Linux: Copy most recent directories (names have spaces) - linux

I am using Linux and I have a directory structure as follows:
- RootFolder
* DirectoryA
* * Directory(X) [1]
* * Directory Y
* * DirectoryZ
* DirectoryB
Note the special characters such as brackets, square brackets and spaces.
In practice, DirectoryA has a lot more subdirectories, but for the purpose of this example, let's say that I want to copy the 2 most recently created directories (with contents) from DirectoryA to DirectoryB.
My first attempt at this was to cd to RootFolder and run the following command:
ls -lt DirectoryA | head -2 | awk '{print "cp -r " $9 " DirectoryB/"$9 | sh
This failed because of special characters in various subdirectories and returned:
cp: can't stat Directory
cp: can't stat Directory(X)
Can someone advise on how to modify my command to work with spaces and special characters?

Quoting helps:
ls -t DirectoryA | head -2 | awk '{print "cp -vr \"DirectoryA/" $0 "\" DirectoryB/" }' |sh
I added a -v option to show what it does:
`DirectoryA/DirectoryZ' -> `DirectoryB/DirectoryZ'
`DirectoryA/Directory Y' -> `DirectoryB/Directory Y'
However, you would run into problems if the filenames contain double quotes or if they contain characters which ls does not represent except as question-marks.

As alternative, you can do the whole job using perl, with the help of built-in module File::Spec::Functions, that handles files and their paths, and external File::Copy::Recursive, that you will need to install from CPAN or similar, and copies directories recursively:
perl -MFile::Spec::Functions=catfile,catdir,splitdir -MFile::Copy::Recursive=rcopy -E '
$dest = catdir(($ARGV[0], $ARGV[2]));
$orig = catdir(($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]));
opendir $dh, $orig or die;
for $f (
sort { (stat $b)[9] <=> (stat $a)[9] }
grep { -d $_ and $_ !~ m/\.\.?$/ }
map { catfile $orig, $_ }
readdir $dh)[0..1] ) {
rcopy($f, catdir $dest, (splitdir $f)[-1]) or die $!;
' /your/path/to/RootFolder DirectoryA DirectoryB
It accepts three arguments, the first one is the path to your RootFolder, the second one the from, and the last one the to. The grep filters out non-directory files and special entries, and the sort checks its modification time, the slice [0..1] only gets the two most recent based in the modification time.
It worked in my test but if it does not match exactly for you, I hope it is near the finish line so you can give it a boost to it.


How can I distinguish between file names with and without suffix?

I am writing a bash shell script to output the suffixes of filenames.
In this case I use:
sed 's|.*\.||'
So the output is e.g.:
But what do I do if the file name has no suffix and therefore no dot? My output should be "no suffix", but I don't know how to do this with sed.
What I've already tried:
find . -type f | sed -E 's/^[^.]+$/no suffix/; s/.*\.//'
Use 2 consecutive substitutions:
sed -E 's/^[^.]+$/no suffix/; s/.+\.//'
One in awk. First some test material that was not provided:
$ cat foo
The awk:
$ awk '{n=split($0,a,".");print (n>1?a[n]:"no suffix")}' foo
no suffix
$ cat file
$ awk -F'.' '{print (NF>1 ? $NF : "no suffix")}' file
no suffix
How about
sed '/.*\./s///;t;s/.*/no suffix/'
The regex matches lines with a dot. On those lines, we perform a substitution. If a substitution occurred, we are done. Otherwise, perform the other substitution.
The use of an empty regex in the substitution pattern uses the previous pattern. The t command branches if a substitution occurred; without an argument, we branch to the end of the script. (Otherwise, you can set a label with :label and branch to that with tlabel.)
You can accomplish the same with the POSIX shell parameter expansions without invoking separate utilities. For example, to test whether a file contains a '.' you can simply use test, e.g.:
[ "$i" = "${i%.*}" ]
See Posix Programmer's Manual - Shell Command Language - Parameter Expansion
If it tests TRUE, then no extension is present, otherwise, you can use an additional parameter expansion to obtain the extension itself, e.g.
[ "$i" = "${i%.*}" ] && echo "$i - no suffix" || echo "$i - ${i##*.}"
(note: you would need an additional test to exclude .foo (e.g. dotfiles), but that is left to you)
Wrap that in a loop and exclude directory files and you can test every file within a directory or use read within a loop and pipe a list of names to it. For example, looping over the files in a directory would results in:
ftlcdfil.c - c
geany-plugin_build_w_gtk+2.patch - patch
geany-plugins.spec - spec
geany.spec - spec
geany_build_w_gtk+2.patch - patch
getfl - no suffix
gtkw_save_test.txt - txt - zip
helloleap - no suffix
helloleap.c - c
jnl - no suffix
messages - no suffix
opensuse_15.0_1s_delay.svg - svg
Using Perl
/tmp> ls ab*
abc abc.x abc.y
/tmp> perl -e ' print /\./? "$_\n" : "no suffix\n" for(glob("ab*")) '
no suffix

Searching multiple files for list of words in a text file

I need to go through a huge amount of text files and list the ones that contains ALL of the words listed in another text file.
I need to list only the files containing all of the words. It does not have to be in any specific order. I've tried to use a variety of grep commands, but it only outputs the files containing any of the words, not all of them. It would be ideal to use the txt file containing the list of words as a search for grep.
Expected output is a list of just the files that succeed in the search (files that contains all the words from the "query" text file)
grep -Ffw word_list.txt /*.fas
find . -exec grep "word_list.txt" '{}' \; -print
I've found solutions using a number of pipes like
awk "/word1/&&/word2/&&/word3/" ./*.txt
find . -path '*.txt' -prune -o -type f -exec gawk '/word1/{a=1}/word2/{b=1}/word3/{c=1}END{ if (a && b && c) print FILENAME }' {} \;
But I have a huge list of words and would be impractical.
Thank you.
Given sample files
This old-fashioned awk/shell code
awk -v wdListFile="$wordList" '
while(getline < wdListFile > 0 ) {
if (dbg) { print "#dbg: myFile=" myFile " FILENAME=" FILENAME }
if (myFile != FILENAME) {
# a minor cost of extra reset on the first itteration in the run
if (dbg) { print "#dbg: inside flags reset" }
for (flg in flags) {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if (dbg) { print "#dbg: $i="$i }
if ($i in words) {
for (f in flags) {
if (dbg) { print "#dbg: flags["f"]="flags[f] }
if (flags[f] > 0 ) {
if (dbg) { print "#dbg: incremeted matchedCnt to " matchedCnt}
if (dbg) {print "#dbg: Testing matchedCnt=" matchedCnt "==numFlags=" numFlags}
if (matchedCnt == numFlags) {
if (dbg) { print "All words found in "FILENAME "matchedCnt=" matchedCnt " numFlags=" numFlags}
if (dbg) { print "#dbg: myFile NOW=" myFile }
}' $#
Run from the command line as
./ wd.lst file*.txt
Produces the following output
One time only, make the script executable with
chmod 755 ./
I would recommend making a copy of this file with dbg in the name, then take the original copy and delete all lines with dbg. This way you'll have a dbg version if you need it, but the dbg lines add an extra ~20% to reading the code.
Note that you can switch all dbging on by setting dbg=1 OR you can turn on individual lines by adding a ! char, i.e. if (! dbg) { ...}.
If for some reason you're running on really old Unix hardware, the nextfile command may not work. See if your system has gawk available, or get it installed.
I think there is an trick to getting nextfile behavior if it's not builtin, but I don't want to spend time researching that now.
Note that the use of the flags[] array, matchedCnt variable and the builtin awk function nextfile is designed to stop searching in a file once all words have been found.
You could also add a parameter to say "if n percent match, then print file name", but that comes with a consulting rate attached.
If you don't understand the stripped down awk code (removing the dbg sections), please work your way thur Grymoire's Awk Tutorial before asking questions.
Managing thousands of files (as you indicate) is a separate problem. But to get things going, I would call wd.lst A* ; wd.lst B*; ... and hope that works. The problem is that the command line has a limit of chars that can be processed at once in filename lists. So if A* expands to 1 billion chars, that you have to find a way to break up line size to something that the shell can process.
Typically, this is solved with xargs, so
find /path/to/files -name 'file*.txt' | xargs -I {} ./ wd.lst {}
Will find all the files that you specify by wildcard as demonstrated, from 1 or more /path/to/file that you list as the first argument to find.
All matching files are sent thru the pipe to xargs, which reads all files from list that one command invocation can process, and continues looping (not visible to you), until all files have been processed.
There are extra options to xargs that allow having multiple copies of ./ running, if you have the extra "cores" available on your computer. I don't want to get to deep into that, as I don't know if the rest of this is really going to work in your real-world use.
It's a little hack as there is no direct way to do AND in grep.. We can using grep -E option to simulate AND.
grep -H -E "word1" *.txt| grep -H -E "word2" *.txt|grep -H -E "word3" *.txt | grep -H -E "word4" *.txt| cut -d: -f1
-H => --with-filename
-E => --extended-regexp
cut -d: -f1 => to print only the file name.
Try something like:
# Generate a list of files to search and store as provisional result
# You can use find, ls, or any other way you find useful
find . > ${RESULT}
# Now perform the search for every word
for WORD in $(<${WORD_LIST}); do
# Remove any previous file list
rm -f ${FILES_LIST}
# Set the provisional result as the new starting point
# Do a grep on this file list and keep only the files that
# contain this particular word (and all the previous ones)
cat ${FILES_LIST} | xargs grep -l > $RESULT
# Clean up temporary files
rm -f ${FILES_LIST}
At this point you should have in $RESULTS the list of files that contain all the words in ${WORD_LIST}.
This operation is costly, as you have to read all the (still) candidate files again and again for every word you check, so try to put the less frequent words in the first place in the ${WORD_LIST} so you will drop as many files as possible from the checking as soon as possible.

Better way to rename files based on multiple patterns

a lot of files I download have crap/spam in their filenames, e.g.
[ ] -
I've come up with two ways for dealing with them but they both seem pretty clunky:
with parameter expansion:
if [[ ${base_name} != ${base_name//\[+([^\]])\]} ]]
mv -v "${dir_name}/${base_name}" "${dir_name}/${base_name//\[+([^\]])\]}" &&
if [[ ${base_name} != ${base_name//www.*.com - /} ]]
mv -v "${dir_name}/${base_name}" "${dir_name}/${base_name//www.*.com - /}" &&
base_name="${base_name//www.*.com - /}"
# more of these type of statements; one for each type of frequently-encountered pattern
and then with echo/sed:
tmp=`echo "${base_name}" | sed -e 's/\[[^][]*\]//g' | sed -e 's/\s-\s//g'`
mv "${base_name}" "{tmp}"
I feel like the parameter expansion is the worse of the two but I like it because I'm able to keep the same variable assigned to the file for further processing after the rename (the above code is used in a script that's called for each file after the file download is complete).
So anyway I was hoping there's a better/cleaner way to do the above that someone more knowledgeable than myself could show me, preferably in a way that would allow me to easily reassign the old/original variable to the new/renamed file.
Two answer: using perl rename or using pure bash
As there are some people who dislike perl, I wrote my bash only version
Renaming files by using the rename command.
Yes, this is a typical job for rename command which was precisely designed for:
man rename | sed -ne '/example/,/^[^ ]/p'
For example, to rename all files matching "*.bak" to strip the
extension, you might say
rename 's/\.bak$//' *.bak
To translate uppercase names to lower, you'd use
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
More oriented samples
Simply drop all spaces and square brackets:
rename 's/[ \[\]]*//g;' *.ext
Rename all .jpg by numbering from 1:
rename 's/^.*$/sprintf "IMG_%05d.JPG",++$./e' *.jpg
touch {a..e}.jpg
ls -ltr
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 e.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 d.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 c.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 b.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 a.jpg
rename 's/^.*$/sprintf "IMG_%05d.JPG",++$./e' *.jpg
ls -ltr
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 IMG_00005.JPG
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 IMG_00004.JPG
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 IMG_00003.JPG
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 IMG_00002.JPG
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 sep 6 16:35 IMG_00001.JPG
Full syntax for matching SO question, in safe way
There is a strong and safe way using rename utility:
As this is perl common tool, we have to use perl syntax:
rename 'my $o=$_;
s/[ \[\]]+/-/g;
my $i=$3;
$i=0 unless $i;
sprintf("%s-%d%s", $1, $i+1, $4)
/eg while
$o ne $_ &&
-f $_;
' *
Testing rule:
touch '[ ]' ' -'
ls -1
[ ] -
rename 'my $o=$_; ...
...' *
ls -1
touch '[ ]' ' -'
ls -1
[ ] -
rename 'my $o=$_; ...
...' *
ls -1
... and so on...
... and it's safe while you don't use -f flag to rename command: file won't be overwrited and you will get an error message if something goes wrong.
Renaming files by using bash and so called bashisms:
I prefer doing this by using dedicated utility, but this could even be done by using pure bash (aka without any fork)
There is no use of any other binary than bash (no sed, awk, tr or other):
for file;do
newname=${file//[ \]\[]/.}
while [ "$newname" != "${newname#.}" ] ;do
while [ "$newname" != "${newname//[.-][.-]/.}" ] ;do
if [ "$file" != "$newname" ] ;then
if [ -f $newname ] ;then
[ "$partname" = "$count" ] && count=0
while printf -v newname "%s-%d.%s" $partname $[++count] $ext &&
[ -f "$newname" ] ;do
mv "$file" $newname
To be run with files as argument, for sample:
/path/to/my/ \[*
Replacing spaces and square bracket by dot
Replacing sequences of .-, -., -- or .. by only one -.
Test if filename don't differ, there is nothing to do.
Test if a file exist with newname...
split filename, counter and extension, for making indexed newname
loop if a file exist with newname
Finaly rename the file.
Take advantage of the following classical pattern:
job_select /path/to/directory| job_strategy | job_process
where job_select is responsible for selecting the objects of your job, job_strategy prepares a processing plan for these objects and job_process eventually executes the plan.
This assumes that filenames do not contain a vertical bar | nor a newline character.
The job_select function
# job_select PATH
# Produce the list of files to process
find "$1" -name 'www.*.com - *' -o -name '[*] - *'
The find command can examine all properties of the file maintained by the file system, like creation time, access time, modification time. It is also possible to control how the filesystem is explored by telling find not to descend into mounted filesystems, how much recursions levels are allowed. It is common to append pipes to the find command to perform more complicated selections based on the filename.
Avoid the common pitfall of including the contents of hidden directories in the output of the job_select function. For instance, the directories CVS, .svn, .svk and .git are used by the corresponding source control management tools and it is almost always wrong to include their contents in the output of the job_select function. By inadvertently batch processing these files, one can easily make the affected working copy unusable.
The job_strategy function
# job_strategy
# Prepare a plan for renaming files
sed -e '
s#/www\..*\.com - *#/#
s#/\[^]]* - *#/#
This commands reads the output of job_select and makes a plan for our renaming job. The plan is represented by text lines having two fields separated by the character |, the first field being the old name of the file and the second being the new computed file of the file, it looks like
[ ]| -|
The particular program used to produce the plan is essentially irrelevant, but it is common to use sed as in the example; awk or perl for this. Let us walk through the sed-script used here:
h Replace the contents of the hold space with the contents of the pattern space.
… Edit the contents of the pattern space.
x Swap the contents of the pattern and hold spaces.
G Append a newline character followed by the contents of the hold space to the pattern space.
s/\n/|/ Replace the newline character in the pattern space by a vertical bar.
It can be easier to use several filters to prepare the plan. Another common case is the use of the stat command to add creation times to file names.
The job_process function
# job_process
# Rename files according to a plan
local oldname
local newname
while IFS='|' read oldname newname; do
mv "$oldname" "$newname"
The input field separator IFS is adjusted to let the function read the output of job_strategy. Declaring oldname and newname as local is useful in large programs but can be omitted in very simple scripts. The job_process function can be adjusted to avoid overwriting existing files and report the problematic items.
About data structures in shell programs
Note the use of pipes to transfer data from one stage to the other: apprentices often rely on variables to represent such information but it turns out to be a clumsy choice. Instead, it is preferable to represent data as tabular files or as tabular data streams moving from one process to the other, in this form, data can be easily processed by powerful tools like sed, awk, join, paste and sort — only to cite the most common ones.
You can use rnm
rnm -rs '/\[crap\]|\[spam\]//g' *.ext
The above will remove [crap] or [spam] from filename.
You can pass multiple regex pattern by terminating them with ; or overloading the -rs option.
rnm -rs '/[\[\]]//g;/\s*\[crap\]//g' -rs '/crap2//' *.ext
The general format of this replace string is /search_part/replace_part/modifier
search_part : regex to search for.
replace_part : string to replace with
modifier : i (case insensitive), g (global replace)
A replace string of the form /search_part/\c/modifier will make the selected part of the filename (by the regex search_part) lowercase while \C (capital \C) in replace part will make it uppercase.
rnm -rs '/[abcd]/\C/g' *.ext
## this will capitalize all a,b,c,d in the filenames
If you have many regex patterns that need to be dealt with, then put those patterns in a file and pass the file with -rs/f option.
rnm -rs/f /path/to/regex/pattern/file *.ext
You can find some other examples here.
rnm uses PCRE2 (revised PCRE) regex.
You can undo an unwanted rename operation by running rnm -u
P.S: I am the author of this tool.
If you are using Ubunntu/Debian os use rename command to rename multiple files at time.
If you want to use something not depending on perl, you can use the following code (let's call it It is only showing a few cases, but it's easily extensible using string substitution, tr (and sed too).
ls $1 |while read f; do
newfname=$(echo "$f" \
|tr -d '\[ ' \ # Removing opened square bracket
|tr ' \]' '-' \ # Translating closing square bracket to dash
|tr -s '-' \ # Squeezing multiple dashes
|tr -s '.' \ # Squeezing multiple dots
if [ -f "$newfname" ]; then
# Some string magic...
lastNum=$[ $(ls $basename*|wc -l) ]
mv "$f" "$basename-$lastNum.$extension"
mv "$f" "$newfname"
And use it:
$ touch '[ ]' ' -' '[ ] -' '[ ].file.anothername.ext2' '[ ]'
$ ls -1 *crap*
[ ] -
[ ]
[ ].file.anothername.ext2
[ ] -
$ ./ *crap*
$ ls -1 *crap*

Count occurence of character in files

I want to count all $ characters in each file in a directory with several subdirectories.
My goal is to count all variables in a PHP project. The files have the suffix .php.
I tried
grep -r '$' . | wc -c
grep -r '$' . | wc -l
and a lot of other stuff but all returned a number that can not match. In my example file are only four $.
So I hope someone can help me.
My example file
class MyClass extends Controller {
To recursively count the number of $ characters in a set of files in a directory you could do:
fgrep -Rho '$' some_dir | wc -l
To include only files of extension .php in the recursion you could instead use:
fgrep -Rho --include='*.php' '$' some_dir | wc -l
The -R is for recursively traversing the files in some_dir and the -o is for matching part of the each line searched. The set of files are restricted to the pattern *.php and file names are not included in the output with -h, which may otherwise have caused false positives.
For counting variables in a PHP project you can use the variable regex defined here.
So, the next will grep all variables for each file:
cd ~/my/php/project
grep -Pro '\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*' .
-P - use perlish regex
-r - recursive
-o - each match on separate line
will produce something like:
You want count them, so you can use:
$ grep -Proc '\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*' .
and will get the count of variables in each file, like:
When want count by file and by variable, you can use:
$ grep -Pro '\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*' . | sort | uniq -c
for getting result like:
17 ./elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php:$target
8 ./elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php:$targetDir
3 ./elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php:$test
97 ./elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php:$this
1 ./elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php:$write
6 ./elFinderVolumeMySQL.class.php:$arc
3 ./elFinderVolumeMySQL.class.php:$bg
10 ./elFinderVolumeMySQL.class.php:$content
1 ./elFinderVolumeMySQL.class.php:$crop
where you can see, than the variable $write is used only once, so (maybe) it is useless.
You can also count per variable per whole project
$ grep -Proh '\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*' . | sort | uniq -c
and will get something like:
13 $tree
1 $treeDeep
3 $trg
3 $trgfp
10 $ts
6 $tstat
35 $type
where you can see, than the $treeDeep is used only once in a whole project, so it is sure useless.
You can achieve many other combinations with different grep, sort and uniq commands..

Bash script to list files periodically

I have a huge set of files, 64,000, and I want to create a Bash script that lists the name of files using
ls -1 > file.txt
for every 4,000 files and store the resulted file.txt in a separate folder. So, every 4000 files have their names listed in a text files that is stored in a folder. The result is
folder01 contains file.txt that lists files #0-#4000
folder02 contains file.txt that lists files #4001-#8000
folder03 contains file.txt that lists files #8001-#12000
folder16 contains file.txt that lists files #60000-#64000
Thank you very much in advance
You can try
ls -1 | awk '
if (! ((NR-1)%4000)) {
if (j) close(fnn)
system("mkdir "fn)
print >> fnn
NR is the current record number in awk, that is: the current line number.
NR starts at 1, on the first line, so we subtract 1 such that the if statement is true for the first line
system calls an operating system function from within awk
print in itself prints the current line to standard output, we can redirect (and append) the output to the file using >>
All uninitialized variables in awk will have a zero value, so we do not need to say j=0 in the beginning of the program
This will get you pretty close;
ls -1 | split -l 4000 -d - folder
Run the result of ls through split, breaking every 4000 lines (-l 4000), using numeric suffixes (-d), from standard input (-) and start the naming of the files with folder.
Results in folder00, folder01, ...
Here an exact solution using awk:
ls -1 | awk '
(NR-1) % 4000 == 0 {
dir = sprintf("folder%02d", ++nr)
system("mkdir -p " dir);
{ print >> dir "/file.txt"} '
There are already some good answers above, but I would also suggest you take a look at the watch command. This will re-run a command every n seconds, so you can, well, watch the output.
