rsync over ssh, gets permission denied - linux

I gonna backup some files from a local machine to a remote server trough rsync over ssh. Here is the command I used:
rsync -avh -e "ssh -p 3286" somelocal_folder/ me#x.x.x.x:/data/bu/
The user(me) which I use to ssh to the server has rwx permissions on /data/bu directory but it does not have write permission on /data. It raises permission denied error when I enter my password. I searched a lot in the Internet,but I could not find any thing relevant. Any idea of the cause of the problem?!!


Upload directory to aws EC2 linux server fail

I can upload a single file to the AWS EC2 linux server, but not able to upload a directory. I keep getting Permission denied error. The ssss folder is under kolgate-playground, I think my path is correct because I can upload a untitled.txt under kolgate-playground folder
ray#Roxane kolgate-playground % scp -r "ray.pem" ssss Permission denied (publickey).
lost connection
The command should be (note the use of -i and -r):
scp -i "ray.pem" -r ssss

SCP not working permission denied even with SSH key given

I am trying to get scp to work and transfer a file from a remote server to my local. I tried looking around and this post helped the most but it still is not working here is the current output.
<USERNAME>$ sudo scp -i ./.chef/<NAME>.pem <USERNAME>#<IP>:/home/postgres/post_0604_dump/db0604_schema_and_data.sql ~/
<USERNAME>#<IP>: Permission denied (publickey).
The issue turned out not to be with my command but that I was trying to copy a file in another users directory and it wouldn't work. I ended up SSH'ing in and using sudo to copy the file to my home directory and then used scp with no issues.
Kindly use below command to get it done.
root#localhost# scp -r "source_file/directory" "Destination address- remote-IP/Hostname:/location"
And if you are using passwordless ssh then make sure you are using correct user whose public keys are shared with remote server.
I had the same issue with scp and got Permission denied (publickey):
This worked:
ssh -i "mykey.pem" ubuntu#??.??.??.???
But this didn't: scp -i "mykey.pem" test.php ubuntu#??.??.??.???:
I solved it by removing the quotes off my key file:
scp -i mykey.pem test.php ubuntu#??.??.??.???:

Permission denied while moving a file to other directory in cygwin

I am moving a file newp from Directory Lenovo to Users it says permission denied in cygwin.
Lenovo#Aditya /cygdrive/c/Users/Lenovo
$ mv newp ../
mv: cannot move 'newp' to '../newp': Permission denied
How do I change the permission?
Steps to make this work:
1.)Generate the SSH keys from ssh-keygen.
2.)Enter to the remote server and in that create a folder named .ssh/authorized_keys.
3.)Copy paste the key in the remote server's authorized_key folder.
4.)Run command rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" --progress hello.txt
Note: hello.txt is a file that is created, which is to transfer to remote server.
Follow this link here to get the more idea.

Google cloud scp permission denied

I am trying to transfer files to my Google cloud hosted Linux (Debian) instance via secure copy (scp). I did exactly what the documentation told to connect from a local machine to the instance.
Created a SSH keygen
Added the keygen to my instance
I can login successfully by:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-keygen [USERNAME]#[IP]
But when I want to copy files to the instance I get a message "permission denied".
scp -r -i ~/.ssh/my-keygen /path/to/directory/ [USERNAME]#[IP]:/var/www/html/
It looks like the user with which I login has no permissions to write files, so I already tried to change the file permissions of /var/www/, but this still gives the permission denied message.
I also tried to add the user to the root group, but this still gives the same problem.
usermod -G root myuser
The command line should be
scp -r -i ~/.ssh/my-keygen /path/to/directory/ [USERNAME]#[IP]:/var/www/html/
Assuming your files are in the local /path/to/directory/ and the /var/www/html/ is on the remote server.
The permissions does not allow to write in the /var/www/html/. Writing to /tmp/ should work. Then you can copy the files with sudo to the desired destination with root privileges.
If SSH isn't working, install gcloud CLI and run the following locally: gcloud compute scp --recurse /path/to/directory [IP] --tunnel-through-iap. This will dump the directory into your /home/[USERNAME]/ folder. Then log into the console and use sudo to move the directory to /var/www/html/.
For documentation, see

Rsync to Amazon Linux EC2 instance - failed: No such file or directory

I want to upload the content of one directory to my Amazon EC2 with rsync:
rsync -r -t -v --progress -z -s -e "ssh -i /home/mostafa/keyamazon.pem" /home/mostafa/splitfiles
but I receive the following error message:
sending incremental file list
rsync: link_stat "/home/mostafa/splitfiles" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: change_dir#3 "/home/ubuntu//~" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at main.c(712) [Receiver=3.1.0]
and if I do a dry run with grsync, it works correctly
In rsync the trailing / is very important. Also you rsync usually defaults to ssh when one of the destinations contains a host.
So you if you want to preserver modification times then you can get rid of the -e and -s options.
Your command could be written as /home/mostafa/splitfiles/ - notice the trailing /'s provided that you have ssh configured to read the private key from your home directory.
On ubuntu you can add this to the key chain, by going
ssh-add [key-file]
And this will save you having to specify the keyfile everytime you ssh into the AWS machine.
The errors seem to say that on the local machine you don't have a source directory and the destination doesn't exist.
I completed this task with Filezilla instead, easier to use.
You are at home ~ if you cd ../ to root you will be able to run the command.
