Notification to Cloud Service Instance when another instance goes down - azure

I have a cloud service with multiple instances. I'm trying to find a way to notify instance A if instance B goes down. Is there a way to hook into the azure notifications to do this rather than have each instance poll the others?

Polling is simplest approach. Do be aware that it takes some time for Azure to detect if an instance goes down (depends on how outage occurs and how it is manifested). In fact, if your app crashes, Azure may not even detect an outage at all.
I'm involved with a product called CloudMonix # , it provides sophisticated monitoring/automation for Azure and has a set of features where-by it can call your APIs when it detects issues in an environment. Perhaps it could be used to detect an issue with your instance and post to an API method that you implement?


.NET Core DDD with Durable Azure Functions

I've recently started experimenting with Azure functions and I'd like to get some info on whether the following makes sense and is possible..
How feasible is it to build a normal .NET Core Web API following DDD patterns but replacing the API endpoints with durable azure functions? Is this a possible use case for Azure Functions, to make the web API "serverless"?
And how would the whole thing be structured? Does each Azure function need its own project or can they all be placed in one project?
As I wrote in comments why not?
You can define bounded context and deploy to one azure function as microservice for instance service which will be responsible for orders, other azure function of delivery and so on.
Use durable function when you need to orchestrate actions, for instance you have buy flow when in first action you lock products, take payments and unlock so you have kind of dependency on each other.
You can use azure functions with service bus or azure queue storage for event processing.
One thing keep in mind that when you design function you have time limitations is up to 5 minutes on provisioning plan. So when you design newsletter for instance keep in mind that you would need to send email in batches.

Azure Dynamic App Service instance that starts up and shuts down automatically based on the current needs

I am new to Microsoft Azure / Google Cloud and I am currently comparing these two different cloud solution providers, before starting a new project. I am planning to write a web application using either Google Cloud App Engine or Azure App Service.
I want to start with a very basic service instance, which I want to call via HTTPS. To reduce charges it would be nice to only pay for used service minutes resp. that the instance only runs, when needed.
Google Cloud offers dynamic instances, where compute instances are shutdown, when idle and started for incoming requests. Which seems way cheaper for a seldom used prototype and first usage of cloud services.
Instances are resident or dynamic. A dynamic instance starts up and shuts down automatically based on the current needs. [...] When an application is not being used at all, App Engine turns off its associated dynamic instances, but readily reloads them as soon as they are needed.
Unfortunately, I found in the Azure documentation only an Overview of autoscale in Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, and Web Apps, which does not cover my question of an automatic instance shutdown in idle state. Also Start/Stop VMs during off-hours solution in Azure Automation does not satisfy my information need, because I am looking only for a compute instance and not a full VM.
Is there an equivalent in the Azure domain, that allows to automatically start up and shut down app service instances, based on the usage resp. incoming requests?
Depending on the functionality of the two cloud service provider, I am deciding which one to use. Has anybody experience with this matter in the Azure domain? Thank you.
You can't do that with Azure App Service alone as of now (24-Feb-2019). But you could combine an Azure function to fire up a App Service instance and then forward all incoming traffic to an app hosted in this App Service via an Azure function proxy, see this description on I was planning to try this for while now too. In theory it should work... From experience, App Service instances fire up quickly, so the warm up time should be acceptable. Even better, you could keep free or shared App Service plan instance with your app running and forward the Azure function calls to it by default. On increasing load, move the app to a pre-configured plan which supports auto scaling.
Of course you could try to implement the entire app via a set of Azure functions which are fully "dynamic" using your terminology. Depending on the architecture of your application, this might actually be the best choice.
The Autoscale feature of Azure offers you to scale out/scale in based on configurable criterias, take a look here. You are limited by your pricing tier. Maybe this example will help you get an insight.

In Service Fabric, Are reliable queues only available to the same service type?

I created a pair of services in service fabric, one goes and reads from the source database and if it finds any new items, adds to a reliable queue; the other one tries to dequeue from the reliable queue and creates in the other database where I need the records.
If both of this processes are in the same service, everything works, but if I separate this functionality in two different services, the second service queue is always empty, which tells me the queues are not the same.
Hence my question: is a reliable queue only available to instances of the same service type? Is there any way to make a reliable queue available to two or more service types? If I want to share the same queue across service types, do I have to use Service Bus instead?
I hope my question makes sense, I have been trying to find this in the documentation, but I do not see anything helpful there, maybe I am looking in the wrong place.
A reliable collection is indeed only available to one particular stateful service type. The whole idea behind it is that the data (reliable collection) lives where the code (service) lives.
If you want to access the queue from another service you could expose methods that manipulate the queue to do that on the service interface and have other services call this service. See this repo for some inspiration. Or use another messaging service like the Azure Service Bus or Azure Storage Queues.

Migration to Azure Service Fabric - Architectural considerations

We are on Azure since 2010 and had a great benefit from a performance and reliability in our application. Azure offers a lot of enterprise-level services and I think that the new "Azure Service Fabric" is great.
What I cannot understand by reading the documentation is the approach on migrating an "old" Cloud Service to the new Service Fabric. Why do we want to migrate? For horizontal scaling and more reliability.
Currently we have a single-instance cloud service, that spins up a lot of subservices. Those subservices are great candidates for microservices. The only problem is that some of these subservices are "runners", i.e. they just cycle on our users database and decide whether an operation (service) has to be run for a particular user or not.
How would you migrate a service like this considering that more than one instance may run this service?
First thing to keep in mind is that once a service is started it keeps running, and his lifecycle and uptime is controlled by Service Fabric (ex: it will restart it automatically if it crashes). Second thing to keep in mind is that you will end-up with multiple instances of the service running at the same time (on different nodes), so they will end-up doing the exact same thing on different nodes of your cluster.
Your first reflex could be to have one stateless service kind/instance per runner "subservice" that keeps running and leverage the RunAsync ( Personally, I wouldn't take that approach, since this could then require some kind of synchronization between services to prevent useless concurrency, since they do the exact same thing independently.
A better approach would be to have your runner services need to run only once in a while when requested by the "main" service acting as an orchestrator, you could have a Queue based approach where the "main" service submit tasks (messages) to be processed by the runners, who are listening concurrently on the same Queue, making sure that maximum one service instance would complete the task.
For the Queue, think Service Bus or Reliable Concurrent Queue (

Stop worker role instance from Windows Azure Management Portal

There is probably an easy solution to this, but my searching has been unable to find it.
In my Azure solution, I have a worker role with two instances that are pulling messages off a queue for processing. For debugging purposes, I want to temporarily stop those instances.
If I click on Cloud Services, and then click Instances, I see my two instances which are running, but there doesn't appear to be any way to pause/stop/turn them off. Any ideas as to how I can?
there doesn't appear to be any way to pause/stop/turn them off
You're correct in your observation because you can't pause/stop/turn off a specific instance. You could stop or turn off an entire cloud service but not an individual instance. You could however delete a particular instance but that's not something you have in mind if I understand correctly.
Any ideas as to how I can?
Do take a look at this blog post: Basically the trick is to make an instance Busy so that Azure load balancer does not send request to that instance.
