Strage DNS behavior in Chrome vs Firefox - linux

When I try to visit in Chrome I get taken to an ISP error page ( This doesn't happen in Firefox. I've trying clearing the DNS cache both system-wide and in Chrome.
How I can diagnose the issue?
Edit: I've simplified the question for the bounty. This problem happens on Arch Linux. I've tried using DNSCrypt. I've changed /etc/resolv.conf to use various DNS servers such as Google's. I've tried clearing the host cache from chrome://net-internals/#dns. I've disabled using a web service to help resolve navigation errors in Chrome's settings. Nothing works and every time I try to open in Chrome I get the ISP error page. It opens the error page instantly without a redirect or waiting for the hostname to resolve. When I enter "" into the address bar and hit enter with the Network tab open I see the first request is recorded as having a request URL of How is "" getting transformed into that between hitting enter and the page loading?
I've submitted a bug:

I resolved the issue by clearing the browser data. Strange, but it worked. I went to Settings -> History -> Clear browsing data. With the defaults checked (clear following items from the past hour) it allowed me to visit again. Creating a new profile didn't help. Nor did clearing the DNS cache from chrome://net-internals. I don't know if it's a bug in Chromium but I'm content to have resolved the issue.


This page isn’t working right now , localhost redirected you too many times. To fix this issue, try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

I'm trying to run my login page in the browser(chrome, microsoft edge) using nodejs ,ejs ,mongoose but when i enter the adress like(localhost:5000/dashboard/login) it show me this error (This page isn’t working right nowlocalhost redirected you too many times.
To fix this issue, try clearing your cookies.
I've tried to reset the setting , clear history and cookies

Blocked autofocusing on a form control in a cross-origin subframe

Using Chrome, when I'm trying to change values of an input located in an IFrame of another app on our server, I get an error in Chrome:
"Blocked autofocusing on a form control in a cross-origin subframe."
On production (when the two apps are hosted on the same domain) it's working, but on localhost development I can't make it to work.
I've already tried starting Chrome with the following:
but none worked.
Has anyone has an idea how to make it work?
If any change on server side needed, it's also an option.
For me the issue was a chrome extension ( Dashlane ). I disabled it on that site an it worked. I don't know if this helps you in any way but I had the same issue and this worked for me.
edit: I also had the issue on localhost however haven't tried it yet on server.
Go to chrome://flags
Disable SameSite by default cookies
Relaunch chrome

Domain Network: Users receiving "Invalid URL" or "Your Connection is not Secure"

I am having an issue that is affecting multiple users on my Domain.
Whenever I try to navigate to I am unable to connect, I either get Invalid URL or Your connection is not secure.
I have tried checking my clock, it appears to be fine and is handled by the DC.
Also, I have tried clearing all my Cache on Google and I have done an:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
This did not fix the issue either.
Whenever I went into my IPv4 settings and changed my DNS to googles ( I was able to connect and everything worked as normal, but in doing so I lose access to my Domain resources so this is not really a fix...
This issue has been coming and going a lot over the past few weeks, but as it never seemed to affect more than one user I didn't much bother with it. However, it seems to now be affecting more than one user at a time so I need to figure out what is going on...
Also, I have tried in different browsers.
Thank you.

Website DNS issue from my machine only

I've created a new website on hosting using fasthosts in the UK. When I try and load the website from my laptop I get a fasthosts landing page.
If I access the website from another machine it seems to work fine -
This would suggest it's not an issue with hosting, but I'm not sure why the domain redirects to a page on which states the following:
This "website holding" page is displayed when you visit because the owner has registered the domain
name (or set up a sub-domain), but has not yet created a website.
Without this page, website visitors would see a "Page not found"
error. The holding page confirms that the domain's DNS has been set up
I've tried loading the website with Chrome, IE, and Mozilla, and the issue is the same with all of them, so it can't be the browser. I've tried clearing cache etc and that hasn't resolved anything.
I've called ipconfig /flushdns which hasn't helped either.
After a week of being utterly baffled it would seem the issue has rectified itself. Happy days.

Website not opening in Chrome?

One of my friend's site's users getting this error.
Oops! This link appears to be broken in Google Chrome
Can he do something with their hosting to ensure users of his site will not get this error.
As it is a browser bug, you cannot change this behaviour.
well: as the bug only occurs if prefetching links from your page fails, you could of course remove all 'href' attributes from your html-source and add them on page load using javascript. this would end in chrome not fetching up anything: no fetching => no fetching error. but this 'solution' is not practical.
Are you using redirects? Cause chrome wants a status header with that.
