way to get an Azure auth cookie and allow them to access my application without redirecting them to a login? I know the username / password and would like to be able to do the sign in behind the scenes.

You should be able to use the Resource Owner Credentials flow. Assuming you're using ADAL, you can leverage this sample app to retrieve a token.
Once you have the authentication result, you can use it to build an identity and pass that to the cookie authentication manager (assuming you're using the OWIN cookie authentication middleware).
var claims = new List<Claim>();
claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, result.UserInfo.GivenName));
var id = new ClaimsIdentity(claims,
var ctx = Request.GetOwinContext();
var authenticationManager = ctx.Authentication;


Cannot Logout from IdentityServer 4 through Azure SAML logout request

I have a Service Provider (SP) based on IdentityServer 4 and Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2 that is configured to use Azure as an IdP (SAML2).
I also have a SPA with an api that connects to my SP (with oidp) to identify my user. The api then creates a JWT for my user to use.
I can login my user correctly.
My issue comes with the logout. I want to use the logout url parameter of Azure to notify my SP about the logout. I manage to see the SAML Logout Request as a string when I configure an endpoint of mine but I can't exploit it and parsing it manually does't seem right.
Is there an existing endpoint that would come with my dependencies that I missed?
The goal here is to revoke all my user's application sessions (the apps to which my user is connected throug my SP).
Idp configuration in the SP (called in Startup.cs).
The Saml2AuthModel comes from a config file.
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddSaml2Auth(this AuthenticationBuilder builder, Saml2AuthModel saml2AuthModel)
builder.AddSaml2(saml2AuthModel.Scheme, saml2AuthModel.DisplayName ?? saml2AuthModel.Scheme, options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
options.SignOutScheme = IdentityServerConstants.SignoutScheme;
options.SPOptions.EntityId = new EntityId(saml2AuthModel.ServiceProviderEntityId);
options.SPOptions.ModulePath = "/" + saml2AuthModel.ModulePath ?? saml2AuthModel.Scheme ?? options.SPOptions.ModulePath;
var idp = new IdentityProvider(
new EntityId(saml2AuthModel.IdentityProviderEntityId),
idp.MetadataLocation = saml2AuthModel.IdentityProviderMetadataLocation;
return builder;
The Sustainsys.Saml2 library has support for single logout. To enable it, you need to set up a service signing key. The reason is that logout requests and responses should be signed. So the library doesn't expose the logout endpoints if it has no signing keys available.

Azure AD, Multi-tenant, App Roles Assignment for users from another tenant

I'm working on web application that contains client side (SPA, angular 9) and backend (WebAPI, ASP.NET Core 3.0). Decided to use Application Roles feature to authorize users in our application. And i have requirement to be able to manage Application role assignments for users from our application UI via MSFT Graph API.
I registered MyAuthApp application in Azure AD TenantA. And created several App Roles there.
Authentication works fine. Client side gets token and attaches it to http requests to backend. Authorization also works fine i can extract app roles from the token and validate them.
Problem with adding Application role assignments for users from other AzureAD tenant -- TenantB. Seems that problem in GraphServiceClient configuration due to GraphApiAuth registered in TenantA.
Question: is this possible to add application role assignment for user from TenantB using GraphServiceClient authorized by Client Credentials in TenantA?
Right now when i do add role assignment i'm getting exception like resource with some Guid not found. This resource is a user (from TenantB).
This is a piece of code that adds user app role assignment. I see possible problem in GetGraphServiceClient function. It uses as authority URL with TenantA Id.
public async Task<AppRoleAssignment> AssignAppRoleToUser(Guid userId, Guid appRoleId)
var graphClient = await this.graphClientProvider.GetGraphServiceClient();
return await graphClient.Users[userId.ToString()].AppRoleAssignments.Request().AddAsync(
new AppRoleAssignment()
PrincipalId = userId,
AppRoleId = appRoleId,
ResourceId = this.graphAppSettingsProvider.GetAppRoleResourceIdAsGuid()
df0b3e71-fd2d-41a4-bfa9-0310b31395ae is Id of user from tenantB.
UPDATE:After further investigation i was able to assign App role for user from TenantB. But i had to change settings in the code that returns GraphServiceClient and provide TenantB Id and Application Service Principal Id from TenantB (instead of values from TenantA). But that's a problem. We would like to be able to assign application roles for users from any tenant and it will be not doable if we will have to provide TenantId and Service Principal Id for each tenant separately.
Is it possible to do this some how with some common settings?
This is how i get GraphServiceClient:
public async Task<GraphServiceClient> GetGraphServiceClient()
var clientId = this.graphAppSettingsProvider.GetClientId();
var clientSecret = this.graphAppSettingsProvider.GetClientSecret();
var tenantId = this.graphAppSettingsProvider.GetTenant();
var app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)
string[] scopes = {""};
return new GraphServiceClient(
new DelegateAuthenticationProvider((requestMessage) =>
var ar = app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes).ExecuteAsync();
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", ar.Result.AccessToken);
return Task.FromResult(0);
Changed a little requirements and now we just need to manage App Roles list for users from current user tenant. So, we changed permissions type from Application to Delegated to be behalf of authenticated user.
As i said earlier we have Angular app in pair with ASP.NET Core WebAPI backend. Angular app gets access token and sends it to backend in Authorizaiton header. When i attach with access token to GraphServiceClient request (header) i'm getting error "Access token validation failure. Invalid audience."
Question: is this correct flow to use access token from client for Graph API requests or should i get new access token for Graph API at backend using access token from client?
Any help/ideas appreciated. Thanks in advance!
First, you need to set up the MyAuthApp application as a multi-tenant application.
Next, run admin consent url in the browser, and then you need to log in with another tenant's administrator account and consent. The multi-tenant application will then be added to the target tenant as an enterprise application.{client-id}.
At the same time, the app role you created in tenant A will also be synchronized to the target tenant (for example, tenant B). Next, you only need to grant the app role of MyAuthApp to the users of tenant B through the Azure portal of tenant B or use ms graph api.

I need to connect to Azure Media Services with user authentication

I'm writing a commandline tool to manipulate assets in Azure Media Services using the v3 AMS API. It should authenticate using the logged on user. As the Windows AD and Azure AD are synchronised, it should not need to pop up a login dialog box.
This document:
states that it's possible to use either user or service principal authentication to connect to AMS.
In this document:
there's an example of how to do service principal authentication but I can't find anything about user authentication. The code in the sample looks something like this:
var clientCredential = new ClientCredential(config.AadClientId, config.AadSecret);
var credentials = await ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(config.AadTenantId, clientCredential, ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings.Azure);
var amsClient = new AzureMediaServicesClient(config.ArmEndpoint, credentials)
Note that all constructors of AzureMediaServicesClient take a ServiceClientCredentials object, so how can I authenticate using UserCredentials?
Azure Media Services Explorer does user based authentication (and SP auth).
Code for the user based authentication :

Authenticate to Azure AD on-behalf-of a client application

In a scenario like this:
I want to authenticate to Azure AD in the back end on behalf of a client instead of a user. I couldn't find an appropriate example in the documentation that fits this case.
So what am I doing?
In the client:
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUrl);
var result = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(webServiceUri, new ClientCredential(nativeClientId, nativeClientSecret)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
In the back end service:
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUrl);
var result = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(office365ResourceUri, new ClientAssertion(webClientId, result.AccessToken))
This throws the following exception:
AADSTS70002: Client assertion application identifier doesn't match 'client_id' parameter.
It only succeeds when I'm pointing the same service (refering to itself!) in the back end as from the client:
authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(webServiceUri, new ClientAssertion(nativeClientId, result.AccessToken))
But this doesn't make sense as the service has to go to an Office 365 API.
Anyone an idea?
The OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow is to propagate the delegated user identity and permissions through the request chain. For the middle-tier service to make authenticated requests to the downstream service, it needs to secure an access token from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), on behalf of the user.
In your scenario , you could use client credential flow to acquire token for the office 365 api in your service app , without any human interaction such as an interactive sign-on dialog .
Please click here for more details about Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD .

Azure AD OpenIDConnect + ASP.NET Core - Authenticate and Extra Permissions/Token?

I am using the following bits against my Azure AD to authenticate with ASP.NET Core.
I have the basic login/auth working after creating an Azure AD app. User can login/logout.
My question is given this, what's the best way when a user Auth's to log to a DB? I thought about making the redirect URL to an endpoint, saving, then just redirecting back to "Home" but is that ideal?
Also, is it possible to retrieve a bearer token via this approach? Or does this require another type of call or extending "scope"? So that for example I could retrieve the authenticated users Manager.
My question is given this, what's the best way when a user Auth's to log to a DB? I thought about making the redirect URL to an endpoint, saving, then just redirecting back to "Home" but is that ideal?
This way only able to log those who already sign-in your app successfully. It is not able to log those users who are attempt to sign-in your app but enter the wrong password.
Azure AD already provide lots of report to gain visibility into the integrity and security of your organization’s directory.( refer here)
And if you are using the Azure AD Premium, you can review the sign-in activities via the Azure new portal below:
And if you want to store the sign-in activity in your web app, you can write the custom code after the token is verified. Here is the code for your reference:
// Configure the OWIN pipeline to use OpenID Connect auth.
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectOptions
ClientId = Configuration["AzureAD:ClientId"],
Authority = String.Format(Configuration["AzureAd:AadInstance"], Configuration["AzureAd:Tenant"]),
ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.IdToken,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = Configuration["AzureAd:PostLogoutRedirectUri"],
Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnRemoteFailure = OnAuthenticationFailed,
OnTokenValidated = context => {
//write the custom code to store users login-in
return Task.FromResult(0); }
Also, is it possible to retrieve a bearer token via this approach?
Yes. We can get the token after receive the authorization code. You can refer the code sample here to acquire the token from core app.
