apache spark running task on each rdd - apache-spark

I have a rdd which is distributed accross multiple machines in a spark environment. I would like to execute a function on each worker machine on this rdd.
I do not want to collect the rdd and then execute a function on the driver. The function should be executed seperately on each executors for their own rdd.
How can I do that
Update (adding code)
I am running all this in spark shell
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSQLContext
import java.util.Properties
val cc = new CassandraSQLContext(sc)
val rdd = cc.sql("select * from sams.events where appname = 'test'");
val df = rdd.select("appname", "assetname");
Here I have a df with 400 rows. I need to save this df to sql server table. When I try to use df.write method it gives me errors which I have posted in a separate thread
spark dataframe not appending to the table
I can open a driverManager conection and insert rows but that will be done in the driver module of spark
import java.sql._
import com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
// create a Statement from the connection
Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
// insert the data
statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Customers " + "VALUES (1001, 'Simpson', 'Mr.', 'Springfield', 2001)");
String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;" +
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);
I need to do this writing in the executor machine. How can I achieve this?

In order to setup connections from workers to other systems, we should use rdd.foreachPartitions(iter => ...)
foreachPartitions lets you execute an operation for each partition, giving you access to the data of the partition as a local iterator.
With enough data per partition, the time of setting up resources (like db connections) is amortized by using such resources over a whole partition.
abstract eg.
rdd.foreachPartition(iter =>
//setup db connection
val dbconn = Driver.connect(ip, port)
iter.foreach{element =>
val query = makeQuery(element)
It's also possible to create singleton resource managers that manage those resources for each JVM of the cluster. See also this answer for a complete example of such local resource manager: spark-streaming and connection pool implementation


Spark mapPartitions Issue

I am using spark mapPartition on my DF and the use case i should submit one Job (either calling lambda or sending a SQS Message) for each Partition.
I am partitioning on a custom formatted date column and logging the no.of partitions before and after and it is working as expected.
How ever when i see the total no.of jobs it is more than the no.of partitions. For Some of the partitions there are two or three jobs !!
Here is the Code i am using
val yearMonthQueryRDD = yearMonthQueryDF.rdd.mapPartitions(
partition => {
val partitionObjectList = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
logger.info("partitionIndex = {}",TaskContext.getPartitionId());
val partitionCounter:AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(0)
val partitionSize:AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(0)
val paritionColumnName:AtomicReference[String] = new AtomicReference[String]();
// Iterate the Objects in a given parittion
val updatedPartition = partition.map( record => {
import yearMonthQueryDF.sparkSession.implicits._
val recordSizeInt = Integer.parseInt(record.getAs("object_size"))
val recordSize:Long = recordSizeInt.toLong
logger_ref.info("No.of Elements in Partition ["+paritionColumnName.get()+"] are =["+partitionCounter.get()+"] Total Size=["+partitionSize.get()+"]")
// Submit a Job for the parition
// jobUtil.submitJob(paritionColumnName.get(),partitionObjectList,partitionSize.get())
Another thing that is making the debugging harder is the logging statements inside the mapPartitions() method are not found in the container error logs (since they are executed on each worker node not on master node i expected them to find them in container logs rather than in master node logs. Need to figure why i am only seeing stderr logs but not stdout logs on the containers though).

How to use spark to write to HBase using multi-thread

I'm using spark to write data to HBase, but at the writing stage, only one executor and one core are executing.
I wonder why my code is not writing properly or what should I do to make it write faster?
Here is my code:
val df = ss.sql("SQL")
HBaseTableWriterUtil.hbaseWrite(ss, tableList, df)
def hbaseWrite(ss:SparkSession,tableList: List[String], df:DataFrame): Unit ={
val tableName = tableList(0)
val rowKeyName = tableList(4)
val rowKeyType = tableList(5)
hbaseConf.set(TableOutputFormat.OUTPUT_TABLE, s"${tableName}")
val sc = ss.sparkContext
val columns = df.columns
val result = df.rdd.mapPartitions(par=>{
var rowkey:String =""
rowkey = row.getAs[String](rowKeyName)
}else if("Long".equals(rowKeyType)){
rowkey = row.getAs[Long](rowKeyName).toString
val put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(rowkey))
var value = row.get(row.fieldIndex(name))
(new ImmutableBytesWritable,put)
val job = Job.getInstance(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
You may not control how many parallel execute may write to HBase.
Though you can start multiple Spark jobs in multiThreaded client program.
e.g. You can have a shell script which triggers multiple spark-submit command to induce parallelism. Each spark job can work on one set of data independent to each other and push into HBase.
This can also be done using Spark Java/Scala SparkLauncher API using it with Java concurrent API (e.g. Executor framework).
val sparkLauncher = new SparkLauncher
//Set Spark properties.only Basic ones are shown here.It will be overridden if properties are set in Main class.
.setMaster("MasterType like yarn or local[*]")
.setDeployMode("set deploy mode like cluster")
// Lauch spark application
val sparkLauncher1 = sparkLauncher.startApplication()
//get jobId
val jobAppId = sparkLauncher1.getAppId
//Get status of job launched.THis loop will continuely show statuses like RUNNING,SUBMITED etc.
while (true) {
However, the challenge is to track each of them for failure and automatic recovery. It may be tricky specially when partial data is already written into HBase. i.e. A job fails to process the complete set of data assigned to it. You may have to automatically clean the data from HBase before automatically retrigger.

Filtering and selecting data from a DataFrame in Spark

I am working on a Spark-JDBC program
I came up with the following code so far:
object PartitionRetrieval {
var conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark-JDBC")
val log = LogManager.getLogger("Spark-JDBC Program")
val conFile = "/home/hmusr/ReconTest/inputdir/testconnection.properties"
val properties = new Properties()
properties.load(new FileInputStream(conFile))
val connectionUrl = properties.getProperty("gpDevUrl")
val devUserName = properties.getProperty("devUserName")
val devPassword = properties.getProperty("devPassword")
val driverClass = properties.getProperty("gpDriverClass")
val tableName = "source.bank_accounts"
try {
} catch {
case cnf: ClassNotFoundException =>
log.error("Driver class: " + driverClass + " not found")
case e: Exception =>
log.error("Exception: " + e.printStackTrace())
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).master("yarn").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
val gpTable = spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url", connectionUrl)
val rc = gpTable.filter(gpTable("source_system_name")==="ORACLE").count()
println("gpTable Count: " + rc)
In the above code, will the statement:val gpTable = spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url", connectionUrl) dump the whole data of the table: bank_accounts into the DataFrame: gpTable and then DataFrame: rc gets the filtered data. I have this doubt as the table: bank_accounts is a very small table and it doesn't have an effect if it is loaded into memory as a dataframe as a whole. But in our production, there are tables with billions of records. In that case what is the recommended way to load data into a DataFrame using a JDBC connection ?
Could anyone let me know the concept of Spark-Jdbc's entry point here ?
will the statement ... dump the whole data of the table: bank_accounts into the DataFrame: gpTable and then DataFrame: rc gets the filtered data.
No. DataFrameReader is not eager. It only defines data bindings.
Additionally, simple predicates, like trivial equality, checks are pushed to the source and only required columns should loaded when plan is executed.
In the database log you should see a query similar to
SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE source_system_name = 'ORACLE'
if it is loaded into memory as a dataframe as a whole.
No. Spark doesn't load data in memory unless it instructed to (primarily cache) and even then it limits itself to the blocks that fit into available storage memory.
During standard process it keep only the data that is required to compute the plan. For global plan memory footprint shouldn't depend on the amount of data.
In that case what is the recommended way to load data into a DataFrame using a JDBC connection ?
Please check Partitioning in spark while reading from RDBMS via JDBC, Whats meaning of partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound, numPartitions parameters?, https://stackoverflow.com/a/45028675/8371915 for questions related to scalability.
Additionally you can read Does spark predicate pushdown work with JDBC?

inside cassandraRDD no access to variables without a null pointer exception

I'm working on a standalone spark cluster (2 spark-master , 6 spark-worker)
spark v2.1.0
com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector 2.0.0M3
I create a conf like this
val sparkConfiguration = sparkConf(master, appName).setAll(extraConf)
val sparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConfiguration)
val cassConnec = CassandraConnector(sparkConfiguration)
val accEcriture=sparkContext.longAccumulator("accEcriture")
val accCompteur=sparkContext.longAccumulator("accCompteur")
Then I want to read a table in parallel with "n" cores
sparkContext. cassandraTable(keyspace,aTable)
.foreachPartition {
list =>
list.foreach {
row =>
// accessing an accumulator or a variable or sparkcontext generate NPE !!!
It seems that inside a CassandraRDD, spark do not copy/broadcast variable
I just see rows. In fact I need to use this parallel query to read and write in other cassandra tables.
Any idea?

Determine machine storing a Spark partition

How can I determine the hostname of the machine holding a particular partition of an RDD?
I realize Spark does not intend to expose this information to casual users, but I'm trying to interface Spark with another system, and knowing the physical locations of the partitions would allow for more efficient transfers.
You can try and call foreachPartition on the RDD and get the hostname using system commands.
Something like (in pyspark):
def f(iterator):
where log2file is some function to log to a file and gethostname is a regular system command to get the hostname.
If you want to get the result back as an RDD you can use mapPartitions as follows:
def f(iterator): yield hostname
Found a solution on another Stackoverflow question, How to get ID of a map task in Spark?. This information is available in the TaskContext object, which you can use like so:
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 3).foreachPartition(_ => {
val ctx = TaskContext.get
val stageId = ctx.stageId
val partId = ctx.partitionId
val hostname = ctx.taskMetrics.hostname
println(s"Stage: $stageId, Partition: $partId, Host: $hostname")
