In IntelliJ IDEA there is a Time Tracking Tool Window which provides ways to start and stop timers for the active task, which I'm looking forward to use it as a time tracker for my projects.
Where is this option located in Android Studio? Because I have tried to find it out but there's no Time Tracking option in the Tool Windows.
Thanks in advance.
I am using 2 free time-tracking plugins on Android Studio:
1) darkyen
2) wakatime
Wakatime is comprehensive and has a subscription model for additional features.
You can install them easily from Android Studio -> Settings -> Plugins -> Browser Repositories.
The time tracking is currently available only in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. Since it's not an open-source component, it is not available in Android Studio.
I don't know enough about Android Studios and was wondering if there was a note section for Android Studio. My goal is whenever I come back to my project I can read my notes on the last thing I did and what I need to work on next.
This is my first time creating an Android App and using Android Studio Application.
I do know there is a task and context tool that I could use but is there an offline version? Where I don't have to link it to YouTask, GitHub, or Jira, and etc? Just my own personal notes?
I am not aware of a notes feature specifically bit Android Studio does support custom Todos:
If you use these you can comment
// todo fix this bug
and it will show up in your todo list at the bottom of the IDE.
In Android Studio V4.1.3 (build no. Al-201.8743.12.41.7199119) The Flutter UI guides for widgets and methods not showing at all even though it is enabled in the settings. Please, be kind to see the screenshot =>
no Flutter UI guides
I have Flutter Plugin V55.1.1 and Dart Plugin V201.9335 installed.
All your help is highly appreciated.
Thank you
You might be creating the new Flutter project and selecting Java for Android. But when you select Kotlin and create project. The issue will be fixed.
And if you want your old projects to be converted to Kotlin, just open the terminal in that project and run this
run flutter create -a kotlin .
The dot(.) at the end is also important it will generate the Kotlin files in current directory.
After this, just re-open the project, you'll get the guides.
I have the same android studio version as you and Flutter Plugin V55.1.1 and Dart Plugin V201.9380 installed. Getting the same issue. I have even tried to enable and disable the "Show UI guidelines for build methods" in Setting > Language & Frameworks > Flutter, but nothings work.
I cloned flutter/sample from GitHub and it seem that the UI guides is showing on that samples project.
My current (kinda easy cheat) solution right now is by creating a New Flutter application project via VS Code. And when I open that flutter project on Android studio, the UI guides is there. I have configure my VS Code with the recommended setting for Dart code.
Tutorial to configure your VS Code reference:
I'm pretty new in flutter development but I'm pretty sure there might be something that we can configure on Android Studio seeing that generated project file from VS Code does shows the UI guideline. If someone know how do let me know. Cheers!
I am currently using some libraries (e.b. material design lib) to create apps.
I want to set the minimum SDK to 5.0, but it cannot be done because the version of that library is higher.
My question is how can I know the list of installed/non-installed dependencies(e.g. provided by Google in android studio(like SDK manager) or not?
Honestly, I was using the Eclipse IDE for developing android apps, and now I switch to Android Studio. It is difficult to me to use Android Studio. Is there any resources to learn more detailed about the usage of Android Studio?
My question is how can I know the list of installed/non-installed
dependencies provided by Google in android studio(like SDK manager) or
At first make sure in the left panel Project is selected.
Then right-click on your appropriate project name and select Open Module Settings
There you will see the Dependencies tab that you were searching for. There you will explore the options to add or remove dependencies or shifting them up or down in the easiest way. Hope you will find Android Studio more interesting then Eclipse gradually.
Is there any resources to learn more detailed about the usage of
Android Studio?
The official android developer site of Google is well enough to learn Android Studio in details. Everything is there. Still you can also go for tutorialspoint tutorial about Android Studio.
After developing in Eclipse for several years I have switched to Android Studio since two days. Although I have read as much as possible about it I still have one big problem: I can not find the place to add, change, configure or whatever about the so called artifacts.
I have tried several ways from creating a new project from scratch to importing a complete Eclipse projects.
Although the IntelliJ documentation is clear about it, I can not find it.
The project structure in all cases only shows three parts in the structure:
SDK location, Project and app. I have searched them all but no artifacts.
Who can help me?
The artifact description is in the IntelliJ IDEA manual that is reached by selecting menu item 'Help, Help Topics' in Android Studio.
However, according to JetBrains Support the Android Studio documentation topics need to be updated and the Artifacts page should not be available in Android Studio.
See also:
I am using Android studio version 0.4.2 and gradle version 1.9. I have successfully installed Studio and have created multiple projects. Today when I launched Studio without internet connection,
I got this error message:
"Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing,
debugging) will not work properly" and the Event Log window shows
"Failed to refresh Gradle project < Project Name >. Connection timed
out: connect. If you are behind an HTTP proxy, please configure the
proxy settings either in IDE or Gradle."
I need to know if internet connection is mandatory for building projects using gradle.
I think gradle checks for latest version on internet and throws Connection time out error. If so, is there any workaround to disable that.
Currently Android Studio's Gradle implementation requires a fast stable network connection. For whatever reason, the developers have decided to force this requirement on users at this time. There is a setting that you should be able to use to utilize a local gradle installation, but it doesn't hold. The developers know about both the network requirement and the broken switch, but are currently prioritizing other functionality. They may remove that requirement in the 1.0 or post 1.0 time frame.
[see: ]
Gradle's offline mode, isn't. It should be properly named cached mode. All that switch does is tell gradle to not try to go online and instead utilize cached copies of the various networked resources. Unfortunately that assumes that you have had (and will have again) a network connection, preferably a fast stable one. Using Android Studio (last version tested 0.5.9) with a slow/unstable network results in watching Android Studio process Gradle ( and Maven ) processes usually for 2-5 minutes, sometimes for 10 minutes or more. Also at seemingly random times when coding the IDE will lock up and the cause usually involves one or more Gradle processes that have spun up.
As a comparison, using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 Community edition (the IDE that Android Studio is based on) I compared a default "Hello Android" IDE generated program using the Android Gradle wizard (substantially similar to the only one in Android Studio) and the Ant based Android wizard. The results were as expected. The gradle based project experienced the same painful lock up and lag that projects in Android Studio exhibited. The ant based Android project was near instantaneous. No appreciable delay once the project was created and opened. Coding caused no random lockups. Testing was done on a Windows 8.1 update1 Pro machine with a dual Athlon x2 processor, 6GB RAM, and a 6Mb/0.75Mb DSL connection. I believe that last part is most likely the issue.
Unfortunately until Android Studio removes the network requirement I feel it will be unusable to a large number of developers. That's a shame because otherwise it looks to be a marked improvement over the existing Eclipse based development environment.
For me, I had to check and then uncheck the box in
Preferences->Gradle->Offline work.
Then I got back online.
You can download the gradle distribution locally and build the project again.
To do this, edit your under gradle-> wrapper in your Android project.
Edit the
So just download the file from here as mentioned in your
There's an offline mode preference in Preferences > Compiler > Gradle. If you already have your dependencies downloaded, this will generally work for you.
In Android studio version 1.5.1 I could solve this error by following steps :
1) Go to file -> Settings -> HTTP Proxy -> & select Auto detect proxy settings.
2) After that you may get Dialog to accept or reject certificate
3) Select Accept.
That's it.