scp to copy all the files without directories - linux

i am trying to copy files from remote machine to local machine using scp
scp -r username#hostname:/directory .
I want only the file to be copied instead of directories
| file1
| file2
After copying all the files the structure should be of this
Is this possible using scp?

Sergius is right, you can use find and scp in conjunction to achieve this. However you need to run find on remote machine over ssh first and then scp it.

You can combine find and scp, something like this:
find localdirectory | xargs scp {your parameters}
find - returns all files, xargs - will collect their full paths and gives them as argument for scp

scp -r username#hostname:{/directory/directory2/file1,/directory/directory2/file2,/directory/file12} localdirectory
or just scp one by one


How to copy over all files from one directory to another excluding ones that start with a given string in a bash script

I have a directory containing a large amount of files ~1gb. I need to copy over all of them except ones that start with "name" to a different directory. I tried using this: "ls src_folder | grep -v '^name' | xargs cp -t dest_folder" from this pervious question In Linux, how to copy all the files not starting with a given string?
I get the following error when trying to copy over test1.txt from src_folder which contains test1.txt and name.txt to dest_folder
cp: cannot stat `test1.txt': No such file or directory
My current work around is to copy over all of the files, then use find to delete the ones starting with "name" in the dest_folder. This works, but I imagine I could save some time by only copying over the files I really want. Any suggestions?
You can use the shell option extglob. This option extends the bash's pattern matching, so you can use more advanced expressions.
shopt -s extglob
cp src_folder/!(name*) dest_folder
For more info run nam bash and look for extglob.

SCP first line of a file to another system

I think it should be possible to use a combination of the scp command and the head command to copy only the first line of a file to a remote system, but haven't been able to come up with the right command to make it happen.
Given an scp command like this:
scp /shared/myfolder/myfile.txt myuser#myserver:/newlocation/myotherfolder/myfile.txt
I'd like to send only the first line of myFile.txt to the remote system. I could use this command first:
head -1 myfile.txt >> myfile2.txt
and then scp myfile2.txt, but it would be helpful to have this in a single command.
scp doesn't read from stdin or work with bash process substitution, but you can
try hacks like:
head -1 myfile.txt | ssh myuser#myserver "cat > /shared/myfolder/myfile.txt"

Diff between two remote folders through SSH

Does anyone know how to list the files that exists in one remote folder and not in another remote folder. I have two servers (say Server1 and Server2) with similar folder structure where I'm doing Rsync. However, the destination folder has more files than the source as some of the files were deleted. Now I'm trying to find a way to find which files are new in Server2 by using diff between Server 1 and Server 2.
I can take the diff between two local folders directly using the following command:
diff /home/www/images/test_images /var/www/site/images/test_images
But I was wondering if it is possible to diff folders between two remote servers using ssh. Like this?
Say the ssh configurations of Server 1 and Server 2 are as follows:
Server 1
User: ubuntu1
Password: pa$$word1
Images Path: /home/www/images/test_images
Server 2
User: ubuntu2
Password: pa$$word2
Images Path: /var/www/site/images/test_images
Hoping for any help to solve this problem. Thanks.
Try this command:
diff -B <(sshpass -p 'pa$$word1' ssh "find /home/www/images/test_images -type f | sed 's/\/home\/www\/images\/test_images\///g'" | sort -n) <(sshpass -p 'pa$$word2' ssh "find /var/www/site/images/test_images -type f | sed 's/\/var\/www\/site\/images\/test_images\///g'" | sort -n) | grep ">" | awk '{print $2}'
You can use diff -B <() <() for taking the diff between two streams. The command first uses sshpass to ssh into the two servers without having to enter your passwords interactively.
Each parameter for diff -B uses find command to recursively list all your images in the specified directory and uses sed to remove the root path of the files (because they are different for two servers - and to make it work for the diff command); and the sort command to sort them.
Since the output of the diff command returns either > or <, grep is used to filter out only the diffs from your Server 2. Last, awk prints out only the second column (removes the > column from the output).
NOTE: You need to install sshpass first. Use apt-get to install it as follows:
sudo apt-get install sshpass
You can extend this by piping other commands like rm. Hope this works for you.

rsync to backup one file generated in dynamic folders

I'm trying to backup just one file that is generated by other application in dynamic named folders.
for example:
back_01 -> (timestam 2013.05.12)
back_02 -> (timestam 2013.05.14)
back_03 -> (timestam 2013.05.22)
and I need to get the latest generated zip, just that one it doesnt matter the name of the file as long as is the latest, is a zip and is inside "parent_folder" get that one.
as well when I do the rsync the folder structure + file name is generated and I want to omit that I want to backup that file in a folder and with a name so I know where is the latest and it will be always named the same.
now im doing this with a perl that get the latest generated folder with
"ls -tAF | grep '/$' | head -1"
and perform the rsync but it does brings the last zip but with the folder structure that I dont want because it doesnt override my latest zip file.
rsync -rvtW --prune-empty-dirs --delay-updates --no-implied-dirs --modify-window=1 --include='*.zip' --exclude='*.*' --progress /source/ /myBackup/
as well it would be great if I could do the rsync without needing to use perl or any other script.
The file names will differ each time ?
This would be hard for any type of syncing to work.
What you could do is :
create a new folder outside of where it is found, then :
Before you start remove the last sym linked file in that folder
When the file is found i.e. ls -tAF | grep '/$' | head -1 ....
symlink it this folder
then rsync,ssh,unison file across to new node.
If the symlink name is then it will always be this
one file sent across.
But why do all that when you can just scp and you can take a look at here:
for a more long winded approach, and not for this situation but it uses the real file date/time stamp then converts to seconds... It might be useful if you wish to do the stat in a different way
Using stat to work out file, work out latest file then simply scp it across, here is something to get you started:
One liner:
scp $(find /path/to/parent_folder -name \*.zip -exec stat -t {} \;|awk '{print $1" "$13}'|sort -k2nr|head -n1|awk '{print $1}') remote_server:/path/to/
More long winded way, maybe of use to understand what above is doing:
cd parent_folder;
for file in $(find . -name \*.zip); do
ptime=$(stat -t $file|awk '{print $13}');
FOUND_ARRAY+=($file" "$ptime)
FOUND_FILE=$(echo "${FOUND_ARRAY[*]}" | sort -k2nr | head -n1|awk '{print $1}');
scp $FOUND_FILE remote_host:/backup/

shell script to download latest file from FTP

I am writing shell script first time, I want to download latest create file from FTP.
I want to download latest file of specific folder. Below is my code for that. But it is downloading all the files of the folder not the latest one.
ftp -in << SCRIPTEND
user xyz xyz
cd Rpts/
mget ls -t -r | tail -n 1
help me with this, please?
Try using wget or lftp utility instead, it compares file time/date and AFAIR its purpose is ftp scripting. Switch to ssh/rsync if possible, you can read a bit about lftp instead of rsync here:
Probably the easiest way is to link last version on server side to "current", and always get the file pointed. If you're not admin of the server, you need to list all files with date/time, grab the information, parse it, decide which one is newest, in the meantime state on the server can change, and you find yourself in more complicated solution than it's worth.
The point is, that "ls" sorts output in some way, and time may not be default. There are switches to sort it e.g. base on modification time, however even when server responds with OK on ls -t , you can't be sure it really supports sorting, it can just ignore all switches and always return the same list, that's why admins usually use "current" link (ln -s). If there's no "current", to make sure you have the right file, you need to parse list anyway ( ls -al ).
Looking at the code, the line
mget ls -t -r | tail -n 1
doesn't do what you think. It actually grabs all of the output of ls -t and then tail processes the output of mget. You could replace this line with
mget $(ls -t -r | tail -n 1)
but I am not sure if ftp will support such a call...
Try using an FTP client other than ftp. For example, curlftpfs available at is a good candidate as it allows you to mount an FTP to a directory as if it is a local folder and then run different commands on the files there (including find, grep, etc.). Take a look at this article.
This way, since the output comes form a local command, you'd be more certain that ls -t returns a properly sorted list.
Btw, it's a bit less convoluted to use ls -t | head -1 than ls -t -r | tail -1. They produce the same result but why reverse and grab from the tail when you can just grab the head :)
If you use curlftpfs then your script would be something like this (assuming server and user xyz with password xyz).
mkdir /tmp/ftpsession
curlftpfs /tmp/ftpsession
cd /tmp/ftpsession/Rpts
cp -Rpf $(ls -t | head -1) /your/destination/folder/or/file
cd -
umount /tmp/ftpsession
My Solution is this:
curl ''$(curl '' 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $(NF)}')
