Why am I getting a file not found error in Slimv? - vim

I've set up slimv with the following command in vim:
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '!gnome-terminal -e "sbcl --load ~/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp &"'
When opening .lisp files and starting slimv, I recieve the following error message in the newly opened terminal window:
debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1002A8B203}>:
Couldn't load #P"~/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp": file does not exist.
Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.
restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
0: [CONTINUE] Ignore runtime option --load "~/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp".
1: [ABORT ] Skip rest of --eval and --load options.
2: Skip to toplevel READ/EVAL/PRINT loop.
3: [EXIT ] Exit SBCL (calling #'EXIT, killing the process).
(LOAD #P"~/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT NIL :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST T :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :DEFAULT)
However, running the sbcl command from the terminal works properly because the file does exist on the path specified. How can I fix this issue?

You need to make sure that the tilde gets expanded. Expansion is provided by the shell.
You can also compute the pathname in Common Lisp using:
(merge-pathnames ".vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp"
-> #P"/home/foobar/.vim/bundle/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp"
Merging a relative pathname with an absolute pathname, adds the directory like above.
Both functions (merge-pathnames and user-homedir-pathname) are in the ANSI CL standard.


Use python, to open cmd window with the directory supplied as an argument as the current directory

I want to use Python to open a directory in a Win10 cmd window, and keep the window open.
I made a batch file named: open_dir_in_cmd_window.CMD:
CD /D %1
I tested that batch file successfully, by creating another batch file named, Test.cmd:
Rem "open_dir_in_cmd_window.CMD" "f:\backup"
"open_dir_in_cmd_window.CMD" "f:\backup"
A very helpful webpage provides the following example, which I seem unable to follow correctly:
Spaces in Program Path + parameters with spaces:
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""
I made a python script, which contains the following lines, which alas, triggers an error message:
import subprocess
subprocess.run(cmd /k "E:\open_dir_in_cmd_window.CMD f:\backup")
When I open a Command Prompt window and run:
"C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe" E:\open_dir.py
I get an error message, SyntaxError: invalid syntax, with this:
subprocess.run(cmd /k "E:\open_dir_in_cmd_window.CMD f:\backup")
I've tried many different permutations of double quoting and can't figure out the right way to do it.
I have spent many hours hunting on the web and trying to figure this out and I do not know what to do.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Why won't my batch file run? Syntax Error

I keep getting a syntax error against the "C" in "C:\Users".
`#! python3
print('Hello world')`
#C:\Users\AK\MyPythonScripts>py.exe hello.bat
# File "hello.bat", line 1
# #py C:\User\AK\MyPythonSctipts\hello.py %*
# ^
#SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I've tried adding "\". I can't figure it out. Following along in "Automate the Boring Stuff." (Lesson 22)
#I keep getting a syntax error against the "C" in "C:\Users".
`#! python3
print('Hello world')`
#C:\Users\AK\MyPythonScripts>py.exe hello.bat
# File "hello.bat", line 1
# #py C:\User\AK\MyPythonSctipts\hello.py %*
# ^
#SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I expect to run the batch file and added a "#pause" feature, but the program won't execute since "C" is an invalid syntax.
May not the perfect answer you are looking for, but let me share in general essense how you run a python script in windows.
Open Command line: Start menu -> Run and type cmd
Type: C:\python27\python.exe C:\Users\Awesome\Desktop\Adel.py
In your system, your python .exe location might a bit different or you could be using python3, but overall format is specify you python exe first followed by your script's full path (<python.exe> <python-script-full-path>
I figured it out! My command prompt path wasn't set properly. I went to "My Computer" -> right-click -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings and changed my environment variable.

can we pass options to tcl source command in tcl 8.5

I am using this command to source get.tcl file and giving options 'verbose' and 'instant':
source -verbose -instant get.tcl
the above command worked for me in tcl 8.4 but showing this error in tcl 8.5
source (script wrong # args: should be "source_orig ?-encoding name?
if I write only
source get.tcl
It get passed in tcl 8.5
Is there any change related to this in tcl 8.5?
The source command only accepts one option (since 8.5), -encoding, which is used to specify what encoding the file being read is in (instead of the default guess of encoding as returned by encoding system). All it does is read the file into memory and (internally-equivalent-to-) eval the contents.
You can write to any variable you want prior to doing the source, including global variables like argv. With that (plus appropriate use of uplevel and catch, as required, and maybe also interp create) you can simulate running the script as a subprocess. But it's probably easier to not have the file expect to be handling arguments like that, and instead for it to define a command that you call immediately after the sourcing.
You can pass arguments to your sourced file by doing the following:
set ::argv [list -verbose -instant]
source get.tcl
I recommend using:
set ::argv [list -- -verbose -instant]
The -- will stop tclsh from processing any arguments after the --.
Sometimes tclsh will recognize an argument that is meant for your
program and process it. Your programs will need to know about
the -- and handle it appropriately.

How to prevent execution of command in ZSH?

I wrote hook for command line:
# Transforms command 'ls?' to 'man ls'
function question_to_man() {
if [[ $2 =~ '^\w+\?$' ]]; then
man ${2[0,-2]}
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook preexec question_to_man
But when I do:
> ls?
After exiting from man I get:
> zsh: no matches found: ls?
How can I get rid of from message about wrong command?
? is special to zsh and is the wildcard for a single character. That means that if you type ls? zsh tries find matching file names in the current directory (any three letter name starting with "ls").
There are two ways to work around that:
You can make "?" "unspecial" by quoting it: ls\?, 'ls?' or "ls?".
You make zsh handle the cases where it does not match better:
The default behaviour if no match can be found is to print an error. This can be changed by disabling the NOMATCH option (also NULL_GLOB must not be set):
This will leave the word untouched, if there is no matching file.
Caution: In the (maybe unlikely) case that there is a file with a matching name, zsh will try to execute a command with the name of the first matching file. That is if there is a file named "lsx", then ls? will be replaced by lsx and zsh will try to run it. This may or may not fail, but will most likely not be the desired effect.
Both methods have their pro and cons. 1. is probably not exactly what you are looking for and 2. does not work every time as well as changes your shells behaviour.
Also (as #chepner noted in his comment) preexec runs additionally to not instead of a command. That means you may get the help for ls but zsh will still try to run ls? or even lsx (or another matching name).
To avoid that, I would suggest defining a command_not_found_handler function instead of preexec. From the zsh manual:
If no external command is found but a function command_not_found_handler exists the shell executes this function with all command line arguments. The function should return status zero if it successfully handled the command, or non-zero status if it failed. In the latter case the standard handling is applied: ‘command not found’ is printed to standard error and the shell exits with status 127. Note that the handler is executed in a subshell forked to execute an external command, hence changes to directories, shell parameters, etc. have no effect on the main shell.
So this should do the trick:
command_not_found_handler () {
if [[ $1 =~ '\?$' ]]; then
man ${1%\?}
return 0
return 1
If you have a lot of matching file names but seldomly misstype commands (the usual reason for "Command not found" errors) you might want to consider using this instead:
command_not_found_handler () {
man ${1%?}
This does not check for "?" at the end, but just cuts away any last character (note the missing "\" in ${1%?}) and tries to run man on the rest. So even if a file name matches, man will be run unless there is indeed a command with the same name as the matched file.
Note: This will interfere with other tools using command_not_found_handler for example the command-not-found tool from Ubuntu (if enabled for zsh).
That all being said, zsh has a widget called run-help which can be bound to a key (in Emacs mode it is by default bound to Alt+H) and than runs man for the current command.
The main advantages of using run-help over the above are:
You can call it any time while typing a longer command, as long as the command name is complete.
After you leave the manpage, the command is still there unchanged, so you can continue writing on it.
You can even bind it to Alt+? to make it more similar: bindkey '^[?' run-help

Is it possible to access vim's command-line arguments in vimscript?

I found the answer to this question while writing it, so I've broadened it a little. I wanted to access the --servername argument, in order to create dynamic settings in my .vimrc file.
Through vim's help, I found the v:servername variable, and my script is working. However, now I'm curious if it's possible to access any arbitrary command-line argument. For example, if I wanted to know if vim was in Lisp mode (-l) or Debugging mode (-D), how would I do it? There seems to be no corresponding v: variable for them.
Here are the variables I found by autocompleting :help v:<Tab>
Is there a general way to access command-line arguments from vimscript?
Strangely, I think the answer may be "No, there is no direct way to access startup options specified on the command line".
The :args command and argv() can be used to access the filename(s) specified on startup, but that's not what you want.
I see on Vim's forums that someone offered this solution to get the startup command line on Linux:
:exe '!tr "\0" " " </proc/' . getpid() . '/cmdline'
I assume there's analogous command on Windows. . . .
You can look over that forum thread here:
My googling indicates that this feature has been proposed but never implemented. However I did come up with a bit of a kludge that nevertheless works:
:echo split( system( "ps -o command= -p " . getpid() ) )
# => [ 'vim', ... arguments ... ]
(Tested on OS X Lion.)
The getpid() function gets Vim's PID, then we call ps externally with options to return nothing but the "command" value for process, then use split() to split the command into a list.
