automake Adding all c files in a directory - autoconf

In automake's , the sources of a program is listed like
bin_PROGRAMS = os345v1
os345v1_SOURCES = os345.c os345interrupts.c os345semaphores.c
Instead of specifying individual files, How to add all c files in a specific directory and subdirectory ?

it's usually a bad idea to do use wildcards in automake.
for one thing, your automake project might be processed used with a non-GNU make implementation (which might not be able to use GNU-make extensions such as $(wildcard *.c)).
One of the strengts of autotools/automake is that it is agnostic of the target systems and their tool-chains.
More importantly, automake might need to actually know exactly which source files you want to be build.
This is important for instance when you want to make out-of-source-tree builds (e.g. with the source-code on read-only media, and the builds being "somewhere else): this is a common use-case for distributions (e.g. Debian) that allow to easily build multiple flavours (with different configure flags) from the same source in a single run.
And finally, not using wildcards protects your build against stray source code. E.g. having "foo.c" and a backup-file "foo_old.c" (e.g. because you are re-implementing "foo" and want to have check with the old implementation and want your editor to automatically enable syntax-highlighting) lying around in the same folder, might accidentally build both files resulting in multiple-definitions of the same symbols.
See also the automake documentation why automake does not support wildcards


How to tell SCons to stop computing implicit dependencies in a particular directory?

My SCons project depends on a lot of third party libs, each providing dozens or hundreds of include files.
My understanding of how SCons works is that, on each build, it parses the source files of my project to find the #include directives, and it uses the value of env['CPPPATH'] to find these files and compute their md5 sum.
This scanning is costly, and thus I would like to optimize this process by teaching SCons that all the headers of my third party files will never change. This property is actually enforced by the tool that manages our third party libs.
I know there is a --implicit-deps-unchanged option that forces scons to assume that the implicit dependencies did not change, but it works globally. I did not find a way to restrict this option to a particular directory. I tried to find if the default Scanner of implicit C++ files can be configured, but found nothing. I think it is possible to avoid using CPPPATH, and instead only give the -I option to the compiler directly, but it is cumbersome.
Is there any way to optimize SCons by teaching him that files in a directory will never, ever change?
You can try pre-expanding the list of header file paths into CCFLAGS.
Note that doing so means they will not be scanned.
for i in list_of_third_party_header_directories:
env['CCFLAGS'].append('-I' + i)
In this case the contents of CPPPATH would be your source directories, and not the third-party ones which you assert don't change.
Note that changing the command line of your compile commands in any way (unless the arguments are enclosed in $( $)) will cause your source files to recompile.

how to use git with a package I am distributing

I have been using git for some time now and I feel I have a good handle on it.
I did however, build my first small program as a distribution (something with ./configure make and make install) and I want to put it up on github but I am not sure how to exactly go about tracking it.
Should I, for instance, initialize git but only track the source code file, manpage, and readme (since the other files generated by autoconf and automake seem a bit superfluous)
Or should I make an entirely different directory and put the source files in there and then manually rebuild everything for version 0.2 when it is time?
Or do something else entirely?
I have tried searching but I cannot come up with any search terms that give me the kind of results I am looking for.
for instance initialize git but only track the source code file, manpage, and readme (since the other files generated by autoconf and automake seem a bit superfluous)
Yes: anything used to build needs to be tracked.
Anything being the result of the build does not need to be tracked.
should I make an entirely different directory
No: in version control, you could make a new tag to mark each version, and release branches from those tags to isolate patches which could be specific to the implementation details of a fixed release.
But you don't create folders (that was the subversion way)
should I make an entirely different directory for sources
Yes, you can (if you have a large set of files for sources)
But see also "Makefiles with source files in different directories"; you don't have just one Makefile.
The traditional way is to have a Makefile in each of the subdirectories (part1, part2, etc.) allowing you to build them independently.
Further, have a Makefile in the root directory of the project which builds everything.
And don't forget to put your object files in a separate folder (not tracked) as well.
See also this question as a concrete example.

Can configure generate .h files?

On Linux, when I execute ./configure it generates header files and also .c files (besides Makefiles), right? How can I get configure to do that?
You will probably want to create a (but depend on the autoconf version), but read here, to give you an idea what should you create and what is auto generated. It has good covered on the autotools topic.
It's typically used to generate config header, that contains various defines (often libraries & function present or not). But this happens only if autotools were instructed to create configure doing that.
You define what goes to (and to which header exactly) in (input file to autotools). See AC_CONFIG_HEADERS, AC_CHECK_HEADER, AC_CHECK_LIB and similar macros. See autoconf manual for details. Also read through complete tutorial jasonw linked. And see how things are done in some existing projects.

Mingw-w64 File Layout

I installed the multilib version of mingw-w64 so I could build both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. Here's a tree representation of the files: If you only want to view the directories, see this instead: It looks like there are duplicate files in some cases, like in the bin directory. Are they different in any way? Also, I see one directory named "mingw" and another named "x86_64-w64-mingw32". They look about the same in content. Again, what is the difference?
Basically, I just want an explanation of the file layout. I'm not expecting a description of each file, but it would be good if some of the main concepts within mingw-w64 (multilib) were addressed.
In my experience, the /mingw directory can safely be deleted. It is only needed for the strange GCC build system (and can even be empty in some cases).
The x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin directory contains executables called by gcc/g++/gfortran/etc. internally. Don't delete them.
There doesn't seem to be a "standard" directory structure, sometimes the x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib(32) and x86_64-w64-mingw32/include directories contain the same files. Sometimes the same files are even in the root include and lib(32) directories. If you need an expert's answer, feel free to post to the minwgw-64 mailing list, a lot of knowledgeable people reside there.

How to convert a makefile into readable code?

I downloaded a set of source code for a program in a book and I got a makefile.
I am quite new to Linux, and I want to know whether there is any way I can see the actual source code written in C?
Or what exactly am I to do with it?
It sounds like you may not have downloaded the complete source code from the book web site. As mentioned previously, a Makefile is only the instructions for building the source code, and the source code is normally found in additional files with names ending in .c and .h. Perhaps you could look around the book web site for more files to download?
Or, since presumably the book web site is public, let us know which one it is and somebody will be happy to point you in the right direction.
A Makefile does not contain any source itself. It is simply a list of instructions in a special format which specifies what commands should be run, and in what order, to build your program. If you want to see where the source is, your Makefile will likely contain many "filename.c"'s and "filename.h"'s. You can use grep to find all the instances of ".c" and ".h" in the file, which should correspond to the C source and header files in the project. The following command should do the trick:
grep -e '\.[ch]' Makefile
To use the Makefile to build your project, simply typing make should do something reasonable. If that doesn't do what you want, look for unindented lines ending in a colon; these are target names, and represent different arguments you can specify after "make" to build a particular part of your project, or build it in a certain way. For instance, make install, make all, and make debug are common targets.
You probably have GNU Make on your system; much more information on Makefiles can be found here.
It looks like you also need to download the file. Then use make (with the Makefile that you've already downloaded) to build.
