I want to get data between two dates '2015-07-11 12:00:00' and '2015-07-12 15:00:00'. The column which stores date and time is timeuuid.
What will be the query? I am new to cassandra.
WHERE t > maxTimeuuid('2013-01-01 00:05+0000')
AND t < minTimeuuid('2013-02-02 10:00+0000')
Assume data with pk (text), start (int), end (int), extra_data(text).
Query is: given a pk (e.g. 'pk1') and a range (e.g [1000, 2000]), find all rows for 'pk1' which intersect that range. This (sql) logically translates to WHERE pk=pk1 AND end>=1000 AND start<=2000 (intersection condition)
Notice this is NOT the same as the more conventional query of:
all rows for pk1 where start>1000 and start<2000
If I define a table with end as part of the clustering key:
pk text,
start bigint,
end bigint,
extra_data text,
PRIMARY KEY ((pk), start, end)
Then Cassandra does not allow the query:
select * from test1 where pk='pk1' and start < 2000 and end > 1000;
with "Clustering column "end" cannot be restricted (preceding column "start" is restricted by a non-EQ relation)"
Why does Cassandra not allow further filtering to limit ranged rows (forces to do this filter with results application-side).
A second try would be to remove 'end' from clustering columns:
pk text,
start bigint,
end bigint,
extra_data text,
PRIMARY KEY ((pk), start)
Then Cassandra warns the query:
select * from test1 where pk='pk1' and start < 2000 and end > 1000;
with "Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING"
Here I would like to understand if I can safely add the ALLOW FILTERING and be assured Cassandra will perform the scan only of 'pk1'.
Using cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.3
Actually, I think you made the fatal mistake of designing your table first and then trying to adapt the application query to fit the table design.
In Cassandra data modelling, the primary principle is to always start by listing all your application queries THEN design a table for each of those application queries -- not the other way around.
Let's say I have an IoT use case where I have sensors collecting temperature readings once a day. If my application needs to retrieve the readings from the last 7 days from a sensor, the app query is:
Get the temperature for the last 7 days for sensor X
Assuming today is October 25, a more SQL-like representation of this app query is:
SELECT temperature FROM table
WHERE sensor = X
AND reading_date >= 2022-10-18
AND reading_date < 2022-10-25
This means that we need to design the table such that:
it is partitioned by sensor, and
the data is clustered by date.
The table schema would look like:
CREATE TABLE readings_by_sensor (
sensor text,
reading_date date,
temp float,
PRIMARY KEY (sensor, reading_date)
We can then perform a range query on the date:
SELECT temperature FROM readings_by_sensor
WHERE sensor = ?
AND reading_date >= 2022-10-18
AND reading_date < 2022-10-25
You don't need two separate columns to represent the start and end range because. Cheers!
I am trying to identify and insert only the delta records to the target hive table from pyspark program. I am using left anti join on ID columns and it's able to identify the new records successfully. But I could notice that the total number of delta records is not the same as the difference between table record count before load and afterload.
delta_df = src_df.join(tgt_df, src_df.JOIN_HASH == tgt_df.JOIN_HASH,how='leftanti')\
delta_df.count() #giving out correct delta count
But if I could see delta_df.count() is not the same as count( * ) from hivetable after writting data - count(*) from hivetable before writting data. The difference is always coming higher compared to the delta count.
I have a unique timestamp column for each load in the source, and to my surprise, the count of records in the target for the current load(grouping by unique timestamp) is less than the delta count.
I am not able to identify the issue here, do I have to write the df.write in some other way?
It was a problem with the line delimiter. When the table is created with spark.write, in SERDEPROPERTIES there is no line.delim specified and column values with * were getting split into multiple rows.
Now I added the below SERDEPROPERTIES and it stores the data correctly.
I am trying to model time series data with many sensors (> 50k) with cassandra. As I would like to do filtering on multiple sensors at the same time, I thought using the following (wide row) schema might be suitable:
time timestamp,
session_id int,
sensor text,
value float,
PRIMARY KEY((time, session_id), sensor)
If every sensor value was a column in an RDBMS, my query would ideally look like:
SELECT * FROM data WHERE sensor_1 > 10 AND sensor_2 < 2;
Translated to my cassandra schema, I assumed the query might look like:
sensor = 'sensor_1' AND
value > 10 AND
sensor = 'sensor_2' AND
value < 2;
I now have two problems:
cassandra tells me that I can filter on the sensor column only
sensor cannot be restricted by more than one relation if it
includes an Equal
Obviously, the filter on value doesn't make sense at the moment. I wouldn't know how to express the relationship
between sensor and value in the query in order to filter multiple
columns in the same (wide) row.
I do know that a solution to the first question would be to use CQL's IN clause. This however doesn't solve the second problem.
Is this scenario even suitable for cassandra?
Many thanks in advance.
You could try to use IN clause here.
So your query would be like this:
WHERE time = <time> and session_id = <session id>
AND sensor IN ('sensor_1', 'sensor_2')
AND value > 10 AND value < 2
I understand that the best way to fetch the most recent rows in Cassandra is to create my table as following:
asset_id int
date timestamp,
value decimal,
PRIMARY KEY ((asset_id), date)
Then select 1000 recent data items via:
select * from data1 where asset_id = 8 limit 1000;
The client requires the data in ascending order.
Server side is python.
Is there a way to reverse the results in CQL and not in code (i.e. python)?
Have you tried using the ORDER BY clause
select * from data1 where asset_id = 8 ORDER BY date asc limit 1000;
More information available here:
Short version: Is it possible to query for all timeuuid columns corresponding to a particular date?
More details:
I have a table defined as follows:
CREATE TABLE timetest(
key uuid,
activation_time timeuuid,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY(key,activation_time)
I have populated this with a single row, as follows (f0532ef0-2a15-11e3-b292-51843b245f21 is a timeuuid corresponding to the date 2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100):
insert into timetest (key, activation_time, value) VALUES (7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e, f0532ef0-2a15-11e3-b292-51843b245f21, 'some value');
And I can query for that row as follows:
select activation_time,dateof(activation_time) from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e
which results in the following (using cqlsh)
activation_time | dateof(activation_time)
f0532ef0-2a15-11e3-b292-51843b245f21 | 2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100
Now lets assume there's a lot of data in my table and I want to retrieve all rows where activation_time corresponds to a particular date, say 2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100.
I would have expected to be able to query for the range of all timeuuids between minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') and maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') but this doesn't seem possible (the following query returns zero rows):
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time>minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') and activation_time<=maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100');
It seems I need to use a hack whereby I increment the second date in my query (by a second) to catch the row(s), i.e.,
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time>minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') and activation_time<=maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:07+0100');
This feels wrong. Am I missing something? Is there a cleaner way to do this?
The CQL documentation discusses timeuuid functions but it's pretty short on gte/lte expressions with timeuuids, beyond:
The min/maxTimeuuid example selects all rows where the timeuuid column, t, is strictly later than 2013-01-01 00:05+0000 but strictly earlier than 2013-02-02 10:00+0000. The t >= maxTimeuuid('2013-01-01 00:05+0000') does not select a timeuuid generated exactly at 2013-01-01 00:05+0000 and is essentially equivalent to t > maxTimeuuid('2013-01-01 00:05+0000').
p.s. the following query also returns zero rows:
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time<=maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100');
and the following query returns the row(s):
select * from timetest where key=7daecb80-29b0-11e3-92ec-e291eb9d325e and activation_time>minTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100');
I'm sure the problem is that cqlsh does not display milliseconds for your timestamps
So the real timestamp is something like '2013-09-30 22:19:06.123+0100'
When you call maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06+0100') as milliseconds are missing, zero is assumed so it is the same as calling maxTimeuuid('2013-09-30 22:19:06.000+0100')
And as 22:19:06.123 > 22:19:06.000 that causes record to be filtered out.
Not directly related to answer but as an additional addon to #dimas answer.
cqlsh (version 5.0.1) seem to show the miliseconds now
2016-06-03 02:42:09.990000+0000
2016-05-28 17:07:30.244000+0000