Pass parameters using POST to HTML page from SSRS - dynamics-crm-2011

I have a HTML page stored as web resource in CRM 2013. I have a report from which I need to pass all records guids to this HTML page. I am able to pass the record guids(Comma separated list) successfully. However, when the URL length exceeds 2000 characters, I am getting a "404 Resource not found" error. This is due to URL length limit. Is there a way I can pass the record guids using POST method to HTML page from SSRS which will work for any number of records?

The simplest approach seems to be storing the record guids as a variable on the SSRS report via something like
=Code.WriteHTML("<script>window.recordGuids=[" & recordIds & "];</script>")
and then in the web resource use something like
var ids = window.opener.recordGuids;
But that will likely only work in the browser and the report would have to be viewed from CRM.
Otherwise, you could do a post to an external service, which could launch the web page and allow getting the ids through a caching mechanism mixed with a jsonp call of some sort.


Azure cdn Ignore query strings purpose

I know what is the difference between Azure CDN query string modes and I have read a helpfull example of query string modes but...
I don't understand what is the purpose of "Ignore query strings" or how this can be useful in a real dynamic web.
For example, suppose we have a product purchase website with a URL similar to
If we use "Ignore query strings"... Does this mean that if an user later requests product 4 (, he will receive the page for product 3?
I think I'm not understanding correctly Azure CDN, I'm seeing Azure CDN as a dynamic content CDN, however Azure CDN is only used for static content as this article explains:
Standard content delivery network (CDN) capability includes the ability to cache files closer to end users to speed up delivery of static files.
This is correct? Any help or example on the subject is welcome
Yes, if you are selected Ignore query strings Query string caching behavior (this is the default), in your case subsequent requests after the initial request, no matter the query string value, that POP server will serve the same content until it's cache period expires.
And for the second question, CDN is all about serving static files. To my understanding i believe what the article says is about dynamic site accelaration. It's about bunch of techniques to optimize dynamic web sites content serving performance. Because unlike static web sites, dynamic web sites assets (static files. ex: images, js, css, html) are loading dynamically based on the user behavior.
Now that I have it clearer, I will answer my question:
Azure CDN - Used to cache static content, even on dynamic web pages.
For the example in the question, all products must download the same javascript and css content, for those types of files Azure CDN is used. Real example using "Ignore query strings":
User A, jquery-versionX.js and mystyles.css are not cached, the server is requested and the user receives it.
User B, since we are using "Ignore query strings" the jquery-versionX.js and mystyles.css files are cached, they are served to the user without requesting it from the server again.
User C, since we are using "Ignore query strings" the jquery-versionX.js and mystyles.css files are cached, they are served to the user without requesting it from the server again.
Reddis or other similar - Used to cache dynamic content (queries to databases for example).
For the example in the question, all the products have different information, which is obtained by doing a database query. We can store those queries or JSON objects in a Reddis cache. Real example:
User A, product 3 is not cached, it is requested from the server and received by the user.
User B, product 4 is not cached, it is requested from the server and received by the user.
User C, product 3 is cached, the server is not requested and the user receives it from the cache.
Both methods can be used simultaneously, Azure CDN is for static content and Reddis or similar for dynamic content.

Unable to log in to Azure web app via VS2015 web performance test

How do I correctly handle the login/authentication scenario for an Azure web app in my VS2015 web performance test?
I created an XML file as a data source for the WAAD username and password. I bind the username and password to the Form Post Parameters: login and passwd respectively at request:
But when I run the test, the Web Browser tab shows this error:
We can't sign you in
Your browser is currently set to block JavaScript. You need to allow
JavaScript to use this service.
To learn how to allow JavaScript or to find out whether your browser
supports JavaScript, check the online help in your web browser.
I also get a number of errors like this:
The value of the ExpectedResponseUrl property
Validation does
not equal the actual response URL QueryString
parameters were ignored.
Any idea how I can successfully log in to the Azure web app via the web performance test?
There are several methods of login and authentication that can be used. Just binding values to form post parameters may not be sufficient or correct. You will find the login form has hidden session identities that must be passed as well as the login data. I find that recording a test two times using as nearly as possible the same inputs and doing the same activities helps. These two tests can then be compared to find the dynamic data that needs to be handled.
In a comment the questioner added "I noticed these parameters, n1-43 are different but I have no idea what they represent. How do I handle them?". I can have no idea what they represent as I do not know the website you are testing. You could ask the website developers. Or, better, treat them as dynamic data. Find where the values come from, save them into context variables and use them as needed. This is basic web test development. Here and here are two good articles on what to do.
The message about JavaScript not being supported can be ignored. Visual Studio web tests do not support JavaScript or any other "active" parts of a web page, they only support the html part. Your job as a tester is to simulate what the JavaScript does for the specific user journeys you are testing. That simulation is generally just filling in the correct values (via context parameters) in the recorded requests.
Unexpected response urls can be due to earlier failures, such as teh login not working. I suggest not worrying about them until all of the other test problems are solved. Then, if you need help ask another new question.

POSTing Data From Windows Phone app to Web Page

I have a Windows Phone 8 app. My app needs to POST some data to a web page that I have on my server. Please note, I am trying to POST to a web page, not a web service. The reason that I need to POST to a web page is because 1) I'm trying to render some contents in a web page that is currently launched via a WebBrowserTask 2) I am passing a large amount of data to the web page.
From what I can tell, the WebBrowserTask only allows "GET". Now, I'm totally lost in regards to what to do. Is there a was to POST data via a WebBrowserTask? If not, is there a way to serialize my data as JSON and cram it into the query string? I know that's ugly. At the same time, I'm not sure what else to do.
Thank you
Try adding a WebBrowser control then make your request through either WebClient or HttpWebRequest. Once you get the html response use the NavigateToString(string) method to display the result.
But you can simply use the Navigate(uri) method if you only need to specify some query string params.

Get query string of Sharepoint URL from within SP2013 app

I've got an app in sharepoint 2013, which is showing up inside of an iframe. I'd like to have links to the page that has the app embedded elsewhere, and pass data to my app through those links. Sounds like a job for query strings, right?
However, I can't find a way to get the query string in my app. None of the tokens I tried inserting had it, and I couldn't get it from within javascript because the url for my iframe and for sharepoint are different. Any ideas?
if your app is within the SP page use
to get the full URL including query

How do I get a web part to refresh in IE?

I have a SharePoint web part that gets XML data from an .ASHX page, parses it and displays it using JavaScript. Everything works fine, until the XML changes. When I view the web part in IE, the new data is not updated until I close the browser. Even doing a CTRL-F5 does not grab the new data.
Firefox displays the new data immediately, with just a simple page refresh.
I have added a timestamp to the query string of my .ASHX page so that the XML result is not cached, but that did not fix my IE woes. Any other ideas?
The .ASHX page is using the API to access a list and is building the XML string, then returning that as an application/XML content type. I have confirmed that the XML is updated to reflect the new data in the list. I am also able to see the data consumed in the web part when it is displayed in FireFox.
I actually was generating the timestamp to append to my query in the server code, and then putting that string in the javascript. Once I moved the timestamp code to the javascript, things started working much better.
It's most likely cached, there's no other logical explanation why it would work in Firefox and not in IE. Try reloading IE several times in a row.
Check what headers that .ashx page sets.
It's not just your browser which could be caching the page, any middleware including web server might have a flawed caching implementation. You can also try using HTTP POST instead of GET because according to HTTP specification, POST requests should never be cached.
Is it a custom Web Part or one of the out-of-the-box Web Parts? It would make it easier to help you if you provided any more information on how you're retrieving the data from the HttpHandler (ashx).
