Handling Bank Account Transfers with Stripe - stripe-payments

I am building a payment methodology using Stripe. My aim is to transfer money to user's bank accounts programmatically.
As I was investigating Stripe API reference, I found out Recipient object which seems being deprecated. Then I found out about StripeConnect which can achieve this, but still in beta.
My question is if there is any other way to transfer money to user's bank account without StripeConnect. Also I would like to have support in countries besides US and Canada. What is the best way to achieve this functionality by using Stripe?

The only way to do this currently is with Stripe Connect and either Managed or Standalone accounts. Connect itself isn't in beta only Managed accounts are.


Is it possible to query Stripe for a credit card belonging to any customer?

I have a subscription service for which free trials are allowed before signing up for the full payed service. I want to ask the customer to provide credit card details before gaining access to the free trial, to prevent abuse of the trial.
I'm using Stripe to handle payments so that I don't have to deal with storage of any sensitive payment information. This free trial scenario would seem to be very common, so I assumed there would be some way to query a card to make sure that it hasn't been used to sign up already. Just some API call that would accept the card number etc. and return a boolean.
I haven't seen anything like in the API docs. I know that fingerprints of cards are accessible after creating a card source, so is it advisable to store them myself and query them? Or have I missed something in the docs?
Just to be clear... I'm not looking to search a card for a particular customer. I know I can iterate over the cards to do that, but I'd have to iterate over the cards of every customer to accomplish what I want, which is not feasible.
Here you probaly want to contact the support team and suggest this as a new feature.
A possibility is the fingerprint you mention, in my opinion this would be the way i would do it too.
One single card should never be associated with one customer in a platform.
No, there is no way to check whether a credit card is used for another customer or not. And there shouldn't be. Because a customer has right to use his/her single credit card to maintain more than accounts.
You can easily integrate trial feature of a Subscription in Stripe which is best way to implement Trial feature using Stripe. If any customer's payment failed after trial expired then you will be notified by Stripe.
And Stripe and any other payment gateway is not advise to store any card info due to security issue.

How to transfer money from one stripe account to multiple connected standalone stripe accounts

I am working with a marketplace website. Initially, I will be charging a customer for buying a product and the money will be credited to my stripe account. After that, I want to transfer some money from my stripe account to two different standalone connected stripe accounts in. How can I achieve this using stripe?
The exact feature you are looking for is Transfer. Before April 6, 2017, transfers also represented movement of funds from a Stripe account to a card or bank account. This behaviour has since been split out into a Payout object, with corresponding payout endpoints.
This link has detailed guide of how to create Transfers.
I know this was asked long ago but I couldn't find any satisfactory or to the point answer.
You need to use the "Separate Charges & Transfers" flow described here: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/charges-transfers.
I also recommend that you write to Stripe's support at https://support.stripe.com/email to explain your business model and desired payment flows to make sure that it's something that Stripe can support.

Best way to split a Stripe charge across two bank accounts?

So when I run a charge, I'd like to be able to have 15% go to a secondary bank account of mine. What's the preferred way to do this now?
I found a great article on exactly this, using recipients and transfers (https://unicornfree.com/2013/using-stripe-to-divvy-up-revenue), but that's been deprecated and replaced with Managed Accounts. But those docs don't offer a clear way to do what I need.
Anyone seen a working example out there?
It sounds like you're trying to setup a "marketplace" type scenario, in which you would use the Stripe Connect platform and have the application_fee parameter in your request which to collect your 15%.
In that scenario, you create a charge request for $100 from customer A, you can specify an application_fee of 1500 (stripe requires the value in cents) in the API call. Documentation on this can be found here.
The result is that the $85 goes to your recipient, and $15 goes into your personal stripe account, and can be transferred to the bank account of your choosing. On hidden "gotcha" to this is that the stripe processing fee will be taken out of your application fee that you charge, so you won't be getting a true 15% from the transaction.
Note, you will need to have a connected or managed account registered through your connect account in order to properly setup the transaction. A general overview on the pros/cons of connected vs managed can be found here.

Stripe: How to manage user-to-user payment?

I am using Stripe API for a project.
My requirement is users using my app can pay some tips or service fees to other serving users. So basically it is a kind of user-to-user payment.
I have tried everything I can and I am searching on the Internet. But didn't find anything helpful.
Is it possible to do using Stripe?
I am new to Stripe. I have used PayPal before to achieve the same.
Thank you!
I don't know Stripe very well, but with most of the payment service providers you could only enter one account number to which the payments will be paid. This for security reasons so other people can't receive your payments by simply hacking a config value with the users' account number.

Transfer from Stripe to another Stripe account

I implemented Stripe connect which provides token and other useful property of the signee(user). From the tokens provided, is there a way transfer payment from my account to the user Stripe account? This an option https://stripe.com/docs/connect/collecting-fees#charges for me right now because I would like to collect the payments first then transfer it later to the user(recipients).
there does seem to be support for this now:
Right now (September 2014) Stripe does not support Stripe account-to-Stripe account transfers in any way. If you have a US Stripe account, you'd be better off using our transfers API, which would allow you to accept the payments and then transfer them to a third-party bank account when appropriate:
PS I work on Support at Stripe.
