While creating an Azure API App, by default the URL is https. If I try connecting as http, I get a 302 redirect error. Could you let me know how to change this to http endpoint?
HTTP is not supported for API apps.
When I use this URL I get this error "AADSTS500117: The reply uri specified in the request isn't using a secure scheme." I am guessing this is beacuse I am not using HTTPS, is there any way I get this app working with HTTP
Azure does not redirect from authorization requests to non-HTTPS URLs. Localhost is the only exception. You need to use HTTPS to protect your website and make sure that the redirect you provide is HTTPS.
So you can use http://localhost/ .
For my Web Java application, Which is deployed on Azure VM I have done the http to https redirection on azure waf listener. which looks working fine on web but not for rest webservices.
For example: When I access the http url like http: //www.abc.com it will automatically redirect to https: //www.abc.com.
But when I am trying to access the rest post webservice with http for example: http: //www.abc.com/rs/savedata it gives error with status code -301 and status message "Moved Permanently".
However when we access rest post api with https it works fine.
I am not sure what configuration is required on Azure, so that it can automatically redirect to https for http rest request.
This is the normal behavior that is described in here: you will have to manage it from the client to call the new redirect to URL as described in here:
if you want transparent redirect you will need to look at putting in place a Reverse Proxy Like Nginx which will handle the redirect and make a pass through.
Google signin works fine on my nodejs app via http (on Google App Engine).
But when tried via https - below error is received. Im using Google App Engine auto managed SSL.
The redirect URI in the request,
http://www.example.com/api/auth/google/callback, does not match the
ones authorized for the OAuth client.
The problem seems to be - my nodejs app in google app engine does not know the traffic is coming from https - I am using express - how to resolve this ?
Paths in google cloud console for oauth to use http and https are correctly set.
In Developer console you set up some Redirect URIs to use with your client credentials.
You are currently trying to make a request and sending
As your redirect uri that is has not been added as a valid one. You either need to add as a valid one or better yet try sending from https://www.example.com/api/auth/google/callback instead
My node.js knowledge is pretty basic but check your OAUTH2_CALLBACK
Angularjs http request to external Azure App Api fails from Azure Web App with "https", but works when url is http. Authentication is turned on in Web App, but requires no action if not authenticated. What am I missing?
Your issue is about Same Origin Policy, on which you can find detials on this SO answer.
To make long story short, you can't call a less secure resource than the page you are on (in your case making an AJAX request from an HTTPS page down to an HTTP resource).
#bsoulier lead me to the culprit. It was the Same Origin Policy, mistmatched protocol (web api url needed to be "https" as well) that was causing the problem.
I get "504 gateway" error when I do a "http://xyz.com" request for a website hosted on azure. However, if I do a "https://xyz.com" request for the same website I get the webpage. How do I always do a https request for this URL even if somebody forgets to do https
Found this in StackOverflow
Best way in asp.net to force https for an entire site?
And I think URL Rewrite or Http Module might help as well.