Windows Azure behind NATed router - azure

I am working on a project and am attempting to run a FTP daemon on an azure vm running the Technical Preview 2. The Daemon reports that it is behind a NATed router, and as such I can not connect in via another means but the remote desktop connection. (I will be running other daemons on this server as well, and they also have this problem)
I need some way to access this router that my Azure server is behind to configure it to allow for the range of ports that i need to access.
The fine folks at MVA instructed me to ask here, so here I am.

I think you just need to open the port (endpoint setting in the portal) to the virtual machine, so check this article out.
Also, make sure the local firewall isn't blocking that ftp port... I'm pretty sure it's off by default.


Cant hit Node-Red web page on Vultr Machine

I have just finished setting up Node-red on the a cloud machine hosted with vultr ( Ubuntu 20.04 x64 ) and I am wanting to be able to hit the Node-Red web page but I am failing to do so.
I have setup WireGuard so I can VPN into the machine
I am able to ping the servers Local IP address from my Windows PC
But I am still unable to hit the Node-Red Web Page
Even though Node-Red is running
I am fairly new to working with cloud machines so any help would be highly appreciated.
I'm going to guess that you haven't opened port 1880 for the server.
This could be in one of 2 places
Vultr appear to have their own firewall which you will need to ensure a suitable rule to allow TCP traffice on port 1880 exists. How to configure the firewall appears to be documented here
You will need to make sure that the port is open in the Ubuntu Firewall as well. Running sudo ufw allow 1880/tcp should do this.

Windows is showing rpc server is unavailable when connecting to a SAMBA AD hosted on debian

I have set up SAMBA to act as an AD DC and my machine connects to it fine but when I try to find the Active Directory tools from inside my windows machine I get the error 'naming information cannot be located because: the rpc server is unavailable'
I have no idea what thats bout and the few cases ive seen online deal in different situation not applicable to my case.
The problem can be on either the client or server machine.
Make sure Samba is listening on the right ports. RPC is on port 135. If you don't see Samba listening on port 135, then that's your problem.
Also make sure that, on your client Windows machine, the "TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper" service is running (in services.msc) and set to run automatically. If that was not running, then that's your problem.

How do I access my node.js website from an external device?

I have a node.js website running on my Ubuntu VM. I can access it both from the host and the VM. But if I try, from an external device connected to the same network over WiFi, it doesn't work.
What I need to do to make the web site accessible to external devices on the same local network?
I've been googling this for days, and still can't find an answer...
If the host is Windows, there's two things you'll have to do. One is setting up port forwarding in your VM settings. If you're using Virtual Box check this out. Also, depending on your internal networking setup, you may need to allow inbound connections to port 80 through Windows Firewall. Check out this article from Microsoft. The process hasn't really changed since Windows 7 so it should be the same on 8 or 10.
As a side note, security through obscurity sucks but I still wouldn't recommend using port 80.

Connect linux computers to CentOS websever

i would like to ask on how other linux computer can connect to my CentOS web Server.Btw, I'm using virtual box on those CentOS. I tried googling it but i giving me hard time to find a good answer, so im trying to ask here if someone knows about it. Advance thank you!
It depends on how you are trying to access the web server.
If you are simply trying to access a website you have on the server, then you have the following options:
If the ip address of the server is registered with DNS then it's pretty much straightforward.
If the ip address is not registered, etc. and it's under the same network as the other linux computer then you need to know what ip address the CentOS web server has which you will use to access via a web browser.
If the web server is located in another network, then you will have to look into port forwarding.
If you are trying to access the web server to do anything else but accessing a website (e.g. installing software, doing configuration, etc.) then you have the following option(s):
setup SSH to securely access the server remotely.

How do you set up a perforce server to work over the internet?

I was setting up a Perforce server and only noticed options for localhosts and such. What I'm trying to do is setup up the server on a desktop machine at one household, and then be able to connect to it using the P4V Client to access the files over the internet form a another household. I no that I'll have to forward some ports and stuff but what set up files do I need to do this? I can only find info for servers that are all being run on the same network like at a business or something nothing that is over the internet. I've set up a team speak server like this where you go to connect and type in the ip address and port and then connect to the server but this dosn't have options like that, that I've seen anyway. This will be done all on Windows 7 64 bit machines. Server on desktop and clients will be on desktops and laptops. All help is appreciated and I'll be posting back with updates on what i'm doing so others can follow this as well if needed.
The server accepts TCP/IP connections, which can be from any client machine which has TCP/IP connectivity. The Perforce server configuration for telling it which IP address and port number to listen at is the P4PORT setting:
Since you're on a Windows machine, your server will probably be run as a Windows Service, and hence its P4PORT setting will be held in the registry section for that service. You can edit the service's configuration using a registry editor such as RegEdit, or more simply you can use 'p4 set -S Perforce P4PORT=my-host-name:my-port-number' to specify the desired IP address and port.
Then restart your Perforce service from the Services Control Panel and you're good to go!
