Can I fix Groovy indenting in Vim? - vim

I am trying to use Vim for some Groovy code at work. It doesn't seem to handle autoindents well when semicolons are not used. I've found a few questions related to Ruby and JavaScript with the same issues, but none of the fixes I find work for me. I do have filetype plugin indent on in my .vimrc, and do not set cindent, autoindent, or smartindent. I've tried running setlocal nocindent nosmartindent in a Groovy buffer and reindenting the file with ggVG= just in case there's a plugin setting those behind the scenes, and it still always gets it wrong.
For example, I get this on a small sample (from a personal libGDX sandbox app I'm writing in Groovy)
void render () {, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1)
batch.draw(img, 0, 0)
font.draw(batch, "Testing", 300, 400)
Notice the extra indents after the annotation, the opening brace, and the first line of the function. My .vimrc is fairly complex, but I can post a link to my dotfiles if anyone thinks that will help.

Vim doesn't come with a indent script for groovy. So it tries to use the standard indentation rules which are based on C. These rules use semicolons to determine if a line is ended which is why you get line continuation indents on the second line of the function.
Since vim doesn't include the indent script you can use the groovyindent plugin. Placed in ~/.vim/indent. You also need to run dos2unix on groovy.vim since it contains the wrong line endings.

Since groovy looks very much like simplified perl, for my little groovy (actually nextflow DSL) coding, setting filetype=perl followed by gg=G worked quite nicely.


Why does vim autoindent work inconsistently

Using vim 8.0.1365 on a Macintosh
I don't understand why autoindent fails some of the time.
Both of the code fragments below are indented as I want them to
be when I run the formatter, (both default and the pangloss
indenter). But when I'm in insert mode, the autoindent
doesn't work for the second code fragment.
So code like this gets autoindented as I'd like;
function SayHiToMom () {
message = "Hello, best mom in the world"; <- This line auto-indents, as expected.
send(message); <- and so does this one.
But not this code
var svg ="#chart-area").append("svg")
.attr("width", 400) <- Here, no auto-indent occurs, but that's not really a surprise. I indent by hand.
.attr("height", 400) <- When I start a new line here, no auto-indent occurs, surprising and annoying.
When you have filetype support on, Vim loads a filetype plugin when you load a file of a particular type (like JavaScript) and that file contains multiple settings. In the case of JavaScript, one of those settings is indentexpr, which is a function that's called to automatically provide the right indent.
It appears that in this case, it doesn't handle that case automatically, possibly because nobody ever considered that case in the code. Vim doesn't understand JavaScript natively, so the Vimscript has to do the best it can.
Also, it's possible that someone didn't do this behavior because your line wouldn't intrinsically be considered a continuation line if someone were using the JavaScript style where you don't write semicolons at the end, but instead put them at the beginning of the line if necessary to disambiguate. Vim has to support both styles of JavaScript, even if not everyone agrees that both are a good idea.
Regardless, the header of the file (on my system, /usr/share/vim/vim82/indent/javascript.vim) contains a GitHub URL where you could report this issue and either send a patch or see if someone else would be willing to write one. You could also turn off the indentexpr value by writing something like the following in your .vimrc:
au FileType javascript setl indentexpr=
In that case, you'd get the default autoindent behavior.

Vim wrong syntax highlighting in Groovy

when I do the single slash (/) when typing some arithmetic expression (like val1 / val2), my vim treats it as a comment for multiple lines (/*). The result looks like:
I now I can escape it by typing ;/ at the end of that line (which closes the comment), but it is still annoying and I'd like for my vim to behave properly :).
I've tried using another vim syntax highlighting package for groovy, I've tried :filetype plugin off in my .vimrc, I've tried purging vim with my settings and reinstalling it and the problem is still there.
As pointed out by #cfrick, vim (my version: 7.4) treats '/' as beginning of regular expression in groovy. The solution is to edit
And around line 260-261 there is
syn region groovyString start='/[^/]' end='/' contains=groovySpecialChar,groovyRegexChar,groovyELExpr
Just change the start to
Edit: changed space in regexp to * as #calid suggested in comment below
start='/[^ /]'
(that is add the space there.)
And now it looks much better. On the other hand it will now not highlight regexps starting with space, but for me it's okay. At least it's much better than what it was.
This helped mi a lot with finding my solution:
Groovy syntax highlighting in Vim 7.4

Vim Code Folding for Scilab

I've just recently started to use the folding functionality of vim and it's very helpful for the languages that it works really well for.
My issue lies in the way vim comments out the fold markers in scilab code. It defaults to
/*{{{*/ and /*}}}*/
which works great in languages like C, but is not actually a comment in scilab. I get a multiplication error when i try to run the code.
I've tried adding
autocmd FileType scilab set fmr=//{{{,//}}}
to my .vimrc file which doesn't quite do what I'd like. It results in
/*//{{{*/ and /*//}}}*/
which are still not comments. The code "folds" fine but becomes unusable. I could set up a macro to replace every instance of "/*" with "//", but that could have unintended consequences when applied globally to a file.
So the question is: how can i setup vim fold markers comments for scilab files such that it will not render the file unusable?
You do not add the comments to 'foldmarker' itself, there's the 'commentstring' option that influences how Vim surrounds the fold markers (when creating folds with zf). Try setting
:setlocal commentstring=//%s
for your scilab filetype. (Put the command in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/scilab.vim to make it permanent.)
It sounds to me like vim doesn't understand how SciLab comments work. I'm not sure if vim comes with SciLab syntax logic these days, is syntax highlighted correctly in your SciLab files? If not, you can get the syntax file from here.
Is there a particular reason you want to use marks? They aren't actually needed. If you don't want vim to auto-fold by syntax or indentation level, you can still manually define folds with
:set foldmethod=manual
That lets you select a chunk of text in visual mode and make it into a fold with 'zf'. No marks required.
More info on various vim folding techniques here.

How can I enable SCSS snippets for Vim's SnipMate?

I have installed garbas’s snipMate fork and honza’s snippet repository for Vim 7.3. I’m running OS X Lion 10.7.5.
I’m able to get everything working properly, as expected — my problem occurs when trying to add scss.snippets (I have tried to do so both as a plugin and manually into the snippets folder, with the same results). I know my new snippet file is recognized, because I tested it by adding CSS snippets to the newly-created scss.snippets file. I knew this would cause a collision, and it did in fact bring up the collision prompt (as outlined in the snipmate docs).
The specific problem: Typing a trigger and then Tab deletes the trigger and doesn’t return the expanded snippet.
I have tried setting the filetype and also the scope.alias solution proposed in Vim and snipMate (plugin) - adding new snippet won't work and in the docs, but I get the same results. Lastly, I tried eliminating all potential n00b mistakes by trying the above solutions against a clean .vimrc file. Again, I get the same results.
10 million virtual high-fives for anyone who can help me — until then, I’ll be bouncing my head off my desk awaiting my salvation... or perhaps reinstalling TextMate. Thanks in advance.
It's probably the snippets you used are not indented correctly or there's some mistakes in the syntax of those snippets which Snipmate then fails to autocomplete
Try looking at that particular snippets file and see if it's highlighted in some way.
it's just probably a wrong indentation of the source code.
Because i reproduced the problem on my scss.snippets file by reindenting or using improper syntax on the snippet files.
NOTE: the snippets use tabs instead of spaces so be sure to disable expandtab
:set noet or :set noexpandtab
I myself, don't know the reason behind this.

vim and c++11 lambda: auto indentation

Using vim with c++11 lambda functions is actually poor. Indentation is not working and a lot of brackets are marked as erroneous.
As I know the indent and syntax highlighting for c and c++ is programmed internally and not via a c[...].vim file. Is there any chance to set up vim for c++11, especially for source code with lambda functions? Maybe someone can give a hint how and where to add lambda parsing in the internal vim syntax checking?
EDIT: (example code as requested from comments)
The code should look like the following example but is formatted to a single column.
MyLoop( [](int a, int b){
for (;;)
cout << "Result: " << a*b<<endl;
Update for vim 7.4:
Now vim did not longer handle a lambda expression as an error, but it still did NOT do any indentation in the lambda expression and so it is still not usable for c++ anymore :-(
BTW: Has anyone a good auto formatting tool which can be added to vim environment, so that pressing a key externally do the formatting?
Vim 7.4 now has an jN cinoption for "Indent Java anonymous classes correctly." (:help java-cinoptions) This improves indenting behavior for C++11's lambdas.
With these options (put in your ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim):
setlocal cindent cino=j1,(0,ws,Ws
And if I move your for loop's opening brace to the same line (otherwise it's crazy) then vim indents your code like this:
MyLoop( [](int a, int b){
for (;;) {
cout << "Result: " << a*b<<endl;
It doesn't give the hanging indent that you want either. If you move the initial opening brace it its own line, then you get your desired hanging indent.
For all the options, see :help cinoptions-values.
If you want at smarter indenting program, this user recommends set equalprg=clang-format to use ClangFormat so =ip will indent the current paragraph. This won't make vim correctly indent as you type (you need to setup indentexpr for that and that's quite complicated).
There's also a vim plugin that seems to do the same as setting equalprg, but with more code. Not sure if it's any better. It's supposed to be an alternative to (from Cyprian Guerra's answer).
:let c_no_curly_error = 1
You can put that into your vimrc for example.
As for your assumption, it is wrong. There is a c.vim syntax file (in vim runtime). You can see a reference in :help c.vim and the implementation by looking it up in your vim runtime paths (:echo &rtp).
There is this project by Michael Small. I haven't tried it yet, but perhaps it's what you're looking for.
set smartindent autoindent
Then you type above code in vim,you will get the right indentation.
BUT,if you use gg=G or commands that contain "=" to re-indent above code,the indentation is still wrong.
I just struggled with this for a few days, looks like toggling on smartindent with cindent enabled helped me out with it lambda indentation in C++11.
In your ~/.vimrc
set cindent
set smartindent
Hope this helps peeps out.
What you seem to be looking for is from LLVM guys or vim-clang-format from Linda_pp a.k.a. rhysd (thanks idbrii for the latter) - both use clang therefore both support all of the C++11 new structures and you can run it as follows:
:pyf ~/src/llvm.git/tools/clang/tools/clang-format/
The latter seems better as it (among other features) allows to follow the "one config file for the same behaviour on every environment" rule, especially when you use a VIM add-on manager (e.g. VAM).
