How to send file over local network from a windows machine to a linux machine? - linux

I am asked to send a text file from a computer from a windows machine to a linux machine,a raspberry pi model b to be exact . Knowing that they are on the same local network, what are the steps to do in order to enable such a manipulation?

Try pscp:
Download and run putty installer:, then in your windows terminal type:
Program Files( x86)\PuTTY\pscp.exe <path_to_file_to_be_copied> <user>#<ip_addres_of_your_raspberry>:<path>
pscp.exe C:\Users\SantaClaus\Desktop\someText.txt santaClaus#


copy file from ubuntu to windows server with terminal?

I want to copy file from Ubuntu operating system into windows server without program,
i used ssh ,but it did not work.

Is it possible to execute sh files GUI application from linux remote server and view it on local machine?

I have a job that runs denodo platform on remote server. Sh files is a GUI application, and I have to run it to start denodo service. I can't access it in windows, is there a way to solve these problems?
Already running sh files on Putty Windows, but only return null.
If it's a linux GUI application, you should "export display" to view the server screen on your workstation.
Depending of your workstation linux distribution, it might be as easy as :
xhost +<IP_address_of_workstation>
As your workstation is running windows operating system, you have do further configuration :
If your workstation is connected through SSH you need even more configuration as discussed here :
You can run GUI-Applications of remote linux host in a windows client via ssh (putty) with x-forwarding and an installed x-server (xming)
See this question:

Linux to Windows SCP password-less access

I have a raspberry pi running Linux (Jessie) which takes pictures every hour and is supposed to upload it onto a windows server. I want to set up a password-less SSH access so that I can upload pictures from the raspberry pi to the windows using SCP. Most of the tutorials online deal with copying files from Linux to Linux environments or windows to Linux set-ups. How do I set up password-less access FROM Raspberry pi to Windows? Should I generate key pairs on windows or raspberry pi? I am also having confusion as to where does the public/private keys resides (windows server or Linux client)?
You may install Cygwin on the Windows side, then you will get the environment similar to Linux on Windows. The keys can be generated on the Linux side and copied to the Windows, location is the same as in the Linux (/.ssh).
There are several tutorials on Cygwin with private key authentication, like this one:
Note that you will probably have to set up proper access rights for .ssh directory in Windows. You may use chmod in the same way as on Linux, set 700 for .ssh directory and 600 for authorized_keys.

Copying file from Desktop to Virtual Server LINUX

I have researched and only see answers on how to do this on windows, so here are my details.
I am using mac os X .. And I am connecting to a virtual server via VPN. My problem is I have files on the desktop of my mac that I need to get to the Virtual server on the VPN. How can this be accomplished. They are not on the same network, or IP range. I heard you should install a webserver onto the virtual server in order to accomplish this. Does anyone have experience with this or can provide any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
OS X includes the scp command that can be used to copy files to a virtual server assuming that it is a Linux system running SSH. For example, this terminal command will copy the file "my_file.txt" from the current directory to username's home directory on the server. The colon at the end of the command is important.
scp my_file.txt username#virtual.server.ip.address:
The scp and sftp instructions here apply to OS X as well as Linux.

How do I run an desktop executable file on Windows over SSH?

Here's my situation:
I have Machine A - Linux Box, and Machine B - Windows Box using Cygwin and OpenSSH.
Currently, I can ssh between the two machines, and run programs. There is this program that I need to run on the Windows Machine that will Control the Desktop (some mouse clicks and such).
I need to be able to ssh to the Windows Machine from my Linux machine (done already) and run the program. When I do this, the program just hangs up. I can see the program in the System Processes on Windows, however it is doing nothing. When I call the program on Cygwin on the Windows machine, it runs flawlessly.
My question:
Is there a way to run the executable program on the Windows Machine that controls its Desktop environment - run it remotely over SSH?
PS: I have tried on the Windows Machine to go to Services > Cygwin sshd > Log on > Allow Services to interact with desktop. However, when this is checked I can't get the Cygwin sshd service started.
