Spark Cassandra Iterative Query - cassandra

I am applying the following through the Spark Cassandra Connector:
val links = sc.textFile("linksIDs.txt") link_id =>
val link_speed_records = sc.cassandraTable[Double]("freeway","records").select("speed").where("link_id=?",link_id)
average = link_speed_records.mean().toDouble
I would like to ask if there is way to apply the above sequence of queries more efficiently given that the only parameter I always change is the 'link_id'.
The 'link_id' value is the only Partition Key of my Cassandra 'records' table.
I am using Cassandra v.2.0.13, Spark v.1.2.1 and Spark-Cassandra Connector v.1.2.1
I was thinking if it is possible to open a Cassandra Session in order to apply those queries and still get the 'link_speed_records' as a SparkRDD.

Use the joinWithCassandra Method to use an RDD of keys to pull data out of a Cassandra Table. The method given in the question will be extremely expensive comparatively and also not function well as a parallelizable request.


How can I implement pyspark Cassandra "keybased" connector?

I am using Spark 2.4.7 and I have implemented normal pyspark cassandra connector, but there is a use case where I need to implement key based connector, I am not getting useful blogs/tutorials around it, Someone please help me with it.
I have tried normal pyspark-cassandra connector and it is working good.
Now I am expecting to implement keybased connector, which I am unable to find.
Normally Cassandra Loads entire table but I want not to load entire table but run a query on source and get the required data
By keybased I want to get data using some keys i.e. using where condition like
Select *
From <table_name>
Where <column_name>!=0
should run on source and load those data only which satisfies this condition.
To have this functionality you need to understand how both Spark & Cassandra works separately & together:
When you do, Spark doesn't load all data - it just fetches metadata, like, table structure, column names & types, partitioning schema, etc.
When you perform query with condition (where or filter), Spark Cassandra Connector tries to perform so-called predicate pushdown - convert Spark SQL query into corresponding CQL query, but it really depends on the condition. And if it's not possible, then it goes through all data, and perform filtering on the Spark side. For example, if you have condition on the column that is partition key - then it will be converted into CQL expression SELECT ... FROM table where pk = XXX. Similarly, there are some optimizations for queries on the clustering columns - Spark will need to go through all partitions, but it's still will be more optimized as it may filter data based on the clustering columns. Use a link above to understand what conditions could be pushed down into Cassandra and which aren't. The rule of thumb is - if you can execute query in CQLSH without ALLOW FILTERING, then it will be pushed down.
In your specific example, you're using inequality predicate (<> or !=) that isn't supported by Cassandra, so Spark Cassandra connector will need to go through all data, and filtering will happen on the Spark side.

How to execute CQL query using pyspark

I want to execute Cassandra CQL query using PySpark.But I am not finding the way to execute it.I can load whole table to dataframe and create Tempview and query it.
df ="org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra").
Please suggest any better way to so that I can execute CQL query in PySpark.
Spark SQL doesn't support Cassandra's cql dialects directly. It only allows you to load the table as a Dataframe and operate on it.
If you are concerned about reading a whole table to query it, then you may use the filters as given below to let Spark push the predicates the load only the data you need.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df =\
.options(table=table_name, keyspace=keys_space_name)\
In pyspark you're using SQL, not CQL. If the SQL query somehow matches the CQL, i.e., you're querying by partition or primary key, then Spark Cassandra Connector (SCC) will transform query into that CQL, and execute (so-called predicates pushdown). If it doesn't match, then Spark will load all data via SCC, and perform filtering on the Spark level.
So after you're registered temporary view, you can do:
val result = spark.sql("select ... from Test where ...")
and work with results in result variable. To check if predicates pushdown happens, execute result.explain(), and check for the * marker in the conditions in the PushedFilters section.

What is best approach to join data in spark streaming application?

Question : Essentially it means , rather than running a join of C* table for each streaming records , is there anyway to run a join for each micro-batch ( micro-batching ) of records in spark streaming ?
We are almost finalized to use spark-sql 2.4.x version , datastax-spark-cassandra-connector for Cassandra-3.x version.
But have one fundamental question regarding the efficiency in the below scenario.
For the streaming data records(i.e. streamingDataSet ) , I need to look up for existing records( i.e. cassandraDataset) from Cassandra(C*) table.
Dataset<Row> streamingDataSet = //kafka read dataset
Dataset<Row> cassandraDataset= //loaded from C* table those records loaded earlier from above.
To look up data i need to join above datasets
Dataset<Row> joinDataSet = cassandraDataset.join(cassandraDataset).where(//somelogic)
process further the joinDataSet to implement the business logic ...
In the above scenario, my understanding is ,for each record received
from kafka stream it would query the C* table i.e. data base call.
Does not it take huge time and network bandwidth if C* table consists
billions of records? What should be the approach/procedure to be
followed to improve look up C* table ?
What is the best solution in this scenario ? I CAN NOT load once from
C* table and look up as the data keep on adding to C* table ... i.e.
new look ups might need newly persisted data.
How to handle this kind of scenario? any advices plzz..
If you're using Apache Cassandra, then you have only one possibility for effective join with data in Cassandra - via RDD API's joinWithCassandraTable. The open source version of the Spark Cassandra Connector (SCC) supports only it, while in version for DSE, there is a code that allows to perform effective join against Cassandra also for Spark SQL - so-called DSE Direct Join. If you'll use join in Spark SQL against Cassandra table, Spark will need to read all data from Cassandra, and then perform join - that's very slow.
I don't have an example for OSS SCC for doing the join for Spark Structured Streaming, but I have some examples for "normal" join, like this:
CassandraJavaPairRDD<Tuple1<Integer>, Tuple2<Integer, String>> joinedRDD =
trdd.joinWithCassandraTable("test", "jtest",
someColumns("id", "v"), someColumns("id"),
mapRowToTuple(Integer.class, String.class), mapTupleToRow(Integer.class));

use spark to scan multiple cassandra tables using spark-cassandra-connector

I have a problem of how to use spark to manipulate/iterate/scan multiple tables of cassandra. Our project uses spark&spark-cassandra-connector connecting to cassandra to scan multiple tables , try to match related value in different tables and if matched, take the extra action such as table inserting. The use case is like below:
sc.cassandraTable(KEYSPACE, "table1").foreach(
row => {
val company_url = row.getString("company_url")
sc.cassandraTable(keyspace, "table2").foreach(
val url = row.getString("url")
val value = row.getString("value")
if (company_url == url) {
sc.saveToCassandra(KEYSPACE, "target", SomeColumns(url, value))
The problems are
As spark RDD is not serializable, the nested search will fail cause sc.cassandraTable returns a RDD. The only way I know to work around is to use sc.broadcast(sometable.collect()). But if the sometable is huge, the collect will consume all the memory. And also, if in the use case, several tables use the broadcast, it will drain the memory.
Instead of broadcast, can RDD.persist handle the case? In my case, I use sc.cassandraTable to read all tables in RDD and persist back to disk, then retrieve the data back for processing. If it works, how can I guarantee the rdd read is done by chunks?
Other than spark, is there any other tool (like hadoop etc.??) which can handle the case gracefully?
It looks like you are actually trying to do a series of Inner Joins. See the
joinWithCassandraTable Method
This allows you to use the elements of One RDD to do a direct query on a Cassandra Table. Depending on the fraction of data you are reading from Cassandra this may be your best bet. If the fraction is too large though you are better off reading the two table separately and then using the RDD.join method to line up rows.
If all else fails you can always manually use the CassandraConnector Object to directly access the Java Driver and do raw requests with that from a distributed context.

How to paralellize RDD work when using cassandra spark connector for data aggration?

Here is the sample senario, we have real time data record in cassandra, and we want to aggregate the data in different time ranges. What I write code like below:
val timeRanges = getTimeRanges(report)
timeRanges.foreach { timeRange =>
val (timestampStart, timestampEnd) = timeRange
val query = _sc.get.cassandraTable(report.keyspace, utilities.Helper.makeStringValid(report.scope)).
where(s"TIMESTAMP > ?", timestampStart).
where(s"VALID_TIMESTAMP <= ?", timestampEnd) the aggregation work....
what the issue of the code is that for every time range, the aggregation work is running not in parallized. My question is how can I parallized the aggregation work? Since RDD can't run in another RDD or Future? Is there any way to parallize the work, or we can't using spark connector here?
Use the joinWithCassandraTable function. This allows you to use the data from one RDD to access C* and pull records just like in your example.
joinWithCassandraTable utilizes the java driver to execute a single
query for every partition required by the source RDD so no un-needed
data will be requested or serialized. This means a join between any
RDD and a Cassandra Table can be preformed without doing a full table
scan. When preformed between two Cassandra Tables which share the
same partition key this will not require movement of data between
machines. In all cases this method will use the source RDD's
partitioning and placement for data locality.
Finally , we using union to join each RDD and makes them parallized.
