Excel format lost while populating thru SSIS - excel

I have an formatted excel destination with one of the columns being a percentage and another being currency. I'm loading this excel with data from a sql table using SSIS. However the excel is not formatted after the load. What is happening?

I was able export two columns of information (percent and dollar value) to an Excel file (97-2003 format) from an SSIS package created in Visual Studio 2010. The data was sourced from a table on a server using SQL Server 2012.
Created an Excel file containing a column called Percent and another called Cost. Both were formatted accordingly and are located in the first row.
Saved the file in a 97-2003 format and then closed it.
Created a table in a database and populated it with a couple of records.
create table test_export (
mypercent numeric(18,2),
mydollar numeric(18,2))
insert into test_export values (2.1, 50.00)
insert into test_export values (4.5, 120.00)
Opened Visual Studio 2010 and created a new SSIS package. Created an OLEDB connection to the database.
Under the Control Flow tab added a Data Flow Task and double-clicked on it after it was added. This should now highlight the Data Flow tab.
Add an OLE DB Source and point to the newly added database connection, under Data access mode select Table or View and then select the table created in step #3. Select the OK button.
Add an Excel Destination making certain to create a new Excel connection manager for it and point to the Sheet1$. Make certain to indicate that the first row contains headers. Select the OK button and connect the OLE DB Source task to the Excel Destination task below. Since only numbers are involved, there is no need to apply a Data Conversion task between the two. But in the Excel Destination task remember to select Mappings and connect from left to right which source columns match up with which destination columns.
In the Solution Explorer pane, right-click on the solution and select Properties from the drop-down menu. Open Configuration Properties on the left and the select Debugging under it. On the right under Debug Options, look for Run64BitRuntime and change it from True to False if you have not already done so. Select the OK button.
Run the SSIS package.
Stop the SSIS package when all of the tasks show green for completed.
Open the Excel file and it will now contain the values imported from the database table with the Excel percent and dollar formats preserved from step #1.
I ran these steps in a test and everything worked perfectly. If your formats are not being preserved, then you are likely leaving out a step.
Hope this helps and please indicate if it answered your question.

I had the same problem. What I did was:
apply conditional formatting on the column.
see attached picture
It is also important that you have in the first row, a model row, filled with numeric/text values, in order for the ssis to export the numbers as numbers and not as strings model row
If your template contains several rows before the place where ssis start to export the data, you might need to have more model rows. (I needed 4). This rows have to be the first rows in the document, regardless where you start the export.
You can hide the model rows


Copy and paste Excel rows between two workbooks based on criteria from exported Access data

I have no previous experience in Access, VBA coding or in Excel macros prior to teaching myself the past month via these forums. Thank you forums and contributors. I have enjoyed my Access learnings so far, the challenge that it has provided and appreciate any help that I can get. As such, the code and methods that I have used to this point may well be convoluted and confusing. I will do my best to provide relevant details and accurate terminology.
I work in a lab and I am creating an Access Form for semi-automated reporting. Samples are received from clients and are logged into the Excel Table R&D Log. The worksheet is InProcess. Samples are sorted based on the site in which they originate and given a one or two letter site code (G, D, WH, etc.) and an ID "yy-000" in separate Excel columns (i.e. D 18-096). Samples may be submitted for multiple analyses (Metals, Water, Soil, etc.) and may even have multiple rows of reporting if multiple analytes are identified in the sample. There are several other columns, such as receipt date, reporting date, units, etc. Once samples are reported, I manually copy and paste them into the Archived worksheet, and delete the record and blank row from the InProcess worksheet. Since one sample may have multiple analyses and even more potential results, each record would be reported on a new Excel row (with the same D 18-096 ID number). Thus, there is not a single unique identifier or primary key for each sample in the current format. R&D Log is updated manually by lab technicians and the worksheet InProcess is a linked table in an Access Database.
The Access Database is using two combo boxes on a Form frmInProcess to filter a Query qryInProcess of the linked table. The combo boxes are filtering the report destination (one client may receive multiple site codes) and the analysis (reports are separated based on type of analysis). The Query is also filtering out blank results and blank dates, so only completed samples will appear on the filtered Form. I have generated VBA code to this point that will export the Form to a .pdf, save the file with unique filename, and open outlook to mail out the report. I have also managed to export the filtered Form frmInProcess to an Excel file Access Test (not the linked file).
What I would like to do now is to automate the transfer of completed test results from the Excel worksheet R&D Log: InProcess to R&D Log: Archived and delete the record from the InProcess worksheet. I am not sure if I can export the filtered Form into a linked Excel table, or if I must use a separate Excel file (or if it even matters for simplicity of code?). I would now like to read the exported filtered Form in Excel Access Test, lookup matching rows in R&D Log based on several criteria (site, ID, Analysis, Analyte, Report Date) and automate the transfer of records between R&D Log worksheets. End result being that Access generates reports for completed tests, and the records are removed from InProcess testing and transferred to Archived testing in Excel. I am guessing that I may need to close the Access application and perform this in Excel. Hope this is easy enough to follow.
Thank you.
In my experience, importing an Excel document into a temporary NEW (or totally empty) Access table is usually the easiest way to go. Then you do not have to worry about cell references like you do in Excel VBA. Even if the Excel document has old data in it with just a few new changes each time, importing it into a temporary Access table could be the simplest way to go, because then you can compare the data in this table with the data in another, permanent Access table and update the latter based on the former.
As far as the original Excel file, if you need to delete rows there, it might be quicker to export a new Excel file with just the data the old one is supposed to end up with, and then use VBA to delete (or - safer! - rename) the old file.
So the development process goes something like this:
Save import steps by first importing an Excel file via Access' ribbon options "External Data" (tab) ->"Excel" and when you finish, be sure to check the "Save import steps" box and note the name you give the "saved import" because you will need that in your VBA code.
In Access, write a function for deleting the table. The VBA code is:
Const cTable = "MyExcelTempTable"
If TableExists(cTable) Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, cTable
End If
Now you can test your delete function on the data you imported.
Write VBA code to import the same spreadsheet to create the same table:
Const cSavedImport = "Import-MyExcelTempTable"
' Import the Excel file
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport cSavedImport
Write more VBA function(s) to check the imported table for bad data and then to copy it into the permanent table. You might be updating existing records or adding new ones. Either way, you could use Access queries or SQL to do this and run them from VBA.
Write a VBA function to rename the old Excel file. (You could use an InputBox if the Excel file name is different each time. I do this for importing Excel files, and I set a default value so I do not have to type as much.)
Write a VBA function to export the new version of the Excel file.
Make yourself a button on a form that, when clicked, runs a VBA function. Inside that function, run Steps 2 through 6, above.
I am not sure my answer exactly matches what you are trying to do, but hopefully you get enough of a picture of the workflow to figure out the details of what you need.

Exporting data into excel via SSIS - package on server ignores named range

I am trying to insert data into Excel file using SQL Server Integration Services. Everytime I have to create new excel file from template and fill two tables in one sheet, where first table starts on row 2 (data must start from 3 row), and second table starts on row 7 (data must start from 8 row). So, I created template excel file with two named ranges, in SSIS I created two Excel Destination Tasks and used named ranges as destination.
Everything perfectly works on my computer. I can run my package (in 32-bit mode), new excel file from template is created with filled properly tables.
Great, but it doesn't work properly on server. I created job that runs package with 32-bit option checked, added parameters and saved template on server. If I run job, it ends successfully, but excel file is not filled correctly. Whole saved data starts from row 2 (from both tables) and data from first table is overwritten by data from second table. It somehow ignores named ranges.
I tried another method without named ranges, that is, in Excel Destination Task I chosed SQL Command in "Data access mode" and write query SELECT * FROM [Sheet$A2:N2], but same history. Works locally, but not on server.
I downloaded package and template file from server and ran on my computer and everything worked properly...
Has anyone encountered such a problem?
Here are the steps how I managed to export data to Excel starting from 7-th row. For this example, assume you export 4 columns. Caveat - it works on SSIS 2012+.
Create a template Excel file, with named range (say, N1) at A6:D6 scoped for Workbook.
At Excel destination, open Advanced Editor, on Component Properties tab specify the following parameters - AccessMode choose OpenRowSet, OpenRowset type N1.
After that you have to map columns again at Excel destination.

Export to Excel with Toad Automation Designer

I am using the Toad Automation Designer to export data of table to Excel.
Unfortunately my table contains more then 65000 rows (100k) and every single Excel file
can only contain 65k entries.
My workaround was to write two SQL statements to create two Excel files
select * from my_table offset 0 rows FETCH NEXT 65000 ROWS ONLY
select * from my_table offset 64999 rows
That is ok for the moment but I am looking for a more dynamic way to export the whole
table into several Excel files without writing multiple SQL statement because in future
I will have maybe 300k entries in my database table.
So I am looking for a possibility to write something like a little script in the
Automation Designer or something similar.
Any Ideas?
Had similar issue: Toad .xls download populates one tab (64K rows). Only difference is that my Toad (11) would then populate another tab with residual data (the next 64K rows), then another tab and so on until all data was downloaded... it sometimes took many tabs.
I changed the download file type to .xlsx and then all the data downloaded to one tab.
safety tip: After download, Excel will have no problem opening the downloaded xlsx - but I have to open/save/close the downloaded .xlsx in Excel prior to using an ms access import spec. (else access' import spec complains the file's unreadable).

Connecting different databases in Excel

Let's say I have an Access database, "ADB", and an Excel workbook, "EWB".
ADB has a table called "ATable" which contains columns including a column called "A_ID"
EWB has a worksheet called "EWorksheet" which contains columns "E_ID" and "ECol"
Now, I want to know how I can create an Excel worksheet that combines ATable.A_ID from ADB and EWorksheet.ECol from EWB, where if A_ID = E_ID then return ECol.
So in SQL, it should look something like this:
SELECT ATable.A_ID, EWorksheet.ECol
FROM ADB.ATable, EWB.EWorksheet
WHERE ATable.A_ID = EWorksheet.ECol
Of course I want the data to be dynamic, so that data will be updated when refreshed.
You need something called PowerQuery, in Excel 2016 comes by default. In previous versions you will have to install it.
Once you have it, it´s pretty straightforward. Select a connection as seen below selecting an Access database or an Excel workbook.
Once you have both queries loaded in PowerQuery you need to merge them through the column you specified, and that will make the join for you.
What PowerQuery does is record a set of steps such as connecting to an Access database or merging 2 tables. Those steps are saved within the file, so when you click RefreshAll in Excel it will reproduce those same steps you specified and bring you the latest data.

SSIS : Read Excel File too lines

I work on SSIS project (Visual studio 2012)
A browser send me an excel file with articles.
Informations begin in A2, until column G.
Then I use
SELECT * FROM [ProduitsFamilles$A2:G]
My problem is, I saw in this file last line is 16143 (under empty cell)
And when I run it, It gives 16382 lines ... then 200 lines empty crush import in database cause primary key can't be empty.
I think it's because before send this file, browser delete old unless row.
Using "conditional Split" give good responce but I Want know If I can break directly empty row, like using where clause...
SSIS will handle excel files and stop at the empty row automatically if you choose a table instead of a sql statement. I believe you could also select specific columns in the Select clause of an sql statement instead of defining your range in the From clause. SSIS generally assumes there is a header row, though you can also specify this.
There is another possible issue, which is that cells can be active and empty in Excel instead of inactive. To test this, press ctrl and the down arrow at the top of a full column in your sheet. It should stop at the last cell with data in it (the 16143th row in your case); if it instead goes down to the 16382th row, you'll know you have a bunch of empty but active rows that need to be taken care of before importing.
In general, it's a lot easier to use .csv files with SSIS than Excel files, which tend to have these types of formatting issues.
