How to implement trim for Vec<u8>? - string

Rust provides a trim method for strings: str.trim() removing leading and trailing whitespace. I want to have a method that does the same for bytestrings. It should take a Vec<u8> and remove leading and trailing whitespace (space, 0x20 and htab, 0x09).
Writing a trim_left() is easy, you can just use an iterator with skip_while(): Rust Playground
fn main() {
let a: &[u8] = b" fo o ";
let b: Vec<u8> = a.iter().map(|x| x.clone()).skip_while(|x| x == &0x20 || x == &0x09).collect();
println!("{:?}", b);
But to trim the right characters I would need to look ahead if no other letter is in the list after whitespace was found.

Here's an implementation that returns a slice, rather than a new Vec<u8>, as str::trim() does. It's also implemented on [u8], since that's more general than Vec<u8> (you can obtain a slice from a vector cheaply, but creating a vector from a slice is more costly, since it involves a heap allocation and a copy).
trait SliceExt {
fn trim(&self) -> &Self;
impl SliceExt for [u8] {
fn trim(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn is_whitespace(c: &u8) -> bool {
*c == b'\t' || *c == b' '
fn is_not_whitespace(c: &u8) -> bool {
if let Some(first) = self.iter().position(is_not_whitespace) {
if let Some(last) = self.iter().rposition(is_not_whitespace) {
&self[first..last + 1]
} else {
} else {
fn main() {
let a = b" fo o ";
let b = a.trim();
println!("{:?}", b);
If you really need a Vec<u8> after the trim(), you can just call into() on the slice to turn it into a Vec<u8>.
fn main() {
let a = b" fo o ";
let b: Vec<u8> = a.trim().into();
println!("{:?}", b);

This is a much simpler version than the other answers.
pub fn trim_ascii_whitespace(x: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
let from = match x.iter().position(|x| !x.is_ascii_whitespace()) {
Some(i) => i,
None => return &x[0..0],
let to = x.iter().rposition(|x| !x.is_ascii_whitespace()).unwrap();
Weird that this isn't in the standard library. I would have thought it was a common task.
Anyway here it is as a complete file/trait (with tests!) that you can copy/paste.
use std::ops::Deref;
/// Trait to allow trimming ascii whitespace from a &[u8].
pub trait TrimAsciiWhitespace {
/// Trim ascii whitespace (based on `is_ascii_whitespace()`) from the
/// start and end of a slice.
fn trim_ascii_whitespace(&self) -> &[u8];
impl<T: Deref<Target=[u8]>> TrimAsciiWhitespace for T {
fn trim_ascii_whitespace(&self) -> &[u8] {
let from = match self.iter().position(|x| !x.is_ascii_whitespace()) {
Some(i) => i,
None => return &self[0..0],
let to = self.iter().rposition(|x| !x.is_ascii_whitespace()).unwrap();
mod test {
use super::TrimAsciiWhitespace;
fn basic_trimming() {
assert_eq!(b" A ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"A");
assert_eq!(b" AB ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"AB");
assert_eq!(b"A ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"A");
assert_eq!(b"AB ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"AB");
assert_eq!(b" A".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"A");
assert_eq!(b" AB".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"AB");
assert_eq!(b" A B ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"A B");
assert_eq!(b"A B ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"A B");
assert_eq!(b" A B".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"A B");
assert_eq!(b" ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"");
assert_eq!(b" ".trim_ascii_whitespace(), b"");

All we have to do is find the index of the first non-whitespace character, one time counting forward from the start, and another time counting backwards from the end.
fn is_not_whitespace(e: &u8) -> bool {
*e != 0x20 && *e != 0x09
fn main() {
let a: &[u8] = b" fo o ";
// find the index of first non-whitespace char
let begin = a.iter()
// find the index of the last non-whitespace char
let end = a.iter()
.map(|j| a.len() - j);
// build it
let vec = begin.and_then(|i||j| a[i..j].iter().collect()))
println!("{:?}", vec);


Conditionally sort a Vec in Rust

Let's say I want to sort a Vec of non-Clone items - but only maybe (this is a boiled down example of an issue in my code).
My attempt would be something like:
fn maybe_sort<T>(x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T>
T: std::cmp::Ord,
// First, I need a copy of the vector - but only the vector, not the items inside
let mut copied = x.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// In my actual code the line below depends on the sorted vec
if rand::random() {
return copied.into_iter().map(|x| *x).collect::<Vec<_>>();
} else {
return x;
Alas the borrow checker isn't happy. I have a shared reference to each item in the Vec, and although I am not ever returning 2 references to the same item, Rust can't tell.
Is there a way to do this without unsafe? (and if not, what's the cleanest way to do it with unsafe.
You can .enumerate() the values to keep their original index. You can sort this based on its value T and decide whether to return the sorted version, or reverse the sort by sorting by original index.
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord>(x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut items: Vec<_> = x.into_iter().enumerate().collect();
items.sort_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.cmp(b));
if rand::random() {
// return items in current order
else {
// undo the sort
items.sort_by_key(|(index, _)| *index);
items.into_iter().map(|(_, value)| value).collect()
If T implements Default, you can do it with a single sort and without unsafe like this:
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord + Default> (mut x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut idx = (0..x.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
idx.sort_by_key (|&i| &x[i]);
if rand::random() {
return x;
} else {
let mut r = Vec::new();
r.resize_with (x.len(), Default::default);
for (i, v) in idx.into_iter().zip (x.drain(..)) {
r[i] = v;
return r;
If T does not implement Default, the same thing can be done with MaybeUninit:
use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord> (mut x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut idx = (0..x.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
idx.sort_by_key (|&i| &x[i]);
if rand::random() {
return x;
} else {
let mut r = Vec::new();
r.resize_with (x.len(), || unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() });
for (i, v) in idx.into_iter().zip (x.drain(..)) {
r[i] = MaybeUninit::new (v);
return unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, Vec<T>> (r) };
Finally, here's a safe solution which doesn't require T to implement Default, but allocates an extra buffer (there is theoretically a way to reorder the indices in place, but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader ☺):
fn maybe_sort<T: Ord> (mut x: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
let mut idx = (0..x.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
idx.sort_by_key (|&i| &x[i]);
if rand::random() {
let mut rev = vec![0; x.len()];
for (i, &j) in idx.iter().enumerate() {
rev[j] = i;
for i in 0..x.len() {
while rev[i] != i {
let j = rev[i];
x.swap (j, i);
rev.swap (j, i);

How to skip n items from inside of an iterator loop?

This code:
fn main() {
let text = "abcd";
for char in text.chars() {
if char == 'b' {
// skip 2 chars
print!("{}", char);
// prints `abcd`, but I want `ad`
prints abcd, but I want to skip 2 chars if b was found, so that it prints ad. How do I do that?
I tried to put the iterator into a variable outside the loop and manipulate that iterator within the loop, but the Borrow Checker doesn't allow that.
AFAIK you can't do that with a for loop. You will need to desugar it by hand:
let mut it = text.chars();
while let Some(char) = {
if char == 'b' {
it.nth(1); // nth(1) skips/consumes exactly 2 items
print!("{}", char);
If you want to keep an iterator style, you can use std::iter::successors (I've replaced the special char with '!' for being more readable:
fn my_iter<'a>(s: &'a str) -> impl Iterator<Item = char> + 'a {
let mut it = s.chars();
std::iter::successors(, move |c| {
if *c == '!' {|_|
} else {
.filter(|c| *c != '!')
fn main() {

How can I convert from Vec<char> to u32 in Rust without going through String?

My rust code runs in an environment where I have no access to std::string and std::* (but I have access to core::str). How can I convert a Vec<char> to u32 without going through String, such as:
let num_in_chars: Vec<char> = vec!['1', '2'];
// some process here
// let num = ...
// This is how I could do it if I have access to `String`
// let num = num_in_chars.iter().collect::<String>().parse::<u32>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(12, num);
You must convert each char to a digit (in the map) and then you multiply each previous result by 10 and you add the new digit:
/// Returns `None` in case of invalid digit.
pub fn vec_to_int(digits: impl IntoIterator<Item = char>) -> Option<u32> {
const RADIX: u32 = 10;
.map(|c| c.to_digit(RADIX))
.try_fold(0, |ans, i||i| ans * RADIX + i))
fn it_works() {
let nums = vec!['1', '2'];
let num = vec_to_int(nums);
assert_eq!(Some(12), num);
fn invalid_digit() {
let nums = vec!['1', 'a'];
let num = vec_to_int(nums);
assert_eq!(None, num);

Is there a method like JavaScript's substr in Rust?

I looked at the Rust docs for String but I can't find a way to extract a substring.
Is there a method like JavaScript's substr in Rust? If not, how would you implement it?
str.substr(start[, length])
The closest is probably slice_unchecked but it uses byte offsets instead of character indexes and is marked unsafe.
For characters, you can use s.chars().skip(pos).take(len):
fn main() {
let s = "Hello, world!";
let ss: String = s.chars().skip(7).take(5).collect();
println!("{}", ss);
Beware of the definition of Unicode characters though.
For bytes, you can use the slice syntax:
fn main() {
let s = b"Hello, world!";
let ss = &s[7..12];
println!("{:?}", ss);
You can use the as_str method on the Chars iterator to get back a &str slice after you have stepped on the iterator. So to skip the first start chars, you can call
let s = "Some text to slice into";
let mut iter = s.chars();
iter.by_ref().nth(start); // eat up start values
let slice = iter.as_str(); // get back a slice of the rest of the iterator
Now if you also want to limit the length, you first need to figure out the byte-position of the length character:
let end_pos = slice.char_indices().nth(length).map(|(n, _)| n).unwrap_or(0);
let substr = &slice[..end_pos];
This might feel a little roundabout, but Rust is not hiding anything from you that might take up CPU cycles. That said, I wonder why there's no crate yet that offers a substr method.
This code performs both substring-ing and string-slicing, without panicking nor allocating:
use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};
trait StringUtils {
fn substring(&self, start: usize, len: usize) -> &str;
fn slice(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> &str;
impl StringUtils for str {
fn substring(&self, start: usize, len: usize) -> &str {
let mut char_pos = 0;
let mut byte_start = 0;
let mut it = self.chars();
loop {
if char_pos == start { break; }
if let Some(c) = {
char_pos += 1;
byte_start += c.len_utf8();
else { break; }
char_pos = 0;
let mut byte_end = byte_start;
loop {
if char_pos == len { break; }
if let Some(c) = {
char_pos += 1;
byte_end += c.len_utf8();
else { break; }
fn slice(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> &str {
let start = match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(bound) | Bound::Excluded(bound) => *bound,
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
let len = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(bound) => *bound + 1,
Bound::Excluded(bound) => *bound,
Bound::Unbounded => self.len(),
} - start;
self.substring(start, len)
fn main() {
let s = "abcdèfghij";
// All three statements should print:
// "abcdè, abcdèfghij, dèfgh, dèfghij."
println!("{}, {}, {}, {}.",
s.substring(0, 5),
s.substring(0, 50),
s.substring(3, 5),
s.substring(3, 50));
println!("{}, {}, {}, {}.",
println!("{}, {}, {}, {}.",
For my_string.substring(start, len)-like syntax, you can write a custom trait:
trait StringUtils {
fn substring(&self, start: usize, len: usize) -> Self;
impl StringUtils for String {
fn substring(&self, start: usize, len: usize) -> Self {
// Usage:
fn main() {
let phrase: String = "this is a string".to_string();
println!("{}", phrase.substring(5, 8)); // prints "is a str"
The solution given by oli_obk does not handle last index of string slice. It can be fixed with .chain(once(s.len())).
Here function substr implements a substring slice with error handling. If invalid index is passed to function, then a valid part of string slice is returned with Err-variant. All corner cases should be handled correctly.
fn substr(s: &str, begin: usize, length: Option<usize>) -> Result<&str, &str> {
use std::iter::once;
let mut itr = s.char_indices().map(|(n, _)| n).chain(once(s.len()));
let beg = itr.nth(begin);
if beg.is_none() {
return Err("");
} else if length == Some(0) {
return Ok("");
let end = length.map_or(Some(s.len()), |l| itr.nth(l-1));
if let Some(end) = end {
return Ok(&s[beg.unwrap()..end]);
} else {
return Err(&s[beg.unwrap()..s.len()]);
let s = "abc🙂";
assert_eq!(Ok("bc"), substr(s, 1, Some(2)));
assert_eq!(Ok("c🙂"), substr(s, 2, Some(2)));
assert_eq!(Ok("c🙂"), substr(s, 2, None));
assert_eq!(Err("c🙂"), substr(s, 2, Some(99)));
assert_eq!(Ok(""), substr(s, 2, Some(0)));
assert_eq!(Err(""), substr(s, 5, Some(4)));
Note that this does not handle unicode grapheme clusters. For example, "y̆es" contains 4 unicode chars but 3 grapheme clusters. Crate unicode-segmentation solves this problem. Unicode grapheme clusters are handled correctly if part
let mut itr = s.char_indices()...
is replaced with
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
let mut itr = s.grapheme_indices(true)...
Then also following works
assert_eq!(Ok("y̆"), substr("y̆es", 0, Some(1)));
Knowing about the various syntaxes of the slice type might be beneficial for some of the readers.
Reference to a part of a string
If you start at index 0, you can omit the value
&s[0..1] ^= &s[..1]
Equivalent if your substring contains the last byte of the string
&s[3..s.len()] ^= &s[3..]
This also applies when the slice encompasses the entire string
You can also use the range inclusive operator to include the last value
Link to docs:
I would suggest you use the crate substring. (And look at its source code if you want to learn how to do this properly.)
I couldn't find the exact substr implementation that I'm familiar with from other programming languages like: JavaScript, Dart, and etc.
Here is possible implementation of method substr to &str and String
Let's define a trait for making able to implement functions to default types, (like extensions in Dart).
trait Substr {
fn substr(&self, start: usize, end: usize) -> String;
Then implement this trait for &str
impl<'a> Substr for &'a str {
fn substr(&self, start: usize, end: usize) -> String {
if start > end || start == end {
return String::new();
self.chars().skip(start).take(end - start).collect()
fn main() {
let string = "Hello, world!";
let substring = string.substr(0, 4);
println!("{}", substring); // Hell
You can also use .to_string()[ <range> ].
This example takes an immutable slice of the original string, then mutates that string to demonstrate the original slice is preserved.
let mut s: String = "Hello, world!".to_string();
let substring: &str = &s.to_string()[..6];
s.replace_range(..6, "Goodbye,");
println!("{} {} universe!", s, substring);
// Goodbye, world! Hello, universe!
I'm not very experienced in Rust but I gave it a try. If someone could correct my answer please don't hesitate.
fn substring(string:String, start:u32, end:u32) -> String {
let mut substr = String::new();
let mut i = start;
while i < end + 1 {
substr.push_str(&*(string.chars().nth(i as usize).unwrap().to_string()));
i += 1;
return substr;
Here is a playground

Using the same iterator multiple times in Rust

Editor's note: This code example is from a version of Rust prior to 1.0 when many iterators implemented Copy. Updated versions of this code produce a different errors, but the answers still contain valuable information.
I'm trying to write a function to split a string into clumps of letters and numbers; for example, "test123test" would turn into [ "test", "123", "test" ]. Here's my attempt so far:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut iter = input.chars().peekable();
loop {
match iter.peek() {
None => return bits,
Some(c) => if c.is_digit() {
bits.push(iter.take_while(|c| c.is_digit()).collect());
} else {
bits.push(iter.take_while(|c| !c.is_digit()).collect());
return bits;
However, this doesn't work, looping forever. It seems that it is using a clone of iter each time I call take_while, starting from the same position over and over again. I would like it to use the same iter each time, advancing the same iterator over all the each_times. Is this possible?
As you identified, each take_while call is duplicating iter, since take_while takes self and the Peekable chars iterator is Copy. (Only true before Rust 1.0 — editor)
You want to be modifying the iterator each time, that is, for take_while to be operating on an &mut to your iterator. Which is exactly what the .by_ref adaptor is for:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut iter = input.chars().peekable();
loop {
match iter.peek().map(|c| *c) {
None => return bits,
Some(c) => if c.is_digit(10) {
bits.push(iter.by_ref().take_while(|c| c.is_digit(10)).collect());
} else {
bits.push(iter.by_ref().take_while(|c| !c.is_digit(10)).collect());
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", split("123abc456def"))
["123", "bc", "56", "ef"]
However, I imagine this is not correct.
I would actually recommend writing this as a normal for loop, using the char_indices iterator:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
if input.is_empty() {
return bits;
let mut is_digit = input.chars().next().unwrap().is_digit(10);
let mut start = 0;
for (i, c) in input.char_indices() {
let this_is_digit = c.is_digit(10);
if is_digit != this_is_digit {
is_digit = this_is_digit;
start = i;
This form also allows for doing this with much fewer allocations (that is, the Strings are not required), because each returned value is just a slice into the input, and we can use lifetimes to state this:
pub fn split<'a>(input: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
let mut bits = vec![];
if input.is_empty() {
return bits;
let mut is_digit = input.chars().next().unwrap().is_digit(10);
let mut start = 0;
for (i, c) in input.char_indices() {
let this_is_digit = c.is_digit(10);
if is_digit != this_is_digit {
is_digit = this_is_digit;
start = i;
All that changed was the type signature, removing the Vec<String> type hint and the .to_string calls.
One could even write an iterator like this, to avoid having to allocate the Vec. Something like fn split<'a>(input: &'a str) -> Splits<'a> { /* construct a Splits */ } where Splits is a struct that implements Iterator<&'a str>.
take_while takes self by value: it consumes the iterator. Before Rust 1.0 it also was unfortunately able to be implicitly copied, leading to the surprising behaviour that you are observing.
You cannot use take_while for what you are wanting for these reasons. You will need to manually unroll your take_while invocations.
Here is one of many possible ways of dealing with this:
pub fn split(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut bits: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut iter = input.chars().peekable();
loop {
let seeking_digits = match iter.peek() {
None => return bits,
Some(c) => c.is_digit(10),
if seeking_digits {
bits.push(take_while(&mut iter, |c| c.is_digit(10)));
} else {
bits.push(take_while(&mut iter, |c| !c.is_digit(10)));
fn take_while<I, F>(iter: &mut std::iter::Peekable<I>, predicate: F) -> String
I: Iterator<Item = char>,
F: Fn(&char) -> bool,
let mut out = String::new();
loop {
match iter.peek() {
Some(c) if predicate(c) => out.push(*c),
_ => return out,
let _ =;
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", split("test123test"));
This yields a solution with two levels of looping; another valid approach would be to model it as a state machine one level deep only. Ask if you aren’t sure what I mean and I’ll demonstrate.
