Quering nested document query with Mongoengine - mongoengine

I have been trying to Query some mongo instances variables with python and MongoEngine
I need to get all the Variable from every RegistroPozo in all the Collection.
Example code:
from mongoengine import *
class Variable(EmbeddedDocument):
mnem=StringField(required=True, max_length=200)
unit=StringField( max_length=200,default='ppm')
alias=StringField( max_length=200) #,default=mnem
type=StringField( max_length=200,default='DEPENDANT')
class RegistroPozo(EmbeddedDocument):
fecha = DateTimeField()
filepath = StringField()
start = FloatField()
step = FloatField()
stop = FloatField()
variables = EmbeddedDocumentListField(Variable)
registros = ListField(DictField())
version_information_block = StringField(max_length=500)
well_information_block = StringField(max_length=500)
curve_information_block = StringField(max_length=500)
parameter_information_block = StringField(max_length=500)
other_block = StringField(max_length=500)
class Pozo(DynamicDocument):
uwi_pozo = StringField(required=True, max_length=200, primary_key=True)
nom_pozo = StringField(required=True, max_length=200)
prof_total = FloatField(required=True)
elev_terr = FloatField(required=True)
long_pozo = FloatField(required=True)
lat_pozo = FloatField(required=True)
coord_x_po = FloatField(required=True)
coord_y_po = FloatField(required=True)
When I try to query I make a lot of loops, but I belive there is a better way to do it.
Something like:
variables_in_all_the_doc = Pozo.objects(Q(AdvanceQuery))

Pozo is a single document at mongo db level. Embeded document are just mongoengine constructs. So when you read Pozo objects, all embedded documents are also available in the same query (check with mongostat). Now iterating on this data is not a big concern. For advanced EmbeddedDocumentList queries please read the docs here.


Django model.save() not updating model instance

I am trying to update a handful of fields if the record has been marked as deleted. When I debug, I can see that the values are being assigned in the view, but not being updated in the DB. I'm not sure what I'm missing.
contact_formset = ContactFormSet(request.POST, prefix='contact')
for contact in contact_formset.deleted_forms:
contact = contact.cleaned_data
instance = contact['id_cnt']
contact_id = instance.id_cnt
contact_object = get_object_or_404(AppContactCnt, id_cnt=contact_id)
contact_object.deleted_cnt = True
contact_object.date_deleted_cnt = '2020-11-23'
contact_object.deleted_by_cnt = 'adeacon'
Included the delete code with the edit code. Seemed to do the trick:
if '_edit_contact_formset' in request.POST:
contact_formset = ContactFormSet(request.POST, prefix='contact')
for contact_form in contact_formset:
if contact_form.is_valid() and contact_form.has_changed():
contact_data = contact_form.cleaned_data
# print(contact_data)
customer_obj = get_object_or_404(AppCustomerCst, id_cst=id)
contact_form.instance.idcst_cnt = customer_obj
contact_form.instance.idtrp_cnt = '-1'
if contact_data['DELETE'] is True:
print('delete me')
contact_form.instance.deleted_cnt = True
contact_form.instance.date_deleted_cnt = '2020-11-23'
contact_form.instance.deleted_by_cnt = 'adeacon'
messages.info(request, 'Contact deleted successfully')
formset = ContactFormSet(
if contact_data['DELETE'] is not True:
messages.info(request, 'Contacts updated successfully!')

Many2many field tableundefined odoo, can't get multiple many2many fields

I have multiple Many2many fields but I'm getting the following error:
relation stream doesn't exist,undefined-table
I cannot find where this error is occurring. Can someone help me fix this error?
class College(models.Model):
_name = 'module5_college'
_description = 'College Info'
_rec_name = 'clg'
clg = fields.Char("College Name")
uni = fields.Char("Affiliated to")
cou = fields.Many2many('module5_stream',string="Stream")
class Stream(models.Model):
_name = 'module5_stream'
_description = 'Stream info'
_rec_name = 'cou'
cou = fields.Selection([
('MCA', 'MCA')],"Stream")
cou_mode = fields.Selection([
('Distance','Distance')],"Course Mode")
sem_no = fields.Integer("No of semesters")
# full_score = fields.Integer(compute='score_calc',string="Score")
sem = fields.Many2many('module5_sem',"Semesters")
class Semester(models.Model):
_name = 'module5_sem'
_rec_name = 'id'
sem_no = fields.Char("Semester No")
sub = fields.Many2many('module5_subject',"Subjects")
You have to follow this example because this is the way to create many2many field:
employees_ids = fields.many2many('Employees.Employees', 'tasks_employees_rel', 'task_id', 'employee_id', 'Employees assigned to task')
To give you a better example.
A employee can be assigned to many tasks
A task can be assigned to many employees
So you have a many2many relation, so that means that you have to create a new table containing both keys.

Python PonyORM One to one mapping

I am trying to create a one-to-one mapping using Pony ORM.
class ApplierIngress(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.PrimaryKey(str)
ticket_number = orm.Required(str)
username = orm.Required(str)
status = orm.Required(str)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
class ApplierResult(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.Required(ApplierIngress)
result = orm.Required(orm.LongStr)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
It throws error while generating the mapping
pony.orm.core.ERDiagramError: Reverse attribute for ApplierResult.correlation_id not found
I want correlation_id in ApplierResult table be the foreign key referencing to correlation_id in ApplierIngress table
Please let me know what am I doing wrong?
As error said you need to specify reverse attribute. Entities is not just Tables.
class ApplierIngress(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.PrimaryKey(str)
ticket_number = orm.Required(str)
username = orm.Required(str)
status = orm.Required(str)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
result_id = orm.Optional('ApplierResult') # this attribute should be added
class ApplierResult(ApplierObjectMapper.db.Entity):
correlation_id = orm.Required(ApplierIngress)
result = orm.Required(orm.LongStr)
request_date = orm.Required(datetime)
Since this class is not yet declared you should use it as string or lambda
result_id = orm.Optional('ApplierResult')
result_id = orm.Optional(lambda: ApplierResult)
See here

Melting a List in column to multiple rows in dataframe

What I am trying to do is, I have a list of star_cast and list of a genre for a single movie entity. I want to melt this list down as a repeating entity in data frame so that I can store it in a database system.
director_name = ['chris','guy','bryan']
genre = [['mystery','thriller'],['comedy','crime'],['action','adventure','sci -fi']]
gross_vlaue = [2544,236544,265888]
imdb_ratings = [8.5,5.4,3.2]
metascores = [80.0,55.0,64.0]
movie_names = ['memento','snatch','x-men']
runtime = [113.0,102.0,104.0]
star_cast = [['abc','ced','gef'],['aaa','abc'],['act','cst','gst','hhs']]
votes = [200,2150,2350]
sample_data = pd.DataFrame({"movie_names":movie_names,
"director_name": director_name,
"star_cast": star_cast,
The above will generate a Data Frame sample I have.
director_name = ['chris','chris','chris','chris','chris','chris','guy','guy','guy','guy','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan']
genre = ['mystery','thriller','mystery','thriller','mystery','thriller','comedy','crime','comedy','crime','action','adventure','sci -fi','action','adventure','sci -fi','action','adventure','sci -fi','action','adventure','sci -fi']
gross_vlaue = [2544,2544,2544,2544,2544,2544,236544,236544,236544,236544,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888]
imdb_ratings = [8.5,8.5,8.5,8.5,8.5,8.5,5.4,5.4,5.4,5.4,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2]
metascores = [80.0,80.0,80.0,80.0,80.0,80.0,55.0,55.0,55.0,55.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0]
movie_names = ['memento','memento','memento','memento','memento','memento','snatch','snatch','snatch','snatch','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men']
runtime = [113.0,113.0,113.0,113.0,113.0,113.0,102.0,102.0,102.0,102.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0]
star_cast = ['abc','ced','gef','abc','ced','gef','aaa','abc','aaa','abc','act','cst','gst','hhs','act','cst','gst','hhs','act','cst','gst','hhs']
votes = [200,200,200,200,200,200,2150,2150,2150,2150,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350]
sample_result = pd.DataFrame({"movie_names":movie_names,
"director_name": director_name,
"star_cast": star_cast,
This will generate the format I want to conver my data into.
I tried using melt() but no luck there. Please help, as to how it can be achieved in an effective way. My dataset is fairly large, using for loops will be very slow. Is there any other way around solving this?

Using ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator on impex

I'm trying to use the ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator on an impex. I have some examples with the class ClassificationAttributeTranslator working but can't make this work.
$productCatalog = myCatalog
$classificationCatalog = myClassification
$catalogVersion = catalogversion(catalog(id[default = $productCatalog]), version[default = 'Staged'])[unique = true, default = $productCatalog:Staged]
$clAttrModifiers = system = '$classificationCatalog', version = '1.0', translator = de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator, lang = es
//Q_1001 is the ClassAttributeAssignment ID
$feature1 = #Q_1001 [$clAttrModifiers];
//123012 is the product code and
INSERT_UPDATE Product; code[unique = true]; $feature1; $catalogVersion
; 123012 ; TEST VALUE;
I'm getting this error
INSERT_UPDATE Product;code[unique = true];#Q_1001 [system = 'myClassification', version = '1.0', translator = de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator, lang = es];catalogversion(catalog(id[default = myCatalog]), version[default = 'Staged'])[unique = true, default = myCatalog:Staged];# invalid special value translator class 'de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator' - cannot create due to java.lang.InstantiationException: de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator
,,,,invalid special value translator class 'de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator' - cannot create due to java.lang.InstantiationException: de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator;123012;TEST VALUE;
You have to use de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeTranslator and not de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.classification.impex.ClassificationAttributeValueTranslator
