Correct design of aggregate roots - domain-driven-design

Somewhere far, far away in a domain galaxy there is mention of
'Measurement values' and 'Places'
Each 'Measurement value' comes from/belongs to a specific 'Place'
Each 'Measurement value' is registered on a given date & time and of a given, specific type (eg. waterflow, wind, etc)
Each 'Place' has a name and a collection of 'Measurement Values' that gets registered
Given my current model where 'Places' are the aggregate root that holds 'Measurement values' I have a dilemma:
Users wishes to view one type of measurement values at a time and there are quite a lot of measurement values.
To load all measurement values when only some of them are needed seems unneccessary..
Eg. Im stuck on how to organize/model the need "Show me waterflows (measurement values) in River X (Place) between time A and B"
Is it allowed to instantiate River X aggregate root only partially loaded with the type of measurement values concerned in a given use case?
Are there other ways of modelling measurement values and their origin?
Please let med know your thoughts...

I think that your aggregate is consistent as it is. Your dilemma as nothing to do with domain model but rather than with a presentation model.
I will consider the possibility to deserialize each measurement in a NoSQL instance, in this way your presenteation layer could filter and make any query without affecting the consistency of domain layer.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds very much like the data model and storage are impacting the design of your system? If this is so it may be the cause of your dilemma. A key part of the benefit modeling using aggregates is it is free of dependencies. Dependencies such as databases and data models. There is no direct 'view' of an aggregate, so it's not shaped by the view. This makes aggregates much easier to design. They are much more focused on solving the problem. And are therefore great candidates for doing complex stuff.
If it turns out you don't need aggregates to model your domain. You can then just focus on an efficient storage and retrieval mechanism.
In other words...
Don't tie yourself up in knots doing DDD if you don't need to.
If it helps I created an infographic on common DDD mistakes. You may find it helpful. You can find it here.
By the way, I think DDD is a great way to go, but only if your domain warrants it. Appologies if I have misunderstood you.

I fail to see the real problem. You said that each Measurement is tied to a specific Place, then you don't have to load all Measurements.
Using correct data layer configuration, you can load the required Measurement by selecting/loading/instantiating only it's parent (Place).


Association between aggregates, how to decide between holding reference to the object or only to its identity

For exemple, giving a performance having multiple performers...
First option:
Performance (1) ---> (*) Performer
Second option:
1st option Pros:
Easier access for query purpose (lets say I don't want to use CQRS)
When we look at the domain model it seems easier to understand, the relation between Performance and Performer is more visible
1st option Cons:
A Performance object is heavier to load (could possibly be fixed with lazy loading)
More coupling
2nd option pros and cons are obviously the opposite of the first option, harder access to performers from the performance, model diagram harder to understand, lighter to load and less coupling.
I kind of like the first option, because, there is no way a Performance object will ever use the Performer object. That relation is more like a data relation / query model.
But it also makes the domain model diagram less clear, in my opinion, so i'm not sure if I should which solution to use.
Could my problem here be that I'm trying to use the same class diagrams for domain experts and for developers ? and/or modeling for query primarily rather than for updating ?
how to decide between holding reference to the object or only to its identity
Holding a reference to an identity of related Aggregate Roots (ARs) makes their boundaries explicit.
Sure each AR still holds references to all its Entities but it becomes very explicit in your domain model whether you reference Aggregate Roots or Entities.
If you hold references to related Aggregate Roots (ARs) it's very easy to cross boundaries between them.
It can be very easy to change few aggregates at the same time, especially if you use ORM or have Unit of Work implemented. So your aggregate roots are not transaction boundaries any more.
If you hold only identifiers to related Aggregate Roots (ARs), in order to access a related AR you have to load it from repository first. It's a trade off. It becomes very explicit when you cross a boundary of one aggregate and query another one.
What I don't like of it is that when you look at a class diagram, all you see is separate aggregates that does not have any association between them, that does not look very useful to show the domain concepts that are related.
Your domain model is a "model" and it's up to you to make design decisions.
If all your Aggregate Roots are small, and you use an ORM that does a lot of magic for free (NOTE: There is always a price), and a value of seeing references on a class diagramme is bigger than value of seeing boundaries then try with holding a reference to related ARs, even if your code doesn't really need it.
And then evaluate your model over a time.

Search query and search result in DomainDrivenDesign

I have a web application with news posts. Those news posts should be searchable. In context of DDD what kind of buililng block are search query and search result?
These are my thoughts
They both don't have identity, therefore they are not Entities. But the absence of identity doesn't imply they are Value Object. As Eric Evans states:
However, if we think of this category of object as just the absence of identity, we haven't added much to our toolbox or vocabulary. In fact, these objects have characteristics of their own and their own significance to the model. These are the objects that describe things.
I would like to say that both are value objects, but I'm not sure. What confuses me are examples that I've found on Internet. Usualy value object are part of other entities, they are not "standalone". Martin Fowler gives for example Money or date range object. Adam Bien event compares them to enums.
If search result would be considered value object, that would be value object that consists of entities. I'm not sure that's completely alright.
I don't think they are DataTransferObject. Because we are not current concerned with transferring data between layers, but we are concerned with their meaning for the model in absence of layer.
I don't think search query is command. Because it's not a request for change.
As stated on CQRS
People request changes to the domain by sending commands.
I'm trying to use and learn DDD, can someone clarify this problem to me? Where did I go wrong with reasoning?
The simple answer is that querying is probably not part of your domain. The domain model is not there to serve queries, it is there to enforce invariants in your domain. Since by nature queries are read-only, there are no invariants to enforce, so why complicate things? I think where people usually go wrong with DDD is that they assume since they are "doing DDD" every aspect of the system must be handled by a domain model. DDD is there to help with the complex business rules and should only be applied when/where you actually have them. Also, you can and probably should have many models to support each bounded context. But that's another discussion.
It's interesting that you mention CQRS because what does that stand for? Command query responsibility segregation. So if commands use the domain model, and query responsibility is segregated from that, what does that tell you to do? The answer is, do whatever is easiest to query and display that data. If select * from news table filled to dataset works, go with that. If you prefer entity framework, go with that. There is no need to get the domain model involved for queries.
One last point I'd like to make is I think a lot of people struggle with DDD by applying it to situations where there aren't many business invariants to enforce and the domain model ends up looking a lot like the database. Be sure you are using the right tool for the job and not over complicating things. Also, you should only apply DDD in the areas of your system where these invariants exist. It's not an all or nothing scenario.

DDD: Confusion about repository/domain boundaries

My domain consists of Products, Departments, Classes, Manufacturers, DailySales, HourlySales.
I have a ProductRepository which facilitates storing/retrieving products from storage.
I have a DepartmentAndClass repository which facilitates storing/retrieving of departments and classes, as well as adding and removing products from those departments and classes.
I also have a DailySales repository which I use to retrieve statistics about daily sales from multiple groupings. ie..
Is it correct to have these sales tracking methods in their own repository like this? Am I on the right track?
Since domains are so dependent on context some answers are harder than others. I would, however, place statistics on the Query side of things. You probably do not want to be calculating those stats on the fly as you will be placing some heavy processing on your database. Typically the stats should be denormalized for quick access where only filtering is required.
You may want to take a look at CQRS if you haven't done so.
Although most queries return an object or a collection of objects, it also fits within the concept to return some types of summary calculations, such as an object count, or a sum of a numerical attribute that was intended by the model to be tallied.
Eric Evans - Domain-Driven Design
This might be considered a read model. Are these daily sales objects being used in any domain model behaviour? Does any business logic depend on them? If not, it might be a good idea to separate this out into a distinct read model - at which point you're taking your first steps into CQRS.

In DDD, are collection properties of entities allowed to have partial values?

In Domain Driven Design are collection properties of entities allowed to have partial values?
For example, should properties such as Customer.Orders, Post.Comments, Graph.Vertices always contain all orders, comments, vertices or it is allowed to have today's orders, recent comments, orphaned vertices?
Correspondingly, should Repositories provide methods like
I don't think that DDD tells you to do or not to do this. It strongly depends on the system you are building and the specific problems you need to solve.
I not even heard about patterns about this.
From a subjective point of view I would say that entities should be complete by definitions (considering lazy loading), and could completely or partially be loaded to DTO's, to optimized the amount of data sent to clients. But I wouldn't mind to load partial entities from the database if it would solve some problem.
Remember that Domain-Driven Design also has a concept of services. For performing certain database queries, it's better to model the problem as a service than as a collection of child objects attached to a parent object.
A good example of this might be creating a report by accepting several user-entered parameters. It be easier to model this as:
CustomerReportService.GetOrdersByOrderDate(Customer theCustomer, Date cutoff);
Than like this:
myCustomer.OrdersCollection.SelectMatching(Date cutoff);
Or to put it another way, the DDD model you use for data entry does not have to be the same as the DDD model you use for reporting.
In highly scalable systems, it's common to separate these two concerns.

How to model subsets of inter-object relationships

Im new to working with Domain Models so forgive me for asking an elementary question.
If a Domain Object has a 1-many relationship with another Domain Object but logic that uses the first object works with only a subset of that objects related objects, what is the best way to expose this subset?
For example, say a Person is related to many Orders but some external logic needs to examine only the "Dispatched" Orders associated with a Person. Should the Person have a DispatchedOrders property, along with other properties for other subsets (such as CompletedOrders etc) or is this bad design? Assume for performance reasons I cant filter the objects in memory and must use SQL to pull back only the subset I'm interested in.
If you're using SQL to find the set you're interested in, you're in a perfect world. Relational queries are all about finding that sort of thing. Find the perfect query, and then just figure out what the class of the result tuples are, i.e., an object for each result tuple, and process them appropriately.
In your example, you want a set of "Dispatched Orders", which whatever person information necessary attached to each one.
I think you have the right idea - DispatchedOrders would tell me precisely what collection of object you are returning to me. As Curt said, you are in good spot as you can use SQL / stored procedure to fetch your data.
One caveat - be sure that the domain matches the business process and is not an interpolation of you understanding of that process. That is - why does a person have primacy over an order and what corner are you painted into when you construct other objects. Does a line-item contain an order as well, and does this lead to object bloat? Discussions with your client should help shape the answer.
Rob Conery of SubSonic fame has a good discussion of these types of issues. It's worth listening to.
