Node.js child process limits - node.js

I know that node is a single threaded system and I was wondering if a child process uses its own thread or its parents. say for example I have an amd E-350 cpu with two threads. if I ran a node server that spawned ten child instances which all work continuously. would it allow it or would it fail as the hardware itself is not sufficient enough?

I can say from own experience that I successfully spawned 150 child processes inside an Amazon t2.micro with just one core.
The reason? I was DoS-ing myself for testing my core server's limits.
The attack stayed alive for 8 hours, until I gave up, but it could've been working for much longer.
My code was simply running an HTTP client pool and as soon as one request was done, another one spawned. This doesn't need a lot of CPU. It needs lots of network, though.
Most of the time, the processes were just waiting for requests to finish.
However, in a high-concurrency application, the performance will be awful if you share memory between so many processes.


Nodejs clusters performance improvement?

I was watching this video about Nodejs clusterning where you can spawn off several child process. He said that the parent cluster takes care of the child cluster in a round-robin approach giving a chunk of time to each child process. Why would that be any different than the running a single thread? Unless each child can handle itself I do not see much benefit of doing so. However, in the end he pulls some benchmark that is really good which makes me wonder why do people even use a none clustered app if having clusters improves performance by that much.
This statement: "the parent cluster takes care of the child cluster in a round-robin approach giving a chunk of time to each child process" is not entirely correct.
Each cluster process is a separate OS process. The operating system takes care of sharing the CPU among processes, not the parent process. The parent process takes each incoming http request and splits them among the child processes, but that is the extent of the parent process' involvement.
If there is only one CPU core in the server hardware (not usually the case these days unless you're on a hosting plan that only gives you access to one CPU core), then that single CPU core is shared among all of your processes/threads that are active and wish to be running.
If there is more than one CPU core, then individual processes can be assigned to separate cores and your processes can be running truly in parallel. This is where the biggest advantage comes from with nodejs clustering. Then, you get multiple requests truly running in parallel rather than in a single thread as it would be with a single nodejs process.
However, in the end he pulls some benchmark that is really good which makes me wonder why do people even use a non-clustered app if having clusters improves performance by that much.
Clustering adds some level of complication. For example, if you have any server-side state that is kept in memory within your server process that all incoming requests need access to, then that won't work with clustered processes because all the clustered processes don't have access to the same memory (they each have their own memory). In that case, you typically have to either remove any server-side state or move all the server-side state to it's own process (usually a database) that all the clustered processes can then access. This is very doable, but adds an extra level of complication and has its own performance implications.
In addition clustering takes more memory on your server. It may also require more monitoring and logging to make sure all processes are running healthy.

When a workerThread is created in nodejs, does it utilize the same core in which nodejs process is running?

Let's assume i have a nodejs serverProgram with one api and it does some manipulations on the video file, sent via the http request.
const saveVideoFile=(req,res)=>{
processAndSaveVideoFile(); // can run for minimum of 10 minutes
res.send({status: "video is being processed"})
i decided to to make use of a workerThread to do this processing as my machine has 3 cores (core1,core2,core3) and there is no hyperthreading enabled here
Assume that my nodejs program is running on core1. When i fire up a single workerThread, will the workerThread run on core2/core3 or core1?
i read that workerThread is not the same as childProcess. ChildProcess will fork a new process which will facilitate the childProcess to choose from available free cores (core2 or core3).
i read that workerThread shares memory with the mainThread. Let's assume that i create 2 workerThreads (wt1,wt2). Will my nodejs program, wt1, wt2 run on the same core i.e core1 ?
Also, in nodejs we have eventloop (mainthread) and otherThreads doing the background operations i.e I/O. is it correct to assume that all of these are utilizing the resources available in a single core (core1). if this is the case, is creating and using additional workerThread's an overkill on the nodejs server?
Below is an excerpt from this blog
We can run things in parallel in Node.js. However, we need not to
create threads. The operating system and the virtual machine
collectively run the I/O in parallel and the JS code then runs in a
single thread when it is time to send the data back to the JavaScript
i keep reading this same information about nodejs in many articles and video presentations. But what i do not understand is this,
The operating system and the virtual machine collectively run the I/O in parallel
How can the operating system run the I/O requests from nodejs program in parallel without using any of the childProcess or threads spawned from nodejs? if those I/O requests from nodejs program is running in parallel, does it mean that all 3 cores (core1,core2,core3) will be utilized?
There are lot of contents on nodejs, but it doesn't clear doubts related to my above questions. if you have idea on how these things actually work, please share the detail.
A worker thread in node.js is an actual OS thread running in a different instance of V8. As such, it's totally up to the operating system to decide how to allocate it among available CPU cores. If there are cores with available time, then it will not generally be run on the same core as the main nodejs thread when that thread is busy because the OS will allocate busy threads across the various cores.
But, again this is entirely up to the OS and is not something that nodejs controls and the exact strategy for which cores are used will vary by OS. But, in all modern operating systems, the design goal is that available cores are used for threads that are currently executing. Now, if there are more threads active at once than there are cores, the threads will be time-sliced and all the cores will be active.
Also, in nodejs we have eventloop (mainthread) and otherThreads doing the background operations i.e I/O. is it correct to assume that all of these are utilizing the resources available in a single core (core1). if this is the case, is creating and using additional workerThread's an overkill on the nodejs server?
No, it is not correct to assume those threads all use the same core.
A workerThread in nodejs has its own event loop. For the most part, it does not share memory. In fact, if you want to share memory, you have to very specifically allocated SharedMemory and pass that to the workerThread.
Is it overkill? Well, it depends upon what you're doing. There are very useful things to do with workerThreads and there are things that they would not be necessary for.
The operating system and the virtual machine collectively run the I/O in parallel
I/O in node.js is either asynchronous at the OS level (such as networking) or run in separate threads (such as disk I/O). That means it runs separately from the main thread in node.js that runs your Javascript and can run in parallel with it, synchronizing only at the completion of an event. "Parallel" in this case means that both make progress at the same time. If there are multiple cores, then they can truly be running at exactly the same time. If there was only one core, then the OS will timeslice between the various threads and they will be both make progress (in an interleaved fashion that will seem to be parallel, but really they are taking turns).
How can the operating system run the I/O requests from nodejs program in parallel without using any of the childProcess or threads spawned from nodejs? if those I/O requests from nodejs program is running in parallel, does it mean that all 3 cores (core1,core2,core3) will be utilized?
The OS has its own threads for managing things like a network interface or a disk interface. The job of those threads is to interface with the hardware and bring data to an appropriate application or take data from the application and send it to the hardware. These are OS-level threads that exists independent of node.js. Yes, other cores can be used by those OS-level threads. It is important to realize that many operations such as networking are inherently non-blocking. Thus, if you're waiting for some data to arrive on a network interface, you don't need to have a thread doing something the whole time.
I want to add that it appears in your questions that you've combined questions about a several different things. Mentioned in your questions are:
Worker Threads
Internal node.js threads
Operating system threads
These are all different things.
A worker thread is a new thread you can start to run specific pieces of Javascript in another thread so you can have more than one Javascript thread running at the same time. In node.js, this is done by creating a whole new instance of V8, setting up a whole new global environment and loaded modules environment and using almost entirely separate memory.
Internal node.js threads are used by node.js as part of implementing its event loop and its standard library. Specifically, disk I/O and some crypto operations are run in internal native threads and they communicate with your Javascript via events/callbacks through the event loop.
Operating system threads are threads that the OS uses to implement it's own system APIs. Since the OS is responsible for lots of things, these threads ca have many different uses. Depending upon native implementations, they may be used to facilitate things like disk I/O or networking I/O. These threads are the responsibility of the OS to create and use and are not directly controlled by node.js.
Some additional questions asked in comments:
what is the difference b/w workerThread & childProcess concept in nodejs? is childProcess = workerThread without sharedMemory ?
A child process can be any type of program - it does not have to be a node.js program. A worker thread is node.js code.
A worker thread can share memory if sharedMemory is specifically allocated and shared with the worker thread and if it is carefully managed for concurrency issues.
It is more efficient to copy memory back and forth between worker thread and main thread than with child process.
If main program exits, worker threads will exit. If main program exits, child process can be configured to exit or to continue.
If worker thread calls process.exit(), the main thread will exit too. If child program exits, it cannot cause main program to exit without main program's cooperation.
how nodejs is able to magically interact with the os level thread without nodejs itself creating any threads?, i need additional details on this, your explanation is the common one present in most places including the blog i shared?
nodejs just calls an OS API. It's the OS API that manages communicating with its own threads (if threads are needed for that specific OS API). How it does that communication internally is implementation dependent and will vary by OS. It will even vary by OS which OS APIs use threads and which don't.

What is the difference between Child_process and Worker Threads?

I am trying to understand Threading in NodeJS and how it works.
Currently what i understand:
Cluster: -
Built on top of Child_process, but with TCP distributed between clusters.
Best for distributing/balancing incoming http requests, while bad for cpu intensive tasks.
Works by taking advantage of available cores in cpu, by cloning nodeJS webserver instances on other cores.
Make use also of different cores available, but its bad since it costs huge amount of resources to fork a child process since it creates virtual memory.
Forked processes could communicate with the master thread through events and vice versa, but there is no communication between forked processes.
Worker threads:
Same as child process, but forked processes can communicate with each other using bufferArray
1) Why worker threads is better than child process and when we should use each of them?
2) What would happen if we have 4 cores and clustered/forked nodeJS webserver 4 times(1 process for each core), then we used worker threads (There is no available cores) ?
You mentioned point under worker-threads that they are same in nature to child-process. But in reality they are not.
Process has its own memory space on other hand, threads use the shared memory space.
Thread is part of process. Process can start multiple threads. Which means that multiple threads started under process share the memory space allocated for that process.
I guess above point answers your 1st question why thread model is preferred over the process.
2nd point: Lets say processor can handle load of 4 threads at a time. But we have 16 threads. Then all of them will start sharing the CPU time.
Considering 4 core CPU, 4 processes with limited threads can utilize it in better way but when thread count is high, then all threads will start sharing the CPU time. (When I say all threads will start sharing CPU time I'm not considering the priority and niceness of the process, and not even considering the other processes running on the same machine.)
My Quick search about time-slicing and CPU load sharing:
This article even answers how switching between processes can slow down the overall performance.
Worker threads are are similar in nature to threads in any other programming language.
You can have a look at this thread to understand in overall about
difference between thread and process:
What is the difference between a process and a thread?

How many Clusters of Node.js app could be initialised per core?

I had googled about how many clusters could be initialized per core, and all articles I read sad that one node per core is good enough. Therefore, I haven't found a nice explanation about that.
I have an app that uses a lot of i/o and only does few computations, like push/remove from a queue then schedule a task to the database. For this app, I had initialized 5 clusters per core, and it had increased the number of requests I could receive. however the load Avg in the server is very high, about 30 sometimes.
The points are, what are the side effects using this approach (more than one node per core)?
A single core can only run one process at a time.
Most processes that run on your computer are mostly idle (they sit around and wait for something to happen), that's how you can have dozens, or hundreds, of processes running on your computer without much problems.
However, active processes, that do a lot of stuff (like your processes do; and in this case, a lot of I/O also counts), keep a CPU core pretty busy. So it's useless to start more than one of such processes per core, because they will all be contending for a time slice on that core.
That's also why you get a high load average, which is an indication of how many processes are either using the CPU, or are waiting to use the CPU.

Node: one core, many processes

I have looked up online and all I seem to find are answers related to the question of "how does Node benefit from running in a multi core cpu?"
But. If you have a machine with just one core, you can only be running one process at any given time. (I am considering task scheduling here). And node uses a single threaded model.
My question: is there any scenario in which it makes sense to run multiple node processes in one core? And if the process is a web server that listens on a port, how can this ever work given that only one process can listen?
My question: is there any scenario in which it makes sense to run
multiple node processes in one core?
Yes, there are some scenarios. See details below.
And if the process is a web server that listens on a port, how can
this ever work given that only one process can listen?
The node.js clustering module creates a scenario where there is one listener on the desired port, but incoming requests are shared among all the clustered processes. More details to follow...
You can use the clustering module to run more than one process that are all configured to handle incoming requests on the same port. If you want to know how incoming requests are shared among the different clustered processes, you can read the explanation in this blog post. In a nutshell, there ends up being only one listener on the desired port and the incoming requests are shared among the various clustered processes.
As to whether you could benefit from more processes than you have cores, the answer is that it depends on what type of benefit you are looking for. If you have a properly written server with all async I/O, then adding more processes than cores will likely not improve your overall throughput (as measured by requests per second that your server could process).
But, if you have any CPU-heavy processing in your requests, having a few more processes may provide a bit fairer scheduling between simultaneous requests because the OS will "share" the CPU among each of your processes. This will likely slightly decrease overall throughput (because of the added overhead of task switching the CPU between processes), but it may make request processing more even when there are multiple requests to be processed together.
If your requests don't have much CPU-heavy processing and are really just waiting for I/O most of the time, then there's probably no benefit to adding more processes than cores.
So, it really depends what you want to optimize for and what your situation is.
