The relationship between Firmata, Arduino and Node js - node.js

This is a basic question of understanding. I'm trying to follow this explanation but something there sounds a bit off to me.
As far as I understood before, I only need to push the standard Firmata code into the Arduino and code via Node.js to call actions and information from the Arduino.
But in this link they point our that I need to upload a code to the Arduino, which will obviously delete the Firmata code that is now there. wouldn't it result in loosing connection to the Arduino?
How does it work?
many thanks!

The example above does not use Firmata, though Firmata makes things easier. If you want to implement your own serial control protocol, there nothing stopping you.
However, if you load StandardFirmata on your Arduino, and then use the Firmata.js package in node, then you have a full-featured, well established serial protocol and an api to access the pins from.
There are Firmata controller implementations for most languages out there.
On top of Firmata.js, you might choose to use an abstraction called Johnny-Five. Johnny-Five abstracts the pins as components, with an intuitive API. Instead of controlling a servo by setting a pin value, you create a servo, and call It is kind of like jQuery but for hardware. It abstracts the platforms and devices in such a way that the shape of the interface is the same, but the hardware might be completely different. It is a very comfortable place to develop from.

Firmata is a set of functions that you can pre-load onto your Arduino that libraries like Johnny-Five can call to perform certain tasks.
As previously said by the author of the accepted answer, you don't have to use it, you can write your own logic to send and receive custom message.
In Node.js you can use the node-serialport library to send the message:
Then read the message from the Arduino with the built in Serial library:
while(radio.available()){, 1);

Firmata is one way to communicate with an Arduino, you do not have to use it.
You can "talk" to Arduindo directly using the SerialPort module - which is what the linked example is doing.


HC-06 bluetooth with FPGA

I have to use the HC-06 bluetooth module (the one usually used for arduino projects) with a de0-nano altera fpga kit.
I really have no idea how to go about it. Am I suposed to treat the HC-06 as a simple serial port and just implement the UART communication? I have to develop a verilog design for it.
Apparently the communication with HC-06 and the FPGA must happen over a UART interface. so, go ahead and write some logic to implement UART on FPGA so the communication can take place. In the process of doing so, a lot of things will get clear for you.
Does this look like lol I would start here.
They have some examples of connecting hc's to different systems, and it's only 16 pages with loads of pictures.
edit: Additionally this provides some great information about working with your hc chip in the context of arduino. As far as how things are done (enter at mode etc...) It explains nicely.

Hardware for Prototyping a Works-With-Nest Device

does anyone know of a hardware platform that is appropriate to use in prototyping a device that has the ambition to become WWN? I have looked at Proton/Spark-Core, but is there something out there that may be more appropriate/compatible with the Nest-API? Thanks.
Basically anything that can run a web service. All you'll need to do is make an HTTP GET and PUT over HTTPS. More advanced things like Firebase and REST Streaming can still be easily done with a Raspberry Pi. I'm pretty sure an Arduino with a mini-web server can handle GETS and PUTS.

webpage (django) <-> midi event (alsa) in Linux

I would like to create a web application that sends and receives ALSA MIDI messages on Linux. Only one web client is intended.
What kind of architecture / programs do I need for that?
I am familiar with django but can't find the missing link to ALSA (or any system with a gateway to ALSA on my Ubuntu machine). Also, I have the small program ttymidi (, that sends messages from a serial port to ALSA.
You might be able to use Python's miscellaneous operating system interfaces, but web applications aren't often designed in this way. You may also have to worry about latency and buffering in your program.
The simplest way of doing what you want without any third-party library is to use pyALSA, which is the official python wrapper around the C ALSA library.
I recommend you dealing with the Sequencer API instead of the RawMIDI stuff, which is lower-level. Check out some of the test apps and the C API documentation, it will definetely help you to write your code.

Controlling an Arduino over the web with the lowest latency

I have an Arduino board in a location, and a webserver.
I also have a website that is supposed to control the Arduino. What technique would allow users to take control of the Arduino board with the least amount of latency?
I have Node.js, socketserver, Jabber in mind to experiment with, but is this the right direction?
You should have a look at Socket.IO for implementing WebSockets on server- and client-side.
There's a great project called duino for accessing Arduino with Node.js, you "only" have to pipe all communication through WebSockets.
Update: In the meantime I have published a framework for sending commands to an Arduino with Node.JS, JavaScript and WebSockets. Make sure to have a look at Noduino!
I had good luck using node-serialport to talk to the Arduino. Using the serial port results in very low latency, and I used it to build a photobooth. The code is on GitHub if you want to check it out, though it's very poorly organized as I was rushing to get this done for my wedding and well... corners were cut.

Is it possible to make a computer behave as a bluetooth HID device?

Is it possible to make a computer behave as a bluetooth HID device? That is, given a local machine with a standard USB keyboard plugged into it, other devices could discover this machine and use it as a bluetooth keyboard.
I'd like to create a linux or OS X application (or use an existing one, though I've found none) which can behave as described above, but I'm not sure where to start, or if it's even possible.
Is what I'm describing possible?
Are there any existing applications that do what I describe?
If no application already exists (I'm assuming not), are there bluetooth libraries or bindings that will help? (I'm pretty comfortable using most of today's popular languages, so I'd prefer a library most directly suited to the task, so long as it's available in linux or OS X.)
Failing any of the above, the bluetooth spec looks pretty dense. Are there specific guides or other starting points applicable to the problem at hand that I can read?
I realize that such an application would most likely need to steal the normal keyboard input, possibly providing some KVM-like hotkey for switching between providing input to the host operating system and sending the input over bluetooth to the connected device, but I'm considering that problem to be outside the scope of this question.
It is definitely possible on Linux. Some time ago I found this project:
They emulate a full-blown headset with audio and keyboard controls on the Linux bluetooth stack. If they can emulate something like that, you would probably be able to emulate something simpler like a keyboard.
It is possible, however I don't think I'll be able explain it very well and I don't know the entire answer. A BT HID device works as a server and waits for connections to come to it. In linux, using the bluez stack, first you would have to advertise the HID service for other devices to see. I think you do that using the sdp.h and sdp-lib.h header files(the second header maybe called something else, I'm on a windows computer and can't check). So you would have to add the HID service record to you computer for other devices to see it. You would have to create a program that first adds this service to the record, then waits for other devices to connect, then handle the pairing process, Bluez might handle this for you, or you might have to do some things to it, I'm not quite sure. You should also read the Bluetooth HID Spec found at the site. This document contains the details of the SDP record relevant to HID. Also the book Bluetooth essentials for programmers is pretty good to introduce you into bluetooth programming
I would like to have given a more concise answer, with more detail, but that's all I know ATM. I am also trying do something similar, but spare time is so hard to find ;) I'm also not on my Linux box and can't check all the details. If your are still interested, let me know and i'll try to expand my answer.
I don't know if this is helpful, nor if it is still alive and working, but perhaps you could try this link.
Another one that might or might not be helpful in some way is remuco, but I don't know if they are using a Bluetooth HID profile.
It is indeed entirely possible with Linux and Bluez. See:
Try Across, unfortuantly for me my phone was lacking support.
