Installing WAS 7 on Linux using command line - linux

I am trying to install WAS7 using command line via putty and I am getting the following error:
[root#TVMSLD tools]# ./imcl install -repositories /home/admin/Softwares/WAS7.0/WAS70 -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/V70/BASE -sharedResourcesDirectory /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/IMShared -acceptLicense -showProgress
25% 50% 75% 100%
ERROR: The installation package 'IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Version 7.0 Test Environment' requires components supplied by other packages.
The required components might be supplied by the specified features of the following installation packages:
Package: Rational Application Developer 7.5.0 -- Features: Tools for WebSphere® Application Server, version 7.0
I tried the command with repository path like /home/admin/Softwares/WAS7.0/WAS70/disk1 and also /home/admin/Softwares/WAS7.0/WAS70/disk1/diskTag.inf
But I am getting the same error. Can anyone help please?

This is not standalone server, but test environment provided with Rational Application Developer. It can only be installed via RAD installation together with RAD.
See more info about the standalone developers version here.


NVM for Windows successfully installed but CMD prompt informs my version of Node.exe not compatible with my Windows version

I'm on a Microsoft Surface Pro X (it features Windows 10 Home on ARM 64-bit processor) trying to install Node.js. I've decided to use NVM for Windows. I can successfully install and get NVM for Windows running correctly. To my understanding, I'm able to install different versions of Node (i.e. 16.16.0 and 16.13.1, for example, both LTS) as shown in below graphic. But when I try to run Node, I get the error "This version of C:\Program Files\Nodejs\node.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information and then contact the software publisher."
I am not clear on the why this is happening. Am I not downloading a version of Node that is compatible on my ARM 64-bit processor? I've read through several closed issues on the GitHub page but I haven't encountered someone bringing up this same error. I'm pretty confident it does NOT have to do with the integrity of my symlinks too, or my system environment variables. See below:
Your help and insight is appreciated. Thanks.

Web Platform Installer: Python Installer - Downloaded file failed signature verification and may have been tampered with

I'm trying to install WFastCGI 2.1 Gateway for IIS and Python 3.4 via the Web Platform Installer in Microsoft Server Manager's IIS Manager.
Python Installer fails with the error: "This product did not install successfully: Downloaded file failed signature verification and may have been tampered with". Python 3.4.2 (32-bit) and WFastCGI 2.1 Gateway for IIS and Python 3.4 subsequently fail with the error: "This product cannot be installed because a product that it depends on did not install successfully".
I noticed that the direct download link in the prerequisites tab launches this URL, which explains that pytools has been migrated to PTVS. Maybe this is part of the problem?
I'm following this tutorial about deploying a Flask web app on IIS. Please help me find solutions to make this installation successful or provide alternatives that will allow me to deploy on IIS. Thank you!
I had the exact same issue, and as mgrollins mentioned on his comment, using wfastcgi directly is the solution.
In my case I followed a very similar tutorial (here) up to where you finish installing IIS, then instead of installing the Web Platform Installer, I downloaded Python from, installed it (for all users and adding to PATH), performed the "Downloading Package" and "Enabling wfastcgi" steps from the wfastcgi project page,, meaning:
pip install wfastcgi
After that you can continue following the tutorial from where it says "Setup your site - copy the " . (I found the file on the Scripts folder of the Python Install directory)
Another item worth mentioning, during “Add Module Mapping” there should be a | between the Python.exe and your site directory, if you miss it the side won't load, so for example it should look like:
C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe|C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\

Bluemix essentials Eclipse Neon Enide.p2f NodeEclipse 1.0.1 / 1.0.2 Unhandled event loop HTTP Server Unknown code 499 404 compositeContent.xml

I'm trying to do IBM Bluemix essential course.
As per the course instructions, I installed Eclipse (I initially got latest Eclipse version Neon instead of Mars but tried both Mars and Neon as of now for installing NodeEclipse .17, 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 or Enide.p2f file using both File import and Eclipse marketplace for installing Enide.p2f Node eclipse plugin in Eclipse).
One of the instruction (after installing IBM Bluemix plugin for eclipse) says, I need to install "Enide.p2f Eclipse NodeJS plugin"
I tried Eclipse Marketplace to install this. Searched "node eclipse" and selected the top listing entry for "Nodeeclipse 1.0.2 Nodeeclipse Core & Node.js (nodeeclipse-1)" or even "Enide.p2f for Nodeeclipse 1.0.1" version and clicked installed.
A couple of times, if failed during the resolution process to list the plugin components and Eclipse error log showed that the update site / repository server was not available.
Another method was to install the .p2f file directly File > Import > Install > Install from a file and selected the downloaded .p2f file which I got from here:
Using the import > install via file method, I'm getting "Unhandled event loop exception" error message as per Eclipse Error logs and it didn't install anything.
Using the market place method, I'm getting the following error mesg (per the screen shot):
For Nodeeclipse 1.0.1
For Nodeeclipse 1.0.2.
Error message:
HTTP Server Unknown HTTP Response Code (499):
HttpComponents connection error response code 499.
it shows the Enide.p2f .17, 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 (Whichever you select from the list) to install the plugin:
The following solutions are not available: Nodeclipse 1.0.2
With Eclipse Mars, I'm getting the same behavior. More info on this can be found here as well:
Did anybody else face this similar issue and what should i do to resolve it.
""looks like an update site so I tried the Help->Install New Software... I then entered the address as a new update site but it failed as well...

nodejs: node-gyp rebuild - Access is denied

I am trying to install nodetime module to profile my nodejs app..
When i run > npm install nodetime
the files are downloaded. but when node-gyp rebuild runs.
I get the following error.
Command failed: CreateProcessW: Access is denied
The same thing happens, when i try to download v8-profiler.
Nodejs ver: 0.8.15
node-gyp: 0.7.1
I have tried this on both my dev machine that runs window 7 and on windows server 2008 where this app will be hosted..
Any help is appreciated. Please let me know if more explanation is required
Sorry I had ignored this post for a while.. Had a chat with someone I assume is the author of nodetime and here are the things required for nodetime to run on Windows.
Python version 2.7
If on windows the PATH environment variable for python should include python.exe Eg: C:\Python27\Python.exe
It requires CPP compilers that come with Visual C++ Express edition and Windows 7 64-bit SDK (SDK compiler is required for 64-bit version of nodejs).
Hope this helps.
Try just set PATH=C:\Python27;%PATH%
DO NOT set PYTHON variable (check that its not set on your machine).
I had incorrectly set the PYTHON variable some time ago - which then caused me this headache for ages until I managed to figure out what was wrong.

javafx deployment using java 6

I just package my JavaFX app using the provided tool. But when I try to run it using java -jar app.jar I get a message asking me to install a newer Java version. I'm using 6u33 withfx 2.2beta` in development environment and is running fine. So, my question is, what is the required config to run under Java 6?
Here is my package command:
\javafx-sdk2.2.0-beta\bin\javafxpackager.exe -createjar -appClass gui.principal.FrmPrincipal -classpath lib\jfxrt.jar;lib\antlr-2.7.7.jar;lib\dom4j-1.6.1.jar;lib\hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.1.Final.jar;lib\hibernate-core-4.1.4.Final.jar -srcdir classes -outdir dist -outfile Etransporte.jar -V
Well, a couple of hours later I downloaded the final version of JavaFX SDK and installed it over my Java 6u33 SDK and everything worked fine since then. So, upgrade is the rule.
No need to use the beta sdk, use the production sdk. The beta sdk may have unresolved bugs and is not suitable for packaging applications for general deployment.
Just some general info, I think you probably have most of this covered already, but something might be useful.
Here is a sample batch script for packaging a javafx application with javafxpackager.exe. Offhand the command you are running looks fine.
Ensure that the java system and javafx installation on your test machine are both the same bit architectures (e.g. 32bit or 64bit). Also jre6+javafx2.2 is only supported on Windows machines, not Linux or Mac.
Note that if your client machine only has jre 6 installed and not the JavaFX runtime, then it is expected when you run your packaged app on that system that it will provide some prompt and help to allow the user to install the JavaFX runtime on the client.
Also note, that not all versions of jre6 are supported by JavaFX 2.2, it must be a recent version of jre6 (2.2 requires Java SE 6 Update 33). It does seem that you are running the right minimum version.
