How to create flot stacked chart with a total lines - flot

Using jQuery Flot chart, how can I add a total lines on top of a stacked chart for better readablity, like the following google analytics chart?


how can I create a excel graph that has bar chart + stacked bar chart combo

I am trying to create a stacked bar chart + bar chart combo. not sure how to do it.. I want this..
I can use the combo routine and do this. how can I move the blue to the side so I can make the bottom chart look like the above chart please.

Is there a way in vba to create a custom legend?

I am using vba to create a pivot chart that is then filtered for the top 10 categories. For the legend we would like to include those categories NOT in the pie chart. I am able to create a list of the items that are not included in the pie chart, but I haven't figured out how to add them to the legend. I tried setting the XValues alone but that didn't work. Is it possible to create a custom legend? I wouldn't need the color boxes but I would like to add the number and and percent similar to those that are displayed for the top 10 categories in the pie chart.

Editing Excel timeline X axis

I have a timeline chart made using a scatter graph. I want to edit the X axis so it is thick and has labels for different Phases. I created an image of the chart style I am looking to create.
Can anyone let me know what to search or help on how I can format my chart.
Current Timeline:
Wanted Timeline look:
Thank you

Hiding mouseover tooltip in charts

I would like to know how can I make it so that a chart doesn't show the data point value on hover.
The chart in question plots a range with formulas so I can toggle all the series, and I need the solution to be on the file so that no one can see the actual values under the chart.

How do I annotate areas of a report chart

I've got a scatter chart in an SSRS report and a requiremetn to label each quadrant of the chart.
When I drop a text box with the label of each quadrant and get it to look just how I want it in the designer all seems well.
But when the report is run the flow based layout of the report put the text boxs vertically under need the scatter chart.
How do I get the text boxes to remain on top of the chart?
In designer
Rendered report
Consider adding the Quadrant labels as a chart title instead of a textbox. You will need to enable the CustomPosition property of the chart title to True in order to place the titles in the corners.
I am unable to post an image without some "reputation" but I was able to add the quadrant titles successfully.
