CLR Browser + Google Hangouts - browser

first post here so I hope I'm not breaking any rules.
So, the situation I'm faced with is a bit complicated. I'm basically trying to login into a hangouts call without having the ability to use the browser itself. I can only insert the URL. Why is that you may ask?
I'm trying to show a hangouts call on my twitch stream using a OBS plugin called CLR browser. This plugin only allows to rezise the window and add a URL from where it'll take information from. It's great for notifications but not so great for what I'm trying to do. But after investigating alot I came to the conclusion that I'm out of options.
I do know you can login to gmail by only using the url like here:
How do I login into Google Apps via a URL?
If, for example I have a hangouts link like this:
Can I add something at the end so it logs in automatically?
Thank you.

Hate to disappoint, but you cannot auto-login using a link. OBS does allow you to screen share a window, though, so you should be able to open your favorite web browser, enter the Hangout, then share the window.
Failing that, XSplit has very flexible screen/region-sharing abilities.
Here's a YouTube video demonstrating exactly how to do this in OBS, and the link is time-coded right to the good-stuff.


I hope it's possible to access the elements of this site.

I really have the feeling it's possible to access the elements of this site I'm experimenting to make keyboard shortcuts to the site. I wanna access/control the play/pause button and this: While I'm in another tabs or I'm not there in site. If it is possible, could you please tell it to me how? I know some web languages (javascript and html). THANKS!
Inspecting the source code of the site reveals that PLAYER.player is a reference to the YouTube player object, which is documented here. In short you can use JavaScript methods like PLAYER.player.playVideo() to control the video. As for executing those functions while you're in another tab, I don't know. There may be browser extensions that let you do that.

How is Spotify able to open the desktop app via the Gmail inbox view?

This is the first time I've ever seen a button like this (see right side). Clicking on that button launches Spotify. How is Spotify able to do this for their emails? Can this be done with other applications right now?
Disclaimer: I am a Spotify employee, but I haven't worked on this feature personally.
Google recently added support for markup that lets you embed interactive actions in your messages. You can see the blog post about this or the developer reference. The basic concept is that you embed some structured JSON data in your message, as in this example.
We embed markup in our notification emails that links to the Spotify Open site. For example, here's a link for Passenger — Holes:
If you have the Spotify desktop app installed, a redirect on that page to a spotify:track: URI will open the linked track in the desktop.
I would say that it is probably either a feature of Gmail or Spotify has installed some kind of browser plugin that inserts this button onto any page that it wants.
Just like torrents, browsers can associate certain header types with specific programs for example torrents use the magnet:// url which the browser associates with an installed bit torrent client.
So I would assume that this button launches a url like spotify://this-is-a-song-name-987897/ which launches the Spotify program on your computer.

Flash player security settings

I am using twilo client in one of my apps and it is showing following popup when I click on call button
But I want to show the following pop up which is lot simpler and seems less cumbersome
Is there a way to control which pop up comes on the screen? I have read some documentation of adobe but their configuration files live in users computer which ofcourse can not be changed by a website.
Any help will be really appreciated
Yeah, those dialogs are native Flash Player dialogs. The request domain is drawn from the domain that the swf is loaded in, and it must be for security reasons. The only way around this is to have the request come from a swf which is loaded from a "friendlier" domain.
Sounds like something that Twilio would need to address, not you. Perhaps you can bug them on their forum or such?

Programmatic way to search a page for the user in a browser

I am working on a search engine project that will point a user to a page from, say Google, and show them where their search terms are in the document. Most of us search Google and know that sometimes you have to CTRL-F to find where that word appeared on the page (especially on long pages). I know some browser plug-ins can help with this - but is there a way to wrap the page in a frame and do it (even if you don't control the site being displayed)?
If not, what browser plug-ins might you recommend that I could customize & brand so the user can accomplish this task? I'm guessing you could also write a Kinitex plug-in or GreaseMonkey script - but I'd prefer to not go any route that a newbie user wouldn't immediately understand.
Thanks in advance for your help!
You can get source code of the page with curl, add javascript function to it and then pass result to the user. Just like server-side GreaseMonkey. :)
In google Chrome try Google Quick Scroll, it does it.

Using Google Docs from web app

We have a requirement for people to be able to look at documents people have uploaded to us (mainly word, possibly some rtf) via our web app. We want the user to be able to open the docs inside the browser, but keep the original formatting and not have the need for another application (like word, acrobat etc).
We thought about using google docs to do this, there appears to be some batch uploading options to get stuff in there but does anyone know if we can use the API's to keep the user on our site without them having to login to google docs themselves, and keep them still on our website with re-directing to google docs to view them.
There's an option to make documents public (Somewhere in Share->Advanced Options).
Using api you can get list of documents in your google docs account, you can even search em. In your app you could make a link to the document in google docs which opens in a new window. That way your user will never navigate away from your page. An alternative would be to use an IFrame, but it's considered bad practice.
A completely different approach could be to automatically generate and host a pdf each time someone uploads a file. There are scripts/programs which can do that, just call them after you receive a file.
