Run application after install(silent installer) - nsis

I want to run my application immediately after install and I understand the code to do it is as follows:
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
CreateShortcut "$DESKTOP\HelloWorldShortcut.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Hello World.exe" "dev03 3"
Function LaunchLink
ExecShell "" "$DESKTOP\HelloWorldShortcut.lnk"
The problem is my installer is a silent installer but the above code adds a page to it.
Is there a way to use a silent installer to also run the application immediately after install?

A silent installer can just run the app as the final step in the last section. Whether or not it is a good idea for a silent installer to start the application is something you should think about, personally I would say no...
SetOutPath $InstDir
File "MyApp.exe"
IfSilent "" +2 ; If the installer is always silent then you don't need this check
ExecShell "" "$InstDir\MyApp.exe"


How to wait for parent NSIS Installer to be finished, before executing the embedded installer?

I am trying to run an installer inside the Script of another installer.
The parent installer needs to be finished to run the embedded installer inside properly.
!include "MUI2.nsh"
Icon "C:\Users\user\Pictures\logo.ico"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
ExecWait "$INSTDIR/CM/CMInstaller.exe"
So how do I wait for the parent installer before executing the CMInstaller.exe?
Thanks for answering!
As Anders pointed out, the -POST is not a specific section name, just place this section (containing your child installer) after the main install section, or use .onInstSuccess callback function
Original answer:
In our project, we use -Post section to do some post-installation operations like placing the uninstaller or shortcut on the desktop, which might not be the best practice because there's a -FinishComponents section for the specified situation, check here
Section -Post
SetShellVarContext all
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninst.exe"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Uninst.exe"
;Write install path registry
!insertmacro WriteInstallLog "Install_log.log" "Installation completed"
;Execute CMInstaller here
ExecWait "$INSTDIR/CM/CMInstaller.exe"
And according to the NSIS documentation, there's also a callback function .onInstSuccess when the installation is done successfully

How to show the Systray Icon and also the corresponding executable in the taskmanager by default when we run the installer using NSIS?

My requirement is: When i installed a software using NSIS, once the installation is successfully completed it should show a notification icon (systray icon).
I am able to create the installer with the required dlls, executables and other files. But it is not showing the systray icon automatically.
Use ExecShell, Exec or ExecWait to start a new process:
File "something\Display.exe"
ExecShell "" "$INSTDIR\Display.exe"
If you are using the Modern UI then you can put a run checkbox on the finish page instead if you want to give the user the option of not running the app:
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\Display.exe"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
File "something\Display.exe"

NSIS installs sections even after I have removed them

I have built an installer, which consists of 5 sections/components. I have created a pre-function before the components page to check which components are installed, only the components that are not currently installed should be shown on the components page.
!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE selectSections
Function selectSections
; remove sections which are already installed
IfErrors +2
!insertmacro RemoveSection ${SEC_EXTRACTOR}
!insertmacro SelectSection ${SEC_EXTRACTOR}
; so on for all components
So I install all the components first, and then run the installer again. This time I do not see any components on the components page. But when I press install on that page, all the sections are still executed. Can anyone help ?
(I have pressed the install button from a components page, that does not list any components. but I see those sections being installed in the details pane.)
Don't use relative jumps to skip macros because a macro can be more that one instruction. Use IfErrors label or ${If} ${Errors} from LogicLib.nsh.

Embedding other installers using NSIS

I an new to NSIS scripting. I want to create a custom installer which would wrap around another installer(FEKO). This method Embedding other installers suggested on the NSIS website did not work for me
The script compiles correctly but the embedded application is not installed. Here is the script
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "logiclib.nsh"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
#Name of the application we are trying to install
Name "FEKO"
# update this section to add 'contact' info
BrandingText "Please contact support at for any issues. "
# define the name of installer
OutFile "Custom_FEKO_6.2_Installer.exe"
# define default installation directory
InstallDir "C:\FEKO\6.2\"
DirText "Choose a directory where you want to install FEKO"
# start default section
Section "FEKO Installation"
# set the installation directory as the destination for the following actions
DetailPrint "Extracting FEKO Files into Installation Directory"
# specify files to go into the installation directory path
File /r "C:\Feko_Installer\*"
# set the current working directory
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
Section "FEKO installation" FEKO
DetailPrint "Installing Feko"
# run the FEKO installer and wait for it to finish
File "C:\Feko_Installer\feko_distrib_6.2_win64.exe"
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\feko_distrib_6.2_win64.exe"
DetailPrint "Finishing up Installation"
If the child installer needs admin privileges you need to put RequestExecutionLevel admin in your script. ExecWait (CreateProcess) fails if the exe has a manifest requesting elevation.
Correct quoting for ExecWait is: ExecWait '"c:\full\path\to\app.exe" /param1 "par am 2" /param3'

Opening a pdf/Wordpad file at Installation finish

I am using HM NIS Edit 2.03. For my setup installation, I need to open a help file at the end of the installation. The file may be a pdf, notepad or a word page file. I tried !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN but it does not work.
MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN can only start real applications, to start other things you can use MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME. If you are already using MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME for something else you can use a custom run function:
Function MyFinishRun
ExecShell "" "$instdir\readme.doc"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
