One time javascript function run in custom action - sharepoint

I have a request from the customer that they want every time they create a subsite (publishing site) .We have to add a custom column to OOTB Documents list.
I have done some researching the way to add the custom column to
Documents list in onet.xml but have no luck .
Then i think about the work around solution that i create a
ScriptBlock custom action that will call javascript function which
will add the custom column to document list , then i will put this
custom action to a feature ,and finally i will reference that feature
in onet.xml.
It run well but the javascript function call every time i refresh the page. I just want it run one time when i active the feature.
Does anyone have any suggestion ? I use sandbox solution and Sharepoint Online .Sorry for my bad English

I don't think a custom action is the right way to do this, Custom actions generally need some sort of user interaction.
Get CKS dev tools in Visual studio
Create a new SharePoint solution
Add a new web template(CKS Dev) to your solution from the Add new item menu in VS
Create an additional feature (web) with a list template (Your documents Library and add your column)
Update the Web templates onet file
Also sometimes it's better to put up what your having issues with as you have said you have had no luck with the above, What is the issue you are having, Post some code up etc rather than going down the route of changing the way you implement the solution
Many Thanks


Which is the better approach in custom pages?

I want to create a custom new item page for sharepoint but there are two approached that I
can use and I want to share your experience in determining which is better.
The first: is to create a page in a library then create a C# library project to handle
the events of the controls on the page.
The second: is to define a feature of the content type of my list and specify the new
item form to be my custom form, then create a website containing the custom form and put
this site at the layouts folder.
for me the first approach is fine but the problem is that a user may access the default
sharepoint new item form which I don't want to happen.
but I don't like the idea of placing the form in a library on the site.
so which is better in your opinion ?
i suggest you to go with your second approach ...
Create a completely new feature that allows you add your functionalty of page creation and any customization realted to that and deploy this one to the 12 hive features folder as a new feature and every time you want have such a page created you can you this template and create the page...
Well, frankly, I'm confused by both of your suggestions.
I don't see how the first one would ever work.
And the second one; you don't "put sites in the layouts folder".
Here's what I would suggest you to do:
Download and install the WSS Extensions for Visual Studio.
Create a List Definition using these new templates.
Copy the NewForm.aspx from the 12 hive and Customize it.
Download and install the WSP Builder from
Add your custom list definitions and files to a new Feature project in WSP Builder.
Package the Feature up to a .wsp using WSP Builder and you are good to go.
Your custom page(s) should be placed in your custom folders in my opinion.
Hope this helps.
Your concern in the first approach is that people will still be able to access the default form. If you are not opposed to using a custom control template for a content type definition, I recommend creating a very simple redirect control template and assigning it to the content type's "New Form". Such a control template need only contain one custom control, which has an OnInit or OnLoad method that contains little more than a Page.Response.Redirect call. Make that redirect point to the page you create in your first approach, and now whenever anyone tries to access the default new form for that content type, they will instead be directed to your custom page with all of your custom code. It is perhaps a bit of a hack, but it's definitely functional.

How do I build custom workflows in SharePoint?

I need to learn how to build custom workflows in SharePoint. In addition to basic stuff like having legal sign-off on documents, I need to be able to execute arbitrary custom code at certain points. For example, after legal signs off it should export the document and update a database table indicating that a new version is ready.
Is this possible using SharePoint? If so, where can I find the documentation or tutorials I would need to get started?
Getting Started Link 1,Getting Started Link 2 links will help you to get started with the SharePoint Custom Workflows. And also it is possible to do any arbitrary code inside the workflow. Also there is another type of work flow called State machine for which there is a class one article
Workflow as the whole is built using sub parts called Activities which dictates what the workflow should do at a particular point of time, I remember you have an activity called Code Activity which will help you to achieve what you want.
Robert Shelton's Workflow Video Tutorial series is very helpful:

Load a web part before other

I am stuck with a problem. I am having tool part where I get all the Lists present in the Site.
I have other web part which should get the selected List in the tool part.
I see that the web part is loaded first then the tool part. so the web part is unable to the List selected in the tool part.
Please note that the text box is in a User Control.
Please help me.
I have looked at your code and found the following:
First things first. You need to move AWAY from using ToolParts and the SharePoint native webpart. they are deprecated and are a remnant from SPS2003. In MOSS / WSS 3.0 you can and should use the ASP.NET WebPart.
Secondly, I think you are mixing things up. The ToolPartGetLists is not a toolpart, it is a webpart, that in itself loads the CustomToolPart, which in turn allows you to select a list.
This toolpart is only shown when you edit the shared webpart in the UI. The list you select is then persisted to the SelectedList property of the webpart using the toolpart.
The connected webpart then tries to read the SelectedList property I guess.
Like I said, I could go and try to fix the code for you, but it is not the way to go, you really (REALLY) need to switch to ASP.NET WebPart based webparts. The native sharepoint one WILL be fased out in the (near) future.
Here you can find an example, with code! (scroll to bottom for download link). As a bonus, it uses the built in sharepoint listpicker
I don't know of any way you could control the load order of elements (web parts) on the same page.
Sounds more like you want to have your second web part (the display of the lists) have a "default" when the page loads--which could be empty. Then it would be changed to the selected list only when the user clicked a new selection in the other web part (the list of lists).

Update base template and apply to all sites who reference it - MOSS 2007

More SharePoint questions from me again today! I thank everyone that has helped thus far!
Here is my situation:
I have to create a custom application inside of sharepoint. I am using a document library which hosts web part pages and i am using Web User Controls to do all the manipluating and displaying of data. Once I build the app the way i want, I am going to turn the doc lib into a template that way i can create the same thing on multiple sites (many customers using this app).
The issue that I am running into is that I need to know what happens/how do I update it so that my changes will apply itself to all sites that are referencing the template.
HELP! anyone who knows how to do this OR has a better idea for creating custom apps that multiple sites will be able to take advantage of would be SO helpful!
Short answer is that you cannot accomplish this, even with a custom site/list definition.
Once a site or list is created from a site or list definition, it is basically on its own (layouts and master pages modifications, however, do get applied to all sites referencing them).
Once workaround would be to create a site feature that iterates through sites and performs whatever custom action you wish to do.
For requirement like this, you really should create custom list/site definition. NOT just save customized list into template.
Anything you have updated in list/site definition will be reflect to the sites that are referencing the definitions. Unfortunately this is not the case for Template. You will have to delete the old list you have on other sites, then re-create them again with new template.
how to create list definition -
for site definition please go -

Sharepoint: Best way to display lists of non-Sharepoint content with "compatible" UI?

I've built a web part for Sharepoint that retrieves data from an external service. I'd like to display the items in a way that's UI-compatible with Sharepoint (fits in with its surroundings.)
I'm aware of the "DataFormWebPart" but was unable to get one working properly. It requires a valid DataSource and I was unable to build one from the results of a web service call... Part of the problem is that my web service wrappers don't expose the XML return info, rather I have a bunch of deserialized objects. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to turn actual objects into a datasource, or populate a "generic" datasource from object data.
I could use an SPGridView to get the same UI, but the grid control doesn't have much in the way of smarts -and- it forces every field into its own column. I'd prefer to render each list item as a single cell with complex rendering (for instance the way that StackOverflow shows its lists of questions.) I'd also like to get as much of the Sharepoint-standard UI as possible, such as the sorting, filtering, and paging controls.
So, first: Has anyone here written a Sharepoint control that does this, and if so do you have sample code to share? If not: am I overlooking some useful control, whether MS-supplied or available in an external library?
Sharepoint: Best way to display lists
of non-Sharepoint content with
“compatible” UI?
Take a look at the built in sharepoint web controls:
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls Namespace
It contains all the controls used in sharepoint. I'd tell you more, but the documentation is very thorough.
Problem with SharePoint is that there are a bunch of different ways to do this. If your data is not changing too often and is not overly large it may be worth considering entering it into a list for display.
If you have the Enterprise licence it may be worth getting your data into the BDC and using it there.
you may have to convert the objects into xml or use the serialised objects with the XML webpart for display. This still has the issue of custom rendering using XSLT.
Here's a great article that explains how to configure BDC connections to web services using the BDC Definition Editor:
Creating a Web Service Connection by Using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor
The best way to do this IMO is to make a Web Part. As a Web Part the UI will be automatically rendered to be the same as the theme the site is using (unless you override it) and it will be able to be placed anywhere by anyone with admin privileges.
Tutorial on making a Web Part
Tutorial on packaging and deploying a Web Part
Example Web Part Source Code
You could create a custom web part and use an SPGridView. You say you don't like it, because it forces every field into its own column, but that's not true. You can create a template (ITemplate) for every column and fully customize what's shown inside it, just like you would using a normal ASP.Net GridView. Using this approach I've added the little "New" images right next to a list item's Title, just like SharePoint does itself.
