using recursion to eliminate duplicates - python-3.x

i'm just starting to learn how recursion works and i keep getting stuck on what i think should be a simple question. I need to create a function using recursion that takes a list and returns a new list with only 1 of each value within the original list.
original_list = [1,1,2,3,3,4,5]
returned_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
what i have tried:
def recursion(list1):
new_list = []
if list1 == []:
new_list = []
if list1[0] not in list1[1:]:
new_list = new_list.append(list1[0]) + recursion (list1[1:])
new_list = recursion (list1[1:])
return new_list

You're not passing new_list as a parameter to the recursive function; therefore, each level of the recursion is unaware of the results you have gathered so far, and the result of the recursion is only the result of the first level.
(I'm refraining from posting the corrected code since you would presumably like to fix it yourself, and thereby learn more - let me know if you need more hints.)


Math-like way to define a set in Python: technical name [duplicate]

Can someone explain the last line of this Python code snippet to me?
Cell is just another class. I don't understand how the for loop is being used to store Cell objects into the Column object.
class Column(object):
def __init__(self, region, srcPos, pos):
self.region = region
self.cells = [Cell(self, i) for i in xrange(region.cellsPerCol)] #Please explain this line.
The line of code you are asking about is using list comprehension to create a list and assign the data collected in this list to self.cells. It is equivalent to
self.cells = []
for i in xrange(region.cellsPerCol):
self.cells.append(Cell(self, i))
To best explain how this works, a few simple examples might be instructive in helping you understand the code you have. If you are going to continue working with Python code, you will come across list comprehension again, and you may want to use it yourself.
Note, in the example below, both code segments are equivalent in that they create a list of values stored in list myList.
For instance:
myList = []
for i in range(10):
is equivalent to
myList = [i for i in range(10)]
List comprehensions can be more complex too, so for instance if you had some condition that determined if values should go into a list you could also express this with list comprehension.
This example only collects even numbered values in the list:
myList = []
for i in range(10):
if i%2 == 0: # could be written as "if not i%2" more tersely
and the equivalent list comprehension:
myList = [i for i in range(10) if i%2 == 0]
Two final notes:
You can have "nested" list comrehensions, but they quickly become hard to comprehend :)
List comprehension will run faster than the equivalent for-loop, and therefore is often a favorite with regular Python programmers who are concerned about efficiency.
Ok, one last example showing that you can also apply functions to the items you are iterating over in the list. This uses float() to convert a list of strings to float values:
data = ['3', '7.4', '8.2']
new_data = [float(n) for n in data]
[3.0, 7.4, 8.2]
It is the same as if you did this:
def __init__(self, region, srcPos, pos):
self.region = region
self.cells = []
for i in xrange(region.cellsPerCol):
self.cells.append(Cell(self, i))
This is called a list comprehension.

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str. While selecting item from loop for

I´ve been trying for a while to select an item from a list with the variable of the for loop. But I keep getting this error:
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
The issue dissapears when I change the i for a number, but that's not what I want to do. I´ve been looking for similar issues but couldn't manage to get it working. Advise please.
I want this to result as: ['p1', 'q1', 'p2', 'q2', 'p3', 'q3', 'p4', 'q4', 'p5', 'q5']
while cont<=5:
for i in list:
return listcont
First, when you write for i in list you're already iterating over the elements of the list, not the indices. So you can use the item directly:
listcont.append(i + str(cont))
Second, you shouldn't name things list since it shadows the built-in of that name and will cause all kinds of trouble.
Third, the while loop would be better written as a for with a range
n = 5
my_list = ['q', 'p']
listcont = []
for counter in range(1, n+1):
for item in my_list:
listcont.append(item + str(counter))
Finally, you can simplify all of this into a list comprehension and make it look neater with an f-string:
def make_list(my_list, limit):
return [f'{item}{counter}' for counter in range(1, limit+1) for item in my_list]
make_list(['p', 'q'], 5)
When you use for loop, you must know that if you are using for i in list it means that i here is the element of the list, and the loop will traverse each element of the list.
While, what you want to do is for i in range(len(list)), this will traverse the list with i as a number which can gain a value, less than or equal to len(list) - 1.
You can learn this very basic thing about for loop here and hold yourself back from asking such questions.
Hope it helps, thanks.
You have a variable called list which is a bad idea because list is the type of a list in Python. But this isn't the issue. I'm guessing the function you have there, which is missing the declaration, is the function def concat(list, n), and you intended to write while cont <= n.
If all this is the case, when you do
for i in list:
i is going to be members of the list, so 'q', then 'p'. In this case list['p'] doesn't make any sense.
To get the output you're going for I would do (to be easy to read):
def concat(lst, n):
result = []
for i in range(n):
for v in lst:
result.append('{}{}'.format(v, i+1))
return result
You could do the whole thing in one line with:
['{}{}'.format(value, count + 1) for count in range(n) for value in lst]

Recursion happens too many times and list is not iterable

I'm trying to make a secret santa programm. The input is in form of the list of names of people g. ["John", "Bob", "Alice"] and the list of emials ["", "", ""]. I need to generate pairs of email adress and a random name which doesn't belong to the said email adress. For this I have written the function compare.
def compare(list_of_names, list_of_emails):
zipped_lists = zip(list_of_emails, list_of_names)
zipped_shuffled_lists = zip(list_of_emails, list_of_names)
for pair in zipped_lists:
for shuffle_pair in zipped_shuffled_lists:
if shuffle_pair == pair:
return compare(list_of_names, list_of_emails)
return zipped_shuffled_lists
But instead of shuffling like it should it just creates a recursion. i still can't find out why. After a finite amount of time it should create two different lists that work. Also the shuffled_list_of_emails is not iterable, why?
EDIT:changed the code with shuffle because it works in place
zip is lazy!
I'm not sure why, but I'm too excited about this right now, so the answer might be a bit messy. Feel free to ask for clarification)
Let's step through your code:
def compare(list_of_names, list_of_emails):
# the `zip` object doesn't actually iterate over any of its arguments until you attempt to iterate over `zipped_lists`
zipped_lists = zip(list_of_emails, list_of_names)
# modify this IN-PLACE; but the `zip` object above has a pointer to this SAME list
# since the very first `zip` object has `list_of_emails` as its argument, AND SO DOES THE ONE BELOW, they both point to the very same, SHUFFLED (!) list
zipped_shuffled_lists = zip(list_of_emails, list_of_names)
# now you're iterating over identical `zip` objects
for pair in zipped_lists:
for shuffle_pair in zipped_shuffled_lists:
# obviously, this is always true
if shuffle_pair == pair:
# say "hello" to infinite recursion, then!
return compare(list_of_names, list_of_emails)
return zipped_shuffled_lists
Let's recreate this in the Python interpreter!
>>> List = list(range(5))
>>> List
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> zipped_1 = zip(List, range(5))
>>> import random
>>> random.shuffle(List)
>>> zipped_2 = zip(List, range(5))
>>> print(List)
[4, 2, 3, 0, 1]
>>> zipped_1, zipped_2 = list(zipped_1), list(zipped_2)
>>> zipped_1 == zipped_2
You see, two different zip objects applied to the same list at different times (before and after that list is modified in-place) produce the exact same result! Because zip doesn't do the zipping once you do zip(a, b), it will produce the zipped... uh, stuff... on-the-fly, while you're iterating over it!
So, to fix the issue, do not shuffle the original list, shuffle its copy:
list_of_emails_copy = list_of_emails.copy()
zipped_shuffled_lists = zip(list_of_emails_copy, list_of_names)
There's correct answer from #ForceBru already. But a will contribute a little.
You should avoid zip's lazy evaluation and unfold zips with, for example, list:
def compare(list_of_names, list_of_emails):
zipped_lists = list(zip(list_of_emails, list_of_names)) # eager evaluation instead of lazy
random.shuffle(list_of_emails) # shuffle lists
zipped_shuffled_lists = list(zip(list_of_emails, list_of_names)) # eager again
for pair in zipped_lists:
for shuffle_pair in zipped_shuffled_lists:
if shuffle_pair == pair:
return compare(list_of_names, list_of_emails)
return zipped_shuffled_lists
But I guess you need no recursion and can achieve your task easier:
def compare(list_of_names, list_of_emails):
zipped_lists = list(zip(list_of_emails, list_of_names))
random.shuffle(zipped_lists) # shuffle list of emails and names
result = []
shuffled_emails = [i[0] for i in zipped_lists]
for i, _ in enumerate(shuffled_emails):
result.append(zipped_lists[i-1][1]) # shift email relatively one position to the right
return list(zip(result, shuffled_emails))
This code links an name with an email of a previous name, which is randomly selected, and it guaranteed does not match.
There's no recursion, works fine for lists with two or more elements.

How can I use a function call result in a conditional list comprehension?

I would like to turn this code into a list comprehension:
l = list()
for i in range(10):
j = fun(i)
if j:
Meaning that I'd like to add only truthy fun() result values to the list. Without the truthy check of that function call, the list comprehension would be:
l = [fun(i) for i in range(10)]
Adding a if fun(i) to the list comprehension would cause two evaluations of fun() per iteration (actually, not always it seems!), thus causing unintended side effects if fun() is not pure.
Can I capture the result of fun(i) and use it in that same comprehension, essentially adding the if j? (Related question here)
You can make an inner generator in the list comp so you will look over the results of func
l = [j for j in (func(i) for i in range(10)) if j]
Or combining two suggested solutions:
filter(None, (func(i) for i in range(10)))
Much simpler:
[res for res in map(func, range(10)) if res]
Thanks for the hint to falstru.
Old answer
Another option would to use a helper generator function:
def call_iter(func, iterable):
for arg in iterable:
yield func(arg)
[res for res in call_iter(func, range(10)) if res]

Iteration to Recurssion

so myListToPyList(lst): takes lst, a MyList object and returns a Python list containing the same data
def myListToPyList(lst):
return myListToPyListRec(lst.head)
here's my helper function:
def myListToPyListRec(node):
if node == None:
st1 = []
return st1
it's not working correctly.
Now here is my iterative solution that works correctly:
def myListToPyList(lst):
Takes a list and returns a python list containing
the same data
param; lst
return; list
st1 = []
curr = lst.head
while curr != None:
curr =
return st1
Your current recursive code doesn't work because each time it gets called, it creates a new empty list, adds a single value to the list, then recurses (without passing the list along). This means that when the last item in the link list is being processed, the call stack will have N one-element Python lists (where N is the number of list nodes).
Instead, you should create the list just once, in your non-recursive wrapper function. Then pass it along through all of the recursion:
def myListToPyList(lst):
result_list = [] # create just one Python list object
myListToPyListRec(lst.head, result_list) # pass it to the recursive function
return result_list # return it after it has been filled
def myListToPyListRec(node, lst):
if node is not None # the base case is to do nothing (tested in reverse)
lst.append( # if node exists, append its data to lst
myListToPyListRec(, lst) # then recurse on the next node
Because Python lists are mutable, we don't need to return anything in our recursive calls (None will be returned by default, but we ignore that). The list referred to by result_list in myListToPyList is the same object referred to by lst in each of the recursive calls to myListToPyListRec. As long as the recursive function mutates the object in place (e.g. with append) rather than rebinding it, they'll all see the same thing.
Note that recursion is going to be less eficient in Python than iteration, since function calls have more overhead than just updating a couple variables.
A while loop is equivalent to tail recursion, and vice versa. (One reason Python does not have automatic tail-call elimination is that the 'vice versa' part is rather easy.) The tail recursion requires that you add an accumulator parameter to be returned in the base case. Although I do not have a linked list for testing, I believe the following should work. (If not, this is close.) Python's default arguments make the helper either easier or unnecessary.
def myListToPyListRec(node, py_list=[]):
if node
return myListToPyListRec(, py_list)
return py_list
